Sunday, October 3, 2021

So What Can The Guide Do For You?

 With the name change of the Blog and the FB Group, there have been some amazing changes that you might not know about. If you do have Facebook, I highly recommend joining the group so that you can experience the full experience of what the group has to offer you.  The FB Group is a positive community where you can learn more about the model horse community, learn more about BreyerFest, share your BreyerFest experience, and share your love of equines, and so much more!  Here in the Blog, I share the information that is posted on the Group and share a bit more personal experience with it as I am a bit more free here (Since not that many people follow the blog.). The Link to the FB Group: Kelpie's Guide To Model Horse Fests 

The Guide will ALWAYS be free.  Many model horse blogs and artists, even podcasters, are heading towards a pay to view type of platform.  While that is great that they can earn money in that way, I feel that information should always be given freely.  The information that I provide can be found online, if you know where to look and how to read between the lines.  Breyer has their own group and blog and while they release the information, people still have questions and their answers are to always read the BreyerFest Blog, even on their own Group.  I do have a few things set up, if you wish to donate to the group and even have a merchandise shop where I sell some designs as well as my model horse photography. 

So what do I do during the "off" season for BreyerFest information?  This year, since BreyerFest 2022 is about Germany, I have been posting information about German Horse Breeds and German mythology. I will be posting it here to the Blog as well now that I have more time to sit down and blog.  I also try to upload Youtube videos that have information about what to expect at BreyerFest, but since we are so unsure as to what is going on right now with BreyerFest 2022, I am not doing that this season.  

So, The Guide is always here to answer your questions and your friendly Kelpie is here to help you get started in the Model Horse Hobby as well as learning about BreyerFest. I hope that you will stick with me as I delve into the new to me world of blogging about plastic ponies and not watching what I have to say. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! 

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