Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Buying Models with the Online Stablemate Access Ticket, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Buying Models With An Online Stablemate Access Ticket, That Is!

In this next series of posts, I will be going over exactly how to purchase the Limited Edition and Special Run Models with each ticket type during BreyerFest. The fifth and final ticket type that we are going to go over is the Online Stablemate Access Ticket.

With the Online Stablemate Access Ticket, you are not able to purchase Special Runs. However, you are able to purchase the Limited Editions during BreyerFest. In order to purchase these models, you will need to either head to the BreyerFest Store at the event or the BreyerFest Store on the Breyer website.

The tax is extra for those models purchased off of the BreyerFest Store on the Breyer website as well as shipping to your location.

During the event, you are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want through the BreyerFest Store. Limited Editions are not limited in how many someone can purchase (they are limited in quantity though). Just head through the BreyerFest Store during BreyerFest and you can buy those awesome Limited Editions.

Online Tickets do not come with physical tickets. Your account is your ticket.

And Lastly-

You will be paying for your BreyerFest purchases through Breyer in the typical ways that you purchase models on the Breyer website. If you are purchasing through a vendor, make sure to check which type of payment that they take- not everyone takes PayPal anymore. 

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