Monday, February 22, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help 2


Road To BreyerFest Episode Two: The Special Run Preference List
Welcome to Episode Two, Roadies! If you are new here, welcome and I hope that you have an amazing time. In this episode, we are going to talk about the Preference List. Whether you love or hate this list, this episode will help you decode the information that was provided by Breyer and apply it to best help you during the event in July. So let’s get started!
Just what is the Preference List? The Preference List is how the Special Runs will be sold for all of the All Access Tickets during BreyerFest in July. This year, there are no Time Slots so you absolutely do not need to worry about that for 2021. When you purchase an All Access Ticket, you are allowed to purchase up to two Special Run models. These models are as follows: Uffington, Peche Merle, Pollock, Seven Arts Suprise, Ansel, Knossos, Gran Cavallo, Seurat, and Tassili. The prices on these models vary and can be found in the BreyerFest 2021 Album here in the group as well as on Breyer’s website under Exclusive Models. When you purchase your two models (per ticket), you are required to select two different models. They cannot be two of the same type, so you cannot chose two of the surprise models or two Pollocks. You will not be actually purchasing these models until BreyerFest in July. The Preference List is an email with a link to a page on Breyer’s website that will allow you to rank the Special Run models according to your preferences.
Ok, but how does it work? When you log into your account and go to that page in early June, you will have two options. These two options are Master List and Individual List. Breyer will tell you that if you do not want to get duplicates and have more than one ticket, you will be better off using the Master List. However, after experiencing this type of purchasing last year, I will always recommend the Individual List. You might get duplicates, but the Individual List was not affected by many of the glitches that happened last year, which might not happen this year at all. However, this is how each of them will work:
The Master List is an option if you have purchased more than one All Access Ticket on your account. This list will ask you to rank all of the Special Runs for each of your tickets in one list. Your favorite model should be placed at the top of your list and the one that you like the least should be placed near the bottom. How the lists work and how to purchase them will be placed under these two sections so hang in there a moment.
The Individual List is an option for well, all of your tickets, even if you have more than one. However, this will allow you to set your preferences for each ticket that you have purchased on your account. So there will be more than one list that you will be filling out, if you have more than one ticket. The premise is the same, you will need to fill out the list with your favorite first and your least favorite last. But you will need to do this for each ticket. You could potentially get duplicates, like I did for 2020, but this list had the least amount of glitches during the first year. Granted, all of these glitches will very likely be fixed and I look forward to seeing how it will run this year.
Now, you have read about the Master List and the Individual List and once you have decided, you will then turn in your list to Breyer, You will be able to edit this list for the week or two that it is up. The last list that is turned in will be the list that is used for the selection. If you do not fill out these lists, you will still receive models, but they will be absolutely randomly chosen and you might not receive anything that you had your sights set on so make sure to fill out these lists when the email arrives or when the link is posted in one of the groups, if you do not want to follow this group. After the time period ends for submitting your lists, Breyer will use these lists to randomly assign the Special Run models to your account. This will be done all by random and using your order numbers as your ticket numbers. On Friday July 16, the models will be available in your Breyer Account to purchase. These models cannot be sold out of your cart and you will have until Sunday at 4 PM EDT (so far as we know) to purchase them so make sure to do so.
I hope that this episode has helped you understand the Special Run Preference List a bit more and you can always read up more on it with our files as well as Breyer’s FAQs on their website. Thank you for joining in and I hope that you have an amazing day!

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