Thursday, April 8, 2021

Breyer Account And How The Tickets Show Up

  Tonight, I want to talk a little about your Account Details Page on Breyer's website.

When you first log into your Breyer account for the day, you will first notice all of the Clubs that you belong to, if you belong to any. This will also be where the Clubs that you were a member of in the past will be.
Below the Clubs, you will see a list of all of the things ordered on your account. This is what I will be talking about tonight. When you purchase your BreyerFest tickets, that information will go into your Account Details Page. You will have an order number, the date that you paid, the price, if it is fulfilled or unfulfilled, and when it was paid. See the photos below.
BreyerFest 2021 tickets will all read unfulfilled until ticket sales end. This includes the VIP tickets. When they are marked fulfilled varies on many different factors, but they will eventually read fulfilled. Since BreyerFest 2021 is a virtual event, there will not be any physical tickets sent out so there is nothing really to fulfill the order of the actual tickets for the event.
However, later in the year and closer to the event, you will receive another order number on your account and this will show the Celebration Horse.
The shipping for BreyerFest, since we really only have last year to base it on, varies and you will get the models in time, however the order numbers might not he marked fulfilled right away.
So in conclusion, the best thing to do is ignore the fulfilled and unfulfilled parts of the account details page until after the event. If you have purchased a ticket, gotten a confirmation email, and have an order number, you are all set for the event! The Special Run Preference List for the All Access Ticket Holders will be going out in June so no need to fret over that right now. I hope that this has helped you a bit!

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