Sunday, October 3, 2021

Back Ordered Lafayette Model Update

 Back in Spring, Breyer released a silvery black ASB model named Lafayette.  This highly anticipated model was sold differently than normal and it was offered by first come first served and back order.  Problems arose from the very beginning when some of the first people to purchase the model was told that their model was back ordered. 

However, Breyer said that these back ordered Lafayette models would be sent out in September.  But September came and there had been no update on when it would ship out.  At one point, there was a date, but that vanished and it was said that no one knew where that date came from.  There were no updates still mid month when people were wondering what exactly was going on.  Recently, people were asking on Breyer's FB Page and their group, asking what was going on.  The answer was always the same, they are coming and that they will update when they have one. Well, the end of September came and we finally have an update. 

An email was sent out to those that have the back ordered Lafayette and the update was not what everyone wanted to see, however it was finally the update that we needed to see.  Production delays and shipping issues have pushed back the date of the Lafayette models to mid December.  That was their estimate so far and they do say that they will keep everyone updated.  In this update, they had a small blurb that the Club models would be behind as well, but that was all that was said.  

So, I am going ahead and making an assumption now- The Premiere Club models and the back ordered Glossy BreyerFest models will also be affected by this delay.  I have no idea when the models will be shipped and I do not know when they will be updated as I am not in the Premiere Club, but I do have Glossy BreyerFest models on back order so I will know a bit about what is going on and will update with what I know, when I know it.  

So, in conclusion, I say to hang in there.  Your models will be coming eventually and hopefully there will be more updates soon. 

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