Thursday, April 8, 2021

Special Run Insight- A Tiny Bit More

*Please Note that some of this content directly relates to our Facebook Group.*

 Hello Roadies! I know, I'm back and that means I have thought of something to add for information. Between this group and the official Breyer group, I am seeing so many new names asking awesome questions about this amazing event! That is awesome! I hope to see more as the years continue. That being said, I am still seeing a ton of questions regarding the Special Runs. As always, I highly, highly recommend reading our files and the RTB Episodes of Help because they literally have the answers in them. But they are easy to miss so no worries! Let's talk about the Special Runs again.

Special Runs are models that can only be purchased by certain ticket holders during BreyerFest. This year, VIP and All Access Ticket Holders are the only ticket types that can purchase Special Run models. There are nine Special Runs and they can be viewed in our BreyerFest 2021 Album or on Breyer's website under Exclusive Models.
VIP Ticket Holders have already selected and paid for their Special Runs so we will not be talking about them in this post. We will be only talking about the All Access Tickets.
On Breyer's website, you will log into your account or make one, if you do not have one. This is a free account, unless you want to upgrade to the Collector Club. When you wish to purchase your All Access Ticket or Tickets, you will need to go to the Events tab. Under that tab, there is a Buy Tickets section. Click on that. The page will load and this is where you will purchase your ticket or tickets. You can purchase as many tickets as you like. The only limits on purchasing tickets is that Breyer states that they reserve the right to refund ticket purchases at their discretion. We do not know if there is an exact limit to how many that you can purchase. With each All Access ticket, you are able to purchase up to two Special Run models. If you would like more than two Special Runs, then you will need to purchase more than one All Access Ticket.
You will NOT be purchasing your Special Runs until the event in July. You will be ranking the Special Runs in June using the Special Run Preference List. Read on to understand a bit about the Special Run Preference List.
Once you have purchased the amount of tickets that you want, you will need to wait until June to be able to rank the Special Runs on the Preference List. In June, the email account that is linked to your Breyer account that purchased the tickets will receive an email that contains a link. This link can also be found by logging into your account and going to the Event section. This link is the Special Run Preference List. There will be two options, if you have more than one ticket. You will be able to rank the models per ticket using the individual list or you can rank them using a master list for all of your tickets. There is a complete write up of how this works in detail in the files as well as in the Post Topics section so I am going to not add it here.
The most important things to remember are that you cannot purchase two of the same Special Runs per ticket (so only one Surprise Special Run per ticket, guys), there is a possibility of getting duplicates using the Individual list, there is a possibility of not getting your top ranked models, and the choosing of which Special Runs that you end up with are based on luck.
I hope that this has helped you a little bit more in planning your adventure!

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