Tuesday, February 2, 2021

BreyerFest 2021 Terminology

 What makes a Special Run or a Limited Edition? What do these terms mean and why are they different from last year? A look into the new terminology for BreyerFest 2021:

This year has challenged Breyer with the virtual format of the event and some of the normal terms had to be changed and rearranged to make it all work, but it can be quite confusing! So here is an explanation of all of the crazy changes! 

The Event Models are what used to be called the Celebration Horse and the Single Day Stablemates. With the removal of the three day tickets and the single day tickets, the models that come with the tickets were renamed the Event Models. The newly created All Access Ticket is what used to be the Three Day Ticket. This ticket comes with the Celebration Horse Model. The newly created General Admission Ticket is what used to be the Single Day Ticket, but now you are able to access all three days of the event.  This ticket comes with one randomly selected Event Stablemates. More information about what comes with each ticket type can be found in the group in several places. 

  The Event Stablemate Set is all four of the stablemates and they are offered for a price for those that have an All Access or a General Admission ticket. Think of them like an add on to your ticket purchase and they will need to be paid for before the event. This set is limited to 1500 sets and is limited to one set per account. 


The Special Runs are models that are available to the All Access Ticket Holders and the VIP Ticket Holders. These models have not undergone a name change in any way and have remained the same. The only thing that has changed with these models is the removal of the time slots. These models are named for the event and have a theme to them. They do not portray any real horses or animals in the event. You can only purchase these models during the event if you have an All Access Ticket using a Preference List.  There will be more on the Preference List coming soon and more information on the VIP Ticket further on down in this document.  

The Limited Edition models is where the majority of the changes have happened and it is very confusing. With the change to a virtual event, there is no longer two different stores to purchase your models. We used to have Store Special Models and Pop up tent models, but this year they have been combined to form the Limited Edition Models. These models are available to all ticket holders. There are three Traditional Sized models and they are portrait models of horses that were chosen to be showcased during the event. There is one Freedom Series model and it is normally a decorator model that is themed to be a souvenir of the event. There is one Crystal model that is chosen to showcase the beauty of the event. There is one Plushie. There is one Stablemate that is normally a decorator that comes in a box that is unique to the event. And in the past few years, there has been a set that is a throwback to previous events. These are all the Limited Edition Models. The Stablemate Set, the Freedom Series model, and all three of the Traditional Sized Models can be back ordered during the event so that you will not miss out on them. The crystal, the plushie, and the single stablemate cannot be back ordered during the event. 

The VIP ticket is a new addition this year. This ticket option has never been added before so think of this as a trial run. There were only 1000 of these tickets available while there are thousands of both the All Access Tickets and the General Admission Tickets available. These new VIP ticket were offered first by lottery to everyone that has an account on Breyer's website. There were 800 tickets offered in this way.  There were 200 tickets offered as a first come first served when tickets first went on sale.  The VIP ticket is very different from any ticket that Breyer has ever offered as it comes with everything that is offered with both the All Access and General Admission tickets and has some added to it as well.  With the VIP ticket, you will receive one Celebration Model, one set of the Event Stablemates, Two Special Run models that MUST be paid for in advance, Two Limited Edition Models that MUST be paid for in advance, access to all three days of the event, access to participate in the model shows for a fee, access to participate in the workshops for a fee, access to participate in the contests, access to exclusive VIP workshops, access ro exclusive VIP content, an exclusive VIP SWAG bag, and $10 off of BreyerFest merchandise that is not a model. This ticket is very new and was highly sought after and sold out within seconds. 

I hope that this has helped you understand all of the crazy changes in the models for this year.  I expect more to be released soon and if so, I will edit this document to reflect any and all changes. 

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