Thursday, April 8, 2021

Information About the Surprise Special Run

 Hello Roadies! Today, I want to take a moment and talk about the Surprise Special Run. There is always excitement over this Special Run, but let's take a look at what makes it so awesome and where it falls in with the Special Runs.

The Surprise Special Run is a unique thing to BreyerFest, really only becoming part of their line up in recent years. This Special Run will have you guessing on the mold and the color until the day that the very first one is opened. This means that Breyer will not reveal what mold the model is on or what color or colors it will be. They might give hints, but they will not release the mold or the color. At an in person BreyerFest, the mold and the colors are revealed on Friday morning, just after 10 am EDT. However, with the virtual event, we will not know the mold or colors until the first person receives their Special Runs in the mail in July.
This year, the Suprise Special Run is named the Seven Arts Surprise. There are several people that are already trying to guess which mold that it will be on and let me say, I have seen some pretty awesome and informed guesses. However, no one has even tried to guess what the colors will be. Historically, with the Surprise Special Run, there are four to five colors. There will be mostly realistic colors and perhaps a decorator. There should only be one mold, but you never know, Breyer could pull a trick on us and make it even more crazy! But that is doubtful. There will be Glossy and Matte versions on each of the released colors. We know that the total of Surprise Special Runs released will be 6500, but we do not yet know what the break down of each color will be and we will not know that break down until a few weeks after BreyerFest.
The Surprise Special Run is definitely part of the Special Run Line up and if you like rare models or just like to be surprised, then this is the model to try and get! If you have a VIP ticket, you have already set your Special Run selections in Stone and have paid for them so no need to do anything further. If you are an All Access Ticket Holder, then you will be waiting until June when the Special Run Preference List will be mailed out. No matter how you will compete your list, if you want one of these amazing and surprising Special Runs, then make sure that it is at the top of your Preference List and pray for a bit of good luck!
I hope that this has helped you understand the Surprise Special Run a bit more and as always, if you have any questions, never hesitate to ask!

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