Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Let's Talk BreyerFest...The Special Run Preference List, That Is!

 Let's Talk BreyerFest...The Special Run Preference List, That Is!

The Special Run Preference List is one of the most fretted about and talked about aspect of BreyerFest and to those that have never filled it out, it can seem confusing and just plain crazy! However, I am here to tell you that it really takes more to explain and think about than it does to actually complete the list.

Buying Special Runs with the Special Run Preference List is not that hard, but it does have a learning curve and it takes way more time to explain it than it does to actually experience it. So exactly how are you going to be buying these models?! You will be using the Special Run Preference List! This hard to explain, but easy to actually fill out list has been used since 2020 and is currently the standard in how to select and receive your Special Runs, to a degree. So how does it all work? First, in order to use this Special Run Preference List, you will need to purchase your Online Traditional Access Ticket before May 14th*. If you purchase your ticket after May 14th*, you will not be using the Special Run Preference List. After the cut off date, you will receive randomly selected models, if you are an Online Traditional Access Ticket Holder and the All Access Ticket Holder will receive Wild Card Redemption Tickets.

*May 14th is the date that is listed on the Breyer website for the All Access Ticket and no other ticket. You can see this information on the Ticket Purchasing page for the All Access Ticket.

Special Run Preference List:

This list allows you to rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them and then send that list back to Breyer to let them know how you would select them. This list does not guarantee that you will receive those models in that order by any means. It is just a list to tell Breyer how you would rank and purchase these models. After May 14th, you will receive an email with a link that will take you to a page on the Breyer website that will list all of the Special Runs and their prices available to you (in person has access to all of them and Online Traditional Access have access to only four). You will scroll down and see that you have two choices- a Master List or an Individual List.

The Master List allows you to rank the Special Runs for all of the tickets on your account in one place. This list is great to use if you are looking to not get as many duplicates. You will see as many number 1s through number 9s (or 4s for the online traditional access ticket) for however many tickets that you have on your account. No one is able to tell you how you want to rank the Special Runs and no one can predict exactly which ones will cost more, if you are looking to resell. Fill out the list in the ranking order that you want and make sure to submit the List. Breyer will accept the last list submitted so you are able to change it many times. You will see the option “No Other Options” or something like that and people will tell you to use that if you do not want any other models, but please use this option with caution- You could NOT receive a model!

The Individual List allows you to make a separate list for each ticket on your account. This list is great to use if you want greater control over the models that you want to receive and do not mind duplicates. You will be filling out a list for each ticket so you are able to change the rankings for each list. No one is able to tell you how you want to rank the models and no one can predict which ones will cost more to resell. Rank the Special Runs to your liking! You are able to submit the lists as many times as you want, Breyer will accept the last list submitted. You will see the option “No Other Options” or something like that and people will tell you to use that if you do not want any other models, but please use this option with caution- You could NOT receive a model!

*Please Note: No one can tell you how you want to fill out this list. Right now, no one knows exactly what these models will sell for on the second hand market and no one knows what you have in mind for your own collection. If you want duplicates of one model, the best way to go is the Individual List. If you do not want duplicates, the Master List is the best way to go.

Typically, you will have around 2 weeks in order to complete the Special Run Preference List and return it to Breyer. If you miss this step or you do not want to fill out a list, you will have random Special Runs selected for your account.

You will be paying for these models during BreyerFest and not before. At the time of the Special Run Preference List, you are just ranking the Special Runs and nothing else. 

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