Friday, October 8, 2021

The All Access BreyerFest Second Chance Sale Information

 All Access Ticket Holders:

**YOU MUST HAVE PURCHASED AN ALL ACCESS TICKET FOR BREYERFEST IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SALE/LOTTERY. This was the $75 ticket that allowed you to purchase the Special Runs during BreyerFest. No other ticket will be able to access this sale.** No matter how many All Access Tickets that you purchased on your Breyer Account, you can only enter for the lottery ONCE in order to keep it fair. **
Please check your emails and enter for the All Access Second Chance Sale Lottery.

Per the Email:
We’re excited to be able to offer our BreyerFest All-Access ticket holders the chance to get some more of the exciting Special Runs, Limited Editions, and merchandise from BreyerFest: Horse of a Different Color!
All of our All-Access ticket holders will have an opportunity to shop the Limited Editions and BF21 merchandise, however, because the Special Run inventory is very limited, we are going to have a lottery for those who wish to enter for a chance to purchase one (1) special run model.
We have some quantities of the following models available:
• The Seven Arts Surprise
• Tassili
• Gran Cavallo
• Pech Merle
We will accept entries through Sunday night, October 10th, and notify those selected no later than Tuesday, October 12th.
The sale will open on Wednesday, October 13th at approximately 11:30am EDT. Those who have been selected for the opportunity to purchase a Special Run will be notified prior to the sale opening. Quantities of the Special Runs, as well as some of the Limited Editions, are limited, and may sell out very quickly. So be ready! We will also have some great BreyerFest merchandise – perfect for gift giving this holiday season!
Join us for a last chance to experience the shopping of BreyerFest 2021: Horse of a Different Color!
Link to the lottery and the sale information: All Access Second Chance Sale Link

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