Saturday, February 27, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help Episode 8


RTB Episodes of Help Episode 8

The Episode Where I Address Questions About The Event

Welcome back to another episode of RTB Episodes of Help, Roadies! BreyerFest brings together so many different people, including those that love plastic ponies and those that love real horses. But it also brings forward questions that many people have about the event. Here in RTB, I do my best to go over the basics of BreyerFest in the beginning many times because well, it can be confusing at the best of times!

I see a lot of repeat questions all over all of the groups and many people get a bit crabby sometimes when the same questions are asked repeatedly. This is a huge reason that I have created and maintain the files here in the group. If a question is submitted and I have not seen it before, I will add it to the FAQs here in this group. All that I ask is that you search the group before you submit a question because your question might be answered already. When a question that is submitted that I know has been asked and has an answer in the group, I will politely decline the post, but I will always give feed back with that decline that will tell you either the answer or where you can find the answer. If you feel the need to ask the question again, I ask you to please message me so that I can share either a link to the answer or a screenshot of the answer. RTB is always here to help and we have seen so many questions and answered them so we have devised the files to help answer the majority of the questions that we see.

That being said, there are likely still questions, especially if you are new to the group or new to BreyerFest. So, I will use this spot as a place to answer the burning BreyerFest questions that are on the group. All of these answers are on the group under the BreyerFest Virtual Event Planning Post Topic as well as the Files.

Is BreyerFest virtual again? *BreyerFest 2021 is virtual and takes place on Breyer's website.

What are the dates for BreyerFest and the times? *BreyerFest 2021 is July 16, 17, and 18 from 10 AM EDT Friday morning until 4 PM EDT Sunday afternoon.

What time zone is BreyerFest in? *All times for BreyerFest is in Eastern Daylight Time.

How much do Tickets cost? *Ticket prices are as follows: VIP $230, All Access $75, and General Admission $20

How much do the models cost? *All prices for the models can be found in the Price List file here in the group. This is also where you can find the prices of the previous year's models.

Do I need to pay for the models now? *If you purchase an All Access or a General Admission Ticket, you only need to purchase the ticket before July.

How do I buy the Special Runs? *All Access Special Runs will be chosen via a Preference List. More information about the Preference List will be coming soon in the files.

Can I buy the whole set of Event Stablemates? *The Event Stablemate Set is available to purchase now after you have already purchased an All Access or a General Admission ticket.

What is the All Access Ticket? *All Access ticket is what used to be the Three Day Ticket. There is no child's ticket this year. This ticket comes with the following: One Celebration Horse model, Access to purchase up to two Special Runs via the Preference List, Access to purchase the Limited Edition Models, access to the event for all three days, access to participate in the contests, access to participate in the model horse shows for an added fee, access to participate in the workshops for an added fee.

What is the General Admission Ticket? *General Admission ticket is what used to be the Single Day Ticket. There is no one day access to the event this year. This ticket comes iwth the following: ONE Randomly selected Event Stablemate, Access to purchase the Limited Edition Models, and access to the event for all three days.

Will there be a cart timer to buy models during BreyerFest? *Breyer uses Shopify as a web host and Shopify does not offer a cart timer.

How many tickets can I buy? *You are able to purchase as many tickets as you want on one account, however keep in mind that Breyer did say that they reserve the right to refund ticket purchases at their discretion.

When can I buy the models? *Unless you have a VIP ticket, you do NOT purchase any of the Special Runs or Limited Edition models until July.

How many Limited Edition Models can I buy during the event? *You are able to purchase as many Limited Edition models at the event as you want, however you will need to purchase them one at a time. One transaction per model.

What are the Event Stablemates? *The Event Stablemates were what used to be the Single Day Stablemates. This is a four pack of models that can be purchased as an add on with the General Admission tickets or the All Access Tickets. The whole set comes with the VIP ticket. With each General Admission ticket, you get ONE random Event Stablemate.

Which set of Stablemates are the Limited Edition ones? *The Best of BreyerFest series 2 Stablemates is a limited edition model and can be back ordered during the event. This is a set of five Stablemates that are normal horse colors.

When will my models be shipped? All models that come with the tickets or purchased during the event will be shipped out in July. This includes the VIP ticket holder models.

What is the code for Collector Club members to save on BreyerFest tickets and how much of a discount is it? CCSAVEBF2021 it saves you $2.50

Has the information for the Breyer Model Shows been released? This information will be released in March and it will be a photo show. It does cost extra. You need to have a VIP or an All Access Ticket in order to participate in the shows.

What contests are there from Breyer? There is a Diorama Contest, a Costume Contest, and the Best Customs contest. You absolutely need to read the rules from Breyer,

How much is shipping? Domestic – FREE shipping

    • Canada, Alaska & Hawaii - $10 flat rate shipping

    • All other International - $25 flat rate shipping

  • VIP All-Access tickets will not be charged shipping (domestic or international).

    • Models ordered on VIP tickets will ship in July.

How will my models be shipped? The answer on the Breyer website is the best answer for this:

  • We will use the most efficient and cost-effective shipping methods possible over the course of the event. We want to make sure all your purchases and event models arrive to you safely.

  • International and Canadian customers: A shipping charge will be applied to each order that you check out. However, orders will be consolidated and you will be refunded for shipping overages. You will only be charged shipping on the number of shipments that are actually sent to you, regardless of the number of orders you place during BreyerFest weekend.

  • Models ordered on VIP tickets will ship in July.

  • Event Stablemates 4-packs will ship in July.

  • Backordered Limited Edition models will ship to customers in late December. These models are not guaranteed to arrive in time for the holidays.

I am ending this episode here before it gets way too long, but have no fear! All of your questions are answered in the files so definitely make sure to check that out. Here are the ways to get to the files, no matter what device that you use:

Desktop or Laptop: When you first get to the group, you will see a line of words under the Group picture. Those words include rooms, announcements, about, discussion, things of that nature. If you look all the way to the right, you will see the word file or media. If you see media, you will need to click on that until you see the word file. Once you see the word file, click on it. This will then take you to a screen that lists all of the current files in the group. From there, you can select the file that you wish to read and click on the title. Once you click on the title, you will be taken to a screen that shows the picture of a horse with the title once again and a brief description. Click on the horse and the file will load in! It sounds much more complicated than it is!

Mobile devices: When you first go to the group, you will see a line of words under the group picture. These words are black and highlighted in grey. Scroll over to where you see the word Files. Click on that word and you will be taken to a list that shows all of the files in the group. Click on the file that you want to read. You will then be taken to a screen that shows a picture of a horse and the title of the file. Click on the horse and the file will load up.

The files were created to answer any questions that might come up and are constantly being edited to add more questions and answers to them so definitely make sure to take a look at them today! 


Friday, February 26, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help Episode 7

RTB Episodes of Help Episode 7

The Episode Where I Finally Go Over The Tickets And What Will Happen

So, I have explained the Special Run Preference List, the Limited Editions, what will happen during BreyerFest, what other people will be doing, and what RTB will be doing during BreyerFest, but I still have so much more to go over. Because BreyerFest is that awesome!

This episode will be the tickets and what comes with each of them and what you can do with them and all of that good stuff. This episode will also go over when you will be able to purchase the models and when you will be able to log into the website and more. Do keep in mind that there is still a lot of information that has not been released yet. I mean A LOT has NOT been released yet and if you are anything like me, you are chomping at the bit to learn more about what is going to happen during July.

The first ticket that I am going to go over is the General Admission Ticket. That’s right, I am starting at the lowest cost and working my way up. The General Admission is a ticket that allows you access to the events for three days. This ticket also comes with one randomly selected Event Stablemate. This stablemate will be sent to the address that is on file on your Breyer Account on their website. With this ticket, you are able to purchase the Limited Edition Models (Queen of Hearts, Favrile, Best of BreyerFest Series 2, etc) and BreyerFest merchandise, as well as the normal items that are on the Breyer website. You are able to watch the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance as well as tune into the Seminars and the Hands On Hobby Demonstrations, even the Equus Film Festival, which are films that focus mainly on horses. This ticket costs $20. Once you have purchased this ticket on your Breyer Account, you are able to add on a whole set of the Event Stablemates, if you would like. This add on package of the Stablemates will need to be paid for after you purchase your ticket, however those are the only models that you will pay for before July. With the General Admission Ticket, you do NOT have access to purchase the Special Run Models or enter into any of the Breyer contests. You are also not able to participate in the Breyer Model Shows. Information regarding the Raffles has not been released yet, so hang in there regarding that information. This ticket is best for those that just want to purchase the Limited Edition models and want to see what is going on during BreyerFest on the Breyer website. There are no set limits on how many tickets that you can purchase, however Breyer has made a statement that they reserve the right to refund any ticket purchases, if needed.

The next ticket option is the All Access Ticket. This ticket is exactly the same as what the Three Day Tickets were in the past years. With this ticket, you will get access to all three days of the event on the Breyer website. This ticket comes with the Celebration Horse model, Danash’s Northern Tempest. With this ticket, you are able to purchase up to two of the Special Runs via the Preference List. Special Runs purchased must be two different models. You will not be paying for your Special Runs until the actual event in July, but you will be sending in your Preference List in mid-June. Make sure to read up on the Special Run Preference List to learn more about it. You will also be able to purchase the Limited Edition models with this ticket. With the All Access Ticket, you are able to participate in the contests from Breyer (limitations do apply so definitely make sure to read the rules and regulations on the Breyer website), you are able to purchase entry into the Breyer Model Horse Shows (information about the shows will be released in March), you are able to participate in the workshops (the list of the workshops have been released, but the supply lists have not been released yet), you are able to view the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, the Seminars, and the Hands On Hobby Demonstrations. This ticket costs $75. Once you have purchased this ticket on your Breyer Account, you are then able to add on the entire set of Event Stablemates, like the General Admission Ticket Holders can do. This set costs $80 and must be paid for after you purchase the ticket, if you wish to add this. The models will not be shipped out until July and will be sent to the address on file on your Breyer Account. This ticket is best for those that want all the ponies as well as being able to experience everything! There are no set limits on how many tickets that you can purchase, however Breyer has made a statement that they reserve the right to refund any ticket purchases, if needed.

And last, but certainly not least is the VIP All Access Ticket. Known as the VIP ticket, this ticket is the crème de la crème of the BreyerFest tickets. Supply was exceedingly limited, only 1000 tickets were available to the public. 800 tickets were sold via a lottery on the Breyer website. This lottery was open to all account holders, not just those that were Collector Club members. The remaining 200 were available to purchase via a first come, first served event and sold out in less than 6 minutes on February 1st. The cost of just the ticket was $230. However, if you were able to purchase one of these tickets, you were required to pay for two Special Run models and two Limited Edition models at the time of the purchase so this ticket could potentially cost around $600. With this ticket, you will be getting one Celebration Horse Model and one full set of the Event Stablemates. You are also able to purchase all of the Limited Editions, not just the two that you chose when you paid for the ticket. With this ticket, you also will be getting an exlusive VIP Swag Bag, however we do NOT know what is in this bag just yet so hang in there! You will be able to enter the contests from Breyer, enter the Breyer Model Horse Shows, participate in the workshops, have access to exclusive workshops, participate in the seminars and the demonstrations, and watch the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance. With this ticket, you will be able to do everything that will be available during BreyerFest from the Breyer website. As I mentioned before, this ticket is the best of the best and is for those that just have to experience everything that BreyerFest has to offer from Breyer.

There are still some unknowns that have not been announced yet, like the Raffles and how they will work, if there will be swag sold before the event, and all what will be available on the website. We also still do not know what the plushie will look like or the single Limited Edition Stablemate. Hopefully all of this information will be released soon, however we do still have around 3 months left before the event.

The Breyer Model Horse Show information will be released in March some time. It does cost extra to enter though and you must have a VIP or an All Access Ticket.

All models from the tickets or that is purchased during BreyerFest will be sent out in July and will be sent to the address that is on file on the Breyer website under your account. The models will be sent in whatever is best for Breyer. Shipping costs are listed under the FAQs on Breyer’s website.

There are no actual physical tickets that will be sent out as this is an online event. On the website, the order number will read unfulfilled until July when the models are shipped out. The program will be digital and will be able to be printed out, however there will not be a physical copy made for the event.

I think that I have covered everything that is ticket related in this episode and I sure hope that it has helped you! Whew, this was a long episode! I am sorry for that.


Thursday, February 25, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help Episode 6


RTB Episodes of Help Episode 6

The Episode That Talks About What RTB Can Do During BreyerFest and What We Can’t Do

Hello Roadies! In this episode, I am going to go over what I can do and what I cannot do through RTB for BreyerFest and during the event. As I have mentioned many times, I am still only a fan. The group is ran and maintained by BreyerFest veterans and fans that have experience with the in person events. With the switch to a virtual format, even we are left scrambling to keep up with the changes. None of the information is being released in advance and that is perfectly understandable as they want to have everything set in somewhat stone before it is released. So what exactly can I do here for you for BreyerFest and beyond?

With the creation of Breyer’s official group, I am sure that I have lost many members to that. However, when I was told that they were creating the group, I was assured that nothing would change and that they would be an information only type group to share their information and answer questions directly related to BreyerFest. RTB is a group that not only answers your questions about BreyerFest, but we will give you personal experiences and offer a community to answer your questions where myself and my other admins might not have the answer. During BreyerFest last year, I offered as much customer support as I could since I am not an employee of Breyer. I had created a thread of just customer complaints that I had sent to Breyer. I am not exactly sure where it ended up, however I have went on to create a page just for Model Horse Complaints so that it can all be in one general location now. No matter what happens, RTB will be here to help those that want a positive based community and help from those that have experience is all things BreyerFest.

This year, I will be offering the same types of support that I did last year. But what does that mean? I will be online as much as I can be, but do keep in mind that I have a horse and a Tiny Human so they do interrupt my life. I will have the group pulled up on my phone, if I need to leave the computer room, and I will be posting a direct email link to me, if you should need help. This email link is always available, if you just want to talk or even ask a question that you might want to be anonymous. Last year, I went Live on the FB group every morning before the event opened up and then stayed Live for as long as my internet allowed me. I also went Live in the evenings and did a wrap up type of event. This year, I know that not everyone has FB, so I will be linking my personal Discord server. More about the Discord server later. I also run a Blog that shares information as well as a Proboards that are always monitored and checked on, should anyone have friends that do not have FB. Now, what can I do since I am just a fan? I can do my best to walk you through any website glitches or snags that you might have. I can not diagnose the issues, but I can tell you basic ways to attempt to fix it before reaching out to Breyer’s Customer Service. I will also have all of the information on hand to answer a question right away during the event so you do not need to switch between windows often. Let me be the one to switch between windows and be crazy chaotic for you! I am always here to support you, but do note that I will be quite a bad influence! I will tell you to BUY THE PONY!

However, sadly, there are things that I cannot do during the event. Since I do not work for Breyer, I cannot tell you when things will ship other than what is posted on the website. Unless the information is on the website or is following the same pattern as last year, I cannot tell you sadly. Do I wish that I could? Heck yeah! Because how awesome would that be?! I cannot tell you why something was refunded, if it was, or why your cart is not working the way that it should be. I can offer links that might work as ways to get around the bottlenecking and I can offer direct email addresses and Breyer’s phone number, if needed. I can’t explain why things happen other than taking an educated guess. Being just a hardcore fan, there is not much that I can do with a virtual event, especially since this is still new to everyone. I only wish that I could do more!

But I can always be there for you, as a friend, a fellow hobbyist, and someone to tell you to just buy the pony! The group will be there to announce when things have gone on sale and those will then be posted to our Proboards and Discord for those that do not have FB. RTB is a positive place where you can share your purchases or what you created with no worries if you will get hate or harshly critiqued without asking for it. RTB is a place where you can show off your collection with no worries about someone complaining about how much money you spent or did not spend, especially since we have all been there before! While we may not have all of the answers right now, we do have the means to help you find the answers.

I hope that this has help you with knowing what we can and can’t do here in the group, although it was a bit chaotic! Make sure to tell your friends about us, if they are not already here, so they can join in the fun! I am working to have more small giveaways and contests since I do have stickers that were meant to be given out at an in person event. I also do have some merch that I sell for the group that is based on the mascot, but does not have the name of the group so that there can be no issues with it at all, so if you’d like that link just let me know since I never push sales on anyone. I am always here to talk to and will support you in the hobby as much as I can, as I am sure many people in this group will do as well. Now for that email: RoadToBreyerFest@ Gmail . Com, just make sure that there are no spaces. 


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help Episode 5


RTB Episodes of Help Episode 5

The Episode That Chaotically Describes What Will Be Available on the Breyer Website for BreyerFest

This is going to be a long episode, Roadies, so hang in there! I am writing down my notes in the RTB Notebook from last year and I am realizing just how much stuff was on the Breyer website during BreyerFest. It was a lot more than I thought was going to be on there because even I was asking myself last year, just what can a virtual event provide? Sure I was sitting in my computer chair in my stuffy computer room with a fan blowing on me and a crazy looking cup in my hand, but I was thoroughly entertained by everything that even I was able to see and do. So let’s get into what happened last year so that we can get an idea of what do expect for this year!

This episode will focus on what happened on the website last year and will attempt to see what will happen this year. For 2021, we only know what has been posted on the BreyerFest Blog so far so some of what happened in 2020 might not happen this year. Remember to read the BreyerFest Blog to keep up to date or even just stick with me as I always share the official links from Breyer when new information is released.

Last year, Breyer not only introduced us to all of the horses that had their models available to purchase at BreyerFest, but we got to see so many other breeds of horses as well. There were two places where we could see these horses on their website. There was a Breeds Barn type of section where we were able to videos from some amazing breeds that included some super cute ponies! There was also a Covered Arena section where we got to see some amazing demonstrations that showcased several different breeds and riding disciplines as well. The advertised horses like Benelli, Cheesecake, and Top Gun all had their own page with a few other horses that had been either made into models that year like Adiah HP and even the Temple Lipizzaners. So there was plenty of horses to see and learn about during BreyerFest.

We also were treated to some amazing videos in the Covered Arena section that were not just horse related. There was an amazing band that provided some awesome music and even a short movie put together by the Knights of Valor! Both of these, while not directly horse related, were quite awesome to watch and rewatch, especially when your husband loves the Celtic history more than you.

The Celebration of Horses Evening Performance was released to Three Day Ticket Holders last year, but this year will be available to everyone that has a ticket. This is a show that I will always highly recommend because it is normally quite visually stunning and showcases horses in a light that not many people get to see them in. This performance will premiere on Friday night at 6 PM EDT during the event in July and will likely have it’s own link on the website.

Surely you must be asking what you can do besides just watch horses and demonstrations. Well, Breyer offers a selection of seminars and hobby demonstrations that are free to all ticket holders. The list for them has not been announced yet this year, however they normally include a seminar about wild horses, Sargent Reckless, and how to collect model horses. The hobby demonstrations show customizers at work while they remodel and repaint model horses or even make tack as well. There is also an Equus Film Festival that will be available to all ticket holders that will provide a variety of free equine themed movies for the event.

There is the Artisan’s Gallery as well. This set of links are links to some of the best artists out there in the hobby today. These pieces of artwork can be painted models, resin models, or even artwork of horses that awe and delight.

While the event is virtual, there is still an online concourse of where models will be sold. Last year, it did not work properly, however this year there are high hopes that this set of links will showcase some of the awesome Breyer dealers and sellers that are in the hobby. So definitely make sure to check them out this year!

This year, there will be a virtual swap meet. It appears that this will work the same as the Artisan’s Gallery and be a collection of links to those that are selling models or trading models. This was not available for last year, so we will see how it works for this year!

During the event, you are able to purchase everything off of the website that you would normally be able to purchase as well so keep that in mind. Last year, the shipping for BreyerFest models also was applied to the rest of the website so that became a great time to purchase those models that you had been holding out to purchase until there was a sale. While this is not a sale per say, the shipping should be drastically reduced to those that live outside of the continental US. You can read up on the complete shipping information on our FAQs as well as Breyer’s FAQs on their website.

I think that about covers what Breyer has to offer, but I am certain that there is going to be much more available this year since the planning for a virtual event started much sooner. As soon as we know what all is being added and showcased, I will definitely post it here in the group. I hope that you enjoyed this chaotic, almost flashback type of episode since I did feel that it needed to be said. 


RTB Episodes of Help Bonus Episode


RTB Episodes of Help Bonus Episode
The Episode Where I Talk About Workshops and other Things
Let's talk Workshops for a moment. Workshops have grown in popularity in recent years, in my experience, and have become a very sought after part of BreyerFest every year. So much so that they sell out quick during in person events. But the virtual event of 2020 presented some problems with the workshops that were corrected this year.
Last year, the workshops were free and available to everyone that had a BreyerFest ticket, no matter what ticket type that you have purchased. The workshop supply list was posted about two weeks before the event and when the workshops were posted, Breyer kept them up for over a month. In fact, I think that some of them are still on the website event.
This year, the information that we have on the workshops is still limited to a degree. When they were first announced, they were announced as being an added cost to All Access and VIP Ticket Holders, with certain free workshops being available to VIP Ticket holders. However, that has now been amended and workshops are available to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders free of charge. There are still other free workshops that will be available to VIP ticket holders as well. The Workshops have been announced and the list is in the files, however the Supply Lists have not been revealed yet and likely will not until much closer to the event.
Breyer states that these are pre-recorded workshops and will be available all weekend long to the VIP and the All Access Ticket Holders. But we do not know if they will be available after the event, as they were last year. I am sure that more information will be released closer to the event about how long they will be available. You can read more about workshops on Breyer's website under the What To Expect During a Vritual Event tab under the Events Tab or you can check out our Workshops file here in the group.
If you have a General Admission ticket, you will not have access to the workshops, however you will have access to the Seminars and the Hands on Hobby Demonstrations that will be posted during BreyerFest on the Breyer website. These seminars range from learning about wild horses to learning how to organize your collection and so much more. The Hands On Hobby Demonstrations will show artists doing what they do best- making awesome models or even tack! There is a lot of information in these seminars and demonstrations and are a great place to get your feet wet in the Model Horse Hobby! More information will be posted about these seminars and demonstrations leading up to the big event in July and I will definitely post it here!
Also, as a side note, Breyer Boot Camp is a completely separate event than BreyerFest. The lovely ladies that work hard to plan BreyerFest do plan this event as well, but the events are completely different.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help 4


Road To BreyerFest Episode 4

The Episode of What Can I Do During A Virtual Event

You might be wondering what you can do during a virtual event and giving your devices the stink eye while thinking about how addicted you will look to your unsuspecting family and friends. Well, there is actually a lot that you can do during a virtual event and I am here to help you!

First, with the virtual event, you are able to view the videos that will be placed on Breyer’s website at any time of the day or night during BreyerFest weekend in July. The website does not technically close at night so no matter what time you log into the website, you will be able to see the videos. This includes the Workshops, the Seminars, and the Equus Film Festival. They are available all weekend long.

Besides buying models, there are a ton of things to do during BreyerFest. But buying models is the best part of the event! Yup, but I will get to that here soon, trust the process. Breyer offers a lot to do during and leading up to the event. There are the model horse shows, which do cost extra. The shows do cost extra and the exact price as well as the rules and regulations will be announced in March, or so Breyer states. There are the contests as well, but make sure to read the rules and regulations as there are certain states and areas that are not allowed to participate as well as certain restrictions of what you can base your diorama, costume, or custom off of for the event. The links to the contests are all over the group by now and I will be making an episode on them as well. Breyer offers workshops for those with a VIP and an All Access Ticket and these are videos of how to make some pretty awesome things by some pretty awesome artists or how to show your plastic ponies by some amazing hobbyists! If you have a ticket that is able, I always recommend taking a look at them. Breyer also offers seminars and hobby demonstrations that are free to all ticket holders. No matter what ticket you have purchased, make sure to take advantage of these free activities during the weekend. Last, but definitely not least from Breyer is my favorite event, the Celebration of Horses Evening Event. If you have not been to a BreyerFest with me, you need to be very thankful! I am the one in the stands that screams every time that she seems something that she enjoys because well, it is an awesome show! This year, it will be released on Friday, July 16th at 6 PM EDT and will be available to all ticket holders. I highly recommend watching it and know that I am making my poor husband and Tiny Human suffer, I mean watch it with me.

But what else will happen? BreyerFest is not the only thing that happens that weekend. No, there are a variety of sales and events that happen during this time frame. Top named artists release the majority of the sales during this weekend and have their own events on their Facebook pages or their websites. Many of the Facebook Groups offered a Clarion Type room sales in their albums so people can browse what others have for sale or offer what they have for sale as well. Our own sale and trade group, Road To BreyerFest Sales and Trades, offer a Clarion Type event as well as a Swap Meet type event and I am currently working on the rule sets for each one. There are normally a ton of Zoom meet ups as well as small internet get togethers, especially here in RTB. There is so much possibility in this weekend, but what else can we do?

For BreyerFest weekend in July, Road To BreyerFest will be here to not only help you with all of your questions regarding BreyerFest information, but I am going to be hosting many Lives on the group, opening up the Rooms in the group for others to hold events, I am posting my personal Discord server so that there can be voice and video chats with many of your friends, and I am going to be offering contests of my own. Will my contests have prizes? I have absolutely no idea right now because frankly, I have not started the planning on them just yet. But know that I will be making this weekend in July one of the best weekends that I can during a virtual event! I am currently not using Zoom or Google Meets because I feel that they can be too restricting at this time, however I am definitely going to be including ways that everyone can meet up, even if it is through talking, in order to share this event with all of your friends!

As BreyerFest weekend grows closer, I will be posting more of these other events this year. Last year, I focused strongly on Breyer and that was awesome, however there is much more that happens during that weekend other than BreyerFest and I want to help everyone experience the fun of it all. So I hope that you will stick with me as we explore all the fun that this type of event offers and know that no matter what, I will be by your side to help you through all of this craziness!

Monday, February 22, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help 2


Road To BreyerFest Episode Two: The Special Run Preference List
Welcome to Episode Two, Roadies! If you are new here, welcome and I hope that you have an amazing time. In this episode, we are going to talk about the Preference List. Whether you love or hate this list, this episode will help you decode the information that was provided by Breyer and apply it to best help you during the event in July. So let’s get started!
Just what is the Preference List? The Preference List is how the Special Runs will be sold for all of the All Access Tickets during BreyerFest in July. This year, there are no Time Slots so you absolutely do not need to worry about that for 2021. When you purchase an All Access Ticket, you are allowed to purchase up to two Special Run models. These models are as follows: Uffington, Peche Merle, Pollock, Seven Arts Suprise, Ansel, Knossos, Gran Cavallo, Seurat, and Tassili. The prices on these models vary and can be found in the BreyerFest 2021 Album here in the group as well as on Breyer’s website under Exclusive Models. When you purchase your two models (per ticket), you are required to select two different models. They cannot be two of the same type, so you cannot chose two of the surprise models or two Pollocks. You will not be actually purchasing these models until BreyerFest in July. The Preference List is an email with a link to a page on Breyer’s website that will allow you to rank the Special Run models according to your preferences.
Ok, but how does it work? When you log into your account and go to that page in early June, you will have two options. These two options are Master List and Individual List. Breyer will tell you that if you do not want to get duplicates and have more than one ticket, you will be better off using the Master List. However, after experiencing this type of purchasing last year, I will always recommend the Individual List. You might get duplicates, but the Individual List was not affected by many of the glitches that happened last year, which might not happen this year at all. However, this is how each of them will work:
The Master List is an option if you have purchased more than one All Access Ticket on your account. This list will ask you to rank all of the Special Runs for each of your tickets in one list. Your favorite model should be placed at the top of your list and the one that you like the least should be placed near the bottom. How the lists work and how to purchase them will be placed under these two sections so hang in there a moment.
The Individual List is an option for well, all of your tickets, even if you have more than one. However, this will allow you to set your preferences for each ticket that you have purchased on your account. So there will be more than one list that you will be filling out, if you have more than one ticket. The premise is the same, you will need to fill out the list with your favorite first and your least favorite last. But you will need to do this for each ticket. You could potentially get duplicates, like I did for 2020, but this list had the least amount of glitches during the first year. Granted, all of these glitches will very likely be fixed and I look forward to seeing how it will run this year.
Now, you have read about the Master List and the Individual List and once you have decided, you will then turn in your list to Breyer, You will be able to edit this list for the week or two that it is up. The last list that is turned in will be the list that is used for the selection. If you do not fill out these lists, you will still receive models, but they will be absolutely randomly chosen and you might not receive anything that you had your sights set on so make sure to fill out these lists when the email arrives or when the link is posted in one of the groups, if you do not want to follow this group. After the time period ends for submitting your lists, Breyer will use these lists to randomly assign the Special Run models to your account. This will be done all by random and using your order numbers as your ticket numbers. On Friday July 16, the models will be available in your Breyer Account to purchase. These models cannot be sold out of your cart and you will have until Sunday at 4 PM EDT (so far as we know) to purchase them so make sure to do so.
I hope that this episode has helped you understand the Special Run Preference List a bit more and you can always read up more on it with our files as well as Breyer’s FAQs on their website. Thank you for joining in and I hope that you have an amazing day!

RTB Episode of Help 3


Road To BreyerFest Episodes of Help
Episode Three: Model Descriptions and How To Get Them
Welcome back to Road To BreyerFest! In this episode, I will be going over all of the model types that are available during BreyerFest, their terms, and how to get them. These terms have changed this year so it has become crazy confusing! I am hoping to help clear up the confusion in this episode.
First up, we have the Event models. These Event models are the models that will come with your tickets. The models and their descriptions are:
    The Celebration Horse is one of the Event models. The Celebration Horse this year is Danash’s Northern Tempest or Dani. This lovely Appaloosa/ Friesian cross is on the Cantering Warmblood mold and is available to those that have a VIP ticket or an All Access Ticket. The Celebration Model is what used to be available to the Three Day Models. You will receive one Celebration Model with each ticket that you purchase and is included in your ticket price. The model is valued at $50 from Breyer.
   The Event Stablemates are the stablemate models that are available as a set with the VIP ticket and as a random one per General Admission ticket. This is where it will get a bit confusing: You are able to purchase one set of the Event Stablemates per account if you have already purchased an All Access Ticket or a General Admission ticket. This is an add on and must be paid for when you add it to your cart. If you do not purchase this set, then you will get one randomly selected Event Stablemate for each General Admission Ticket that you purchase. You might get duplicates if you purchase multiple General Admission Tickets so that is not a viable option to try and get the whole set.
Next up, we have the Special Run models. These models have not changed name. These models are available to any ticket holder that has a VIP or an All Access Ticket. With the VIP ticket, you were required to select and pay for two Special Runs in advance. These had to be two different type of models and could not be two of the same. With the All Access Ticket, you will be able to purchase up to two Special Runs per ticket. You are able to have more than one ticket per account and there is no set limit that we know about. With the All Access Ticket, you will receive an email some time in June that will take you to the Preference List and there you will rank the Special Runs in order of how you like them. You can read up more about the Special Run Preference List in the previous episode as well as in our Special Run Preference List file and our RTB FAQs That Might Help You. All Access Ticket Holders will not be paying for your models until the event in July.
Then we have the Limited Edition Models. The Limited Edition Models are available to all ticket holders. Whether you have a VIP Ticket or a General Admission Ticket, you are able to purchase these models. The Limited Edition Models are where the confusion starts to come into play. These models all used to have different names. The three Traditional sized models that are portraits are what used to be referred to as the Store Special Models, These models were available in the Breyer Store during an in person event. The other models that include the Freedom Series and the Best of BreyerFest Series 2 set are what used to be known as the Pop Up Tent models. These models were all available at two different locations during the events. However since BreyerFest is a virtual event and all of the shops are technically in the same place, these models have all been renamed the Limited Edition Models. Another special feature of these models for this event is that certain models are able to be back ordered so that you will not miss out on them during the event. These models will not be sent until starting in December 2021 and they include all three of the Traditional sized models, the Freedom Series mold, and the Best of BreyerFest Series 2 Stablemate set. The plush and the single Limited Edition Stablemate have not been revealed yet at the time of posting this. The Crystal model is not available for back order and neither are the plushie or the single Limited Edition Stablemate.
There are a few other types of models that are available at BreyerFest, however they have not been released just yet and we are not absolutely certain what they will be. We do know that there will be prize models for the contests, glossy Celebration Models for the Costume Contest, and very likely raffle models that have not been revealed yet. The prizes for the BreyerFest Shows have not been released as of yet either.
I hope that this episode of the types of models that will be available has helped you a bit. Thank you for reading and tuning in Roadies! 

RTB Episode Of Help 1

BreyerFest: A Virtual Experience
Episode One: What Exactly Am I Doing Here?
  Welcome to Road To BreyerFest, if you are new here, and welcome back to those that are Roadies already. You might have already noticed that BreyerFest is virtual this year and well, Breyer has their own official group this year. Here at RTB, I can help you use the information that Breyer releases and help make you have the best BreyerFest adventure that you can have, even though it is online. So let’s get started!
  The very first thing is to know that BreyerFest is virtual this year. The event and the festivities will take place on Breyer’s website. You will need to have an account on their website in order to even purchase a ticket. This account is free so no worries on spending more money, unless you want to upgrade the account to a Collector Club Member. The upgrade does cost either $25 for the Basic membership or $55 for a Deluxe Collector Club. The only difference between the two Clubs is that the Deluxe Collector Club gets an exclusive Stablemate at the end of the year. That is the only difference in the two. The Club will give you a small discount on BreyerFest tickets, around $2.50, and the code is CCSAVEBF2021.
  Next, we move on to tickets! There are two ticket types that I will be discussing in this episode since the VIP tickets sold out immediately. However, in later episodes, I will be going over the VIP tickets and what they are. Depending on how much that you want to get out of your BreyerFest experience, you will need to look closely at what the two tickets have to offer. The first option that I want to discuss is the General Admission Ticket. The General Admission Ticket is the lowest tier of tickets and will provide you with the ability to experience the virtual content for all three days, the ability to purchase the Limited Edition models, and one randomly selected Event Stablemate. That is all that the General Admission Ticket offers. This is a great ticket for those that do not like the Special Run models and that do not want to participate in the contests. If you just want to experience the videos on the website and buy a few models, this is the ticket for you. I would recommend this ticket to someone who is not able to take some time off during BreyerFest weekend or if their child is small and wants to attend their first event, but not really looking to collect all of the models. This ticket option also allows you to purchase a whole set of the Event Stablemates after you purchase your ticket. This will be the only model(s) that you will need to purchase before the event, if you choose this add on package. During the event, you will be able to purchase Limited Edition models from the BreyerFest Store. Make sure to read up on which Limited Edition models are available here in the files and the albums of the group. This ticket costs $20.
  The next ticket type is the All Access Ticket. If you love BreyerFest, want to experience everything that BreyerFest has to offer, or want to surprise the horse lover in your life, this is the ticket option that is best for you. The All Access Ticket comes with one Celebration Model, access to purchase two Special Run Models via the Preference List, access to purchase the Limited Edition models, access to participate in the Model Horse Photo Shows (added fee), access to participate in the contests (please read the rules and regulations on these as there are some restrictions about who can participate), access to participate in the workshops, access to the event for all three days, and more. The Special Runs will be available by using the Preference List, which will be an email that you will receive in early June. This Preference List allows you to rank the Special Runs in order of how you like them. This list will then be how Breyer will chose which models are randomly assigned to your account on Friday of the event. You will not pay for any models until the actual event in July. You can read more about the Preference List in the files. This is the ticket that is the same as the Three Day Tickets of the past and will offer the highest level of what you can do at the event. This ticket costs $75. You can also purchase a whole set of the Event Stablemates once you have purchased your ticket. This add on does cost $80 and are the only models that you will need to purchase before July.
   Ok, that took forever, but tickets have been quickly explained. You can find more in depth information on each ticket type in the files here in the group. So make sure to check that out, if you would like to. I also have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions that are quite more in depth than Breyer’s FAQs on their website, so make sure to check them out, if you want.
    Moving on, I am going to talk about just what RTB has to offer you during the BreyerFest weekend. Last year was a rather rushed event so all that I could do was go Live in the group and help members through the craziness that was BreyerFest. This year, I do have plans in the work since we know that it is virtual in advance. I will be doing several Lives each day starting on the Thursday during this event. These Lives will be on the FB group and will allow you all to get together and chat with each other and listen to me talk about the hobby and BreyerFest and answer any questions that you might have. I will also be adding the link to my Discord this year so that there can be a way to call me or just join in a voice chat with all of the members over there as well. I have plans for our own contests this year that will be open to everyone, but I am not sure about prizes just yet. They might just be for bragging rights, but I am still totally working on them so no worries on them just yet. RTB will also be around to help you with the hiccups, glitches, and bottlenecks that the virtual type of event will present, especially in the first few hours of the event each day. RTB offers you a place to have the social aspect of BreyerFest, even though you are at home in front of your devices and not actually touching the real horses or haggling over plastic ponies. There will definitely be more to this in the coming episodes as this one has already gone on way too long!
  I hope that you enjoyed this episode of RTB! Thank you for reading!


Saturday, February 6, 2021

BreyerFest 2021 Workshops


BreyerFest 2021 Workshops

This is a list of the current available workshops that will be happening for BreyerFest 2021. The supply list has NOT been published yet. These workshops are available to VIP and All Access ticket holders free of charge, which is a change of what they had been saying for the time leading up to the release of ticket sales. There will still be exclusive workshops available to VIP ticket holders, but these have not been revealed yet. This list is subject to change, per the Breyer website.

Advanced Pastelling Skill Level: Advanced Hosted by: Laura Thomson

Battle’corns Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced Hosted By: Laura Rock-Smith

Bitless Bridle Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced Hosted By: LeeAnn Masters

Braided Ribbon Browbands Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced Hosted By: Marcella Peyre-Ferry

Canvas Tote Creations Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced Hosted By: Jane Tilton

Christmas Ornaments Skill Level: Beginner Hosted By: Tina Dils

Defying Gravity Manes and Tails Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced Hosted By: Rayvin Maddock

Draft Horse Breastcollars Skill Level: Intermediate Hosted By: Dani Youdris

Horse of a Different Look Manes and Tails Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced Hosted By: Laura Lott

Introduction to Collecting and Showing Model Horses Skill Level: Beginner Hosted By: Liz Isham Cory

Introduction to Customizing Skill Level: Beginner Hosted By: Mindy Young

Mask of a Different Color Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced Hosted By: Didi Hornberger

Mini Performance-Trail Riding Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced Hosted By: Kim and Kathi

Painted Horses Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced Hosted By: Bonnie and Darian

Painting Faces Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced Hosted By: Rayvin Maddock

Photo Showing Model Horses Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced Hosted By: Liz Isham Cory

Pintos and Appaloosas 101 Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced Hosted By: Karen Zorn

Repairing Horses Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced Hosted By: Jennifer Danza

Stablemate Lamps Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced Hosted By: Sommer Prosser 


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

BreyerFest 2021 Information

 BreyerFest 2021 What Is Going On:

This post will help serve as a place to refer back to information about the event.

*BreyerFest 2021 is virtual and takes place on Breyer's website.

*BreyerFest 2021 is July 16, 17, and 18 from 10 AM EDT Friday morning until 4 PM EDT Sunday afternoon.

*All times for BreyerFest is in Eastern Daylight Time. 

*Ticket prices are as follows: VIP $230, All Access $75, and General Admission $20

*All prices for the models can be found in the Price List file here in the group. This is also where you can find the prices of the previous year's models.

*If you purchase an All Access or a General Admission Ticket, you only need to purchase the ticket before July.

*All Access Special Runs will be chosen via a Preference List. More information about the Preference List will be coming soon in the files.

*The Event Stablemate Set is available to purchase now after you have already purchased an All Access or a General Admission ticket. 

*All Access ticket is what used to be the Three Day Ticket. There is no child's ticket this year. This ticket comes with the following: One Celebration Horse model, Access to purchase up to two Special Runs via the Preference List, Access to purchase the Limited Edition Models, access to the event for all three days, access to participate in the contests, access to participate in the model horse shows for an added fee, access to participate in the workshops for an added fee.

*General Admission ticket is what used to be the Single Day Ticket.  There is no one day access to the event this year.  This ticket comes iwth the following: ONE Randomly selected Event Stablemate, Access to purchase the Limited Edition Models, and access to the event for all three days. 

*Breyer uses Shopify as a web host and Shopify does not offer a cart timer. 

*You are able to purchase as many tickets as you want on one account, however keep in mind that Breyer did say that they reserve the right to refund ticket purchases at their discretion.

*Unless you have a VIP ticket, you do NOT purchase any of the Special Runs or Limited Edition models until July.

*You are able to purchase as many Limited Edition models at the event as you want, however you will need to purchase them one at a time. One transaction per model. 

*The Event Stablemates were what used to be the Single Day Stablemates. This is a four pack of models. 

*The Best of BreyerFest series 2 Stablemates is a limited edition model and can be back ordered during the event.  This is a set of five Stablemates that are normal horse colors. 

*More will be added as it comes up! 

BreyerFest 2021 Terminology

 What makes a Special Run or a Limited Edition? What do these terms mean and why are they different from last year? A look into the new terminology for BreyerFest 2021:

This year has challenged Breyer with the virtual format of the event and some of the normal terms had to be changed and rearranged to make it all work, but it can be quite confusing! So here is an explanation of all of the crazy changes! 

The Event Models are what used to be called the Celebration Horse and the Single Day Stablemates. With the removal of the three day tickets and the single day tickets, the models that come with the tickets were renamed the Event Models. The newly created All Access Ticket is what used to be the Three Day Ticket. This ticket comes with the Celebration Horse Model. The newly created General Admission Ticket is what used to be the Single Day Ticket, but now you are able to access all three days of the event.  This ticket comes with one randomly selected Event Stablemates. More information about what comes with each ticket type can be found in the group in several places. 

  The Event Stablemate Set is all four of the stablemates and they are offered for a price for those that have an All Access or a General Admission ticket. Think of them like an add on to your ticket purchase and they will need to be paid for before the event. This set is limited to 1500 sets and is limited to one set per account. 


The Special Runs are models that are available to the All Access Ticket Holders and the VIP Ticket Holders. These models have not undergone a name change in any way and have remained the same. The only thing that has changed with these models is the removal of the time slots. These models are named for the event and have a theme to them. They do not portray any real horses or animals in the event. You can only purchase these models during the event if you have an All Access Ticket using a Preference List.  There will be more on the Preference List coming soon and more information on the VIP Ticket further on down in this document.  

The Limited Edition models is where the majority of the changes have happened and it is very confusing. With the change to a virtual event, there is no longer two different stores to purchase your models. We used to have Store Special Models and Pop up tent models, but this year they have been combined to form the Limited Edition Models. These models are available to all ticket holders. There are three Traditional Sized models and they are portrait models of horses that were chosen to be showcased during the event. There is one Freedom Series model and it is normally a decorator model that is themed to be a souvenir of the event. There is one Crystal model that is chosen to showcase the beauty of the event. There is one Plushie. There is one Stablemate that is normally a decorator that comes in a box that is unique to the event. And in the past few years, there has been a set that is a throwback to previous events. These are all the Limited Edition Models. The Stablemate Set, the Freedom Series model, and all three of the Traditional Sized Models can be back ordered during the event so that you will not miss out on them. The crystal, the plushie, and the single stablemate cannot be back ordered during the event. 

The VIP ticket is a new addition this year. This ticket option has never been added before so think of this as a trial run. There were only 1000 of these tickets available while there are thousands of both the All Access Tickets and the General Admission Tickets available. These new VIP ticket were offered first by lottery to everyone that has an account on Breyer's website. There were 800 tickets offered in this way.  There were 200 tickets offered as a first come first served when tickets first went on sale.  The VIP ticket is very different from any ticket that Breyer has ever offered as it comes with everything that is offered with both the All Access and General Admission tickets and has some added to it as well.  With the VIP ticket, you will receive one Celebration Model, one set of the Event Stablemates, Two Special Run models that MUST be paid for in advance, Two Limited Edition Models that MUST be paid for in advance, access to all three days of the event, access to participate in the model shows for a fee, access to participate in the workshops for a fee, access to participate in the contests, access to exclusive VIP workshops, access ro exclusive VIP content, an exclusive VIP SWAG bag, and $10 off of BreyerFest merchandise that is not a model. This ticket is very new and was highly sought after and sold out within seconds. 

I hope that this has helped you understand all of the crazy changes in the models for this year.  I expect more to be released soon and if so, I will edit this document to reflect any and all changes. 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Ticket Sales 2021

 Tickets go on sale today, Monday February 1st, around 1 PM EST! To access these tickets, you can either use the direct link that will be placed in the Important Links blog post update or you can go to the Events tab on the page, and it will be under the About BreyerFest section on their website. 

Here is the direct link: BreyerFest 2021 Tickets -

Here are a few things to keep in mind when purchasing a ticket:

You can only have one VIP ticket

Unless you are purchasing a VIP ticket, you only need to purchase the ticket today.  You are not required to purchase any models today. 

The Event Stablemate set is available to All Access and General Admission ticket holders today. After purchasing your ticket, if you wish to purchase a set of these, you will need to do so today. 

VIP tickets will sell out quickly and so will the Event Stablemates sets as they are both limited quantities.  However, the All Access and the General Admission tickets are not projected to sell out within a day. 

Make sure to read our other ticket posts to see what comes with the tickets and more! 

Good luck!