Thursday, February 25, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help Episode 6


RTB Episodes of Help Episode 6

The Episode That Talks About What RTB Can Do During BreyerFest and What We Can’t Do

Hello Roadies! In this episode, I am going to go over what I can do and what I cannot do through RTB for BreyerFest and during the event. As I have mentioned many times, I am still only a fan. The group is ran and maintained by BreyerFest veterans and fans that have experience with the in person events. With the switch to a virtual format, even we are left scrambling to keep up with the changes. None of the information is being released in advance and that is perfectly understandable as they want to have everything set in somewhat stone before it is released. So what exactly can I do here for you for BreyerFest and beyond?

With the creation of Breyer’s official group, I am sure that I have lost many members to that. However, when I was told that they were creating the group, I was assured that nothing would change and that they would be an information only type group to share their information and answer questions directly related to BreyerFest. RTB is a group that not only answers your questions about BreyerFest, but we will give you personal experiences and offer a community to answer your questions where myself and my other admins might not have the answer. During BreyerFest last year, I offered as much customer support as I could since I am not an employee of Breyer. I had created a thread of just customer complaints that I had sent to Breyer. I am not exactly sure where it ended up, however I have went on to create a page just for Model Horse Complaints so that it can all be in one general location now. No matter what happens, RTB will be here to help those that want a positive based community and help from those that have experience is all things BreyerFest.

This year, I will be offering the same types of support that I did last year. But what does that mean? I will be online as much as I can be, but do keep in mind that I have a horse and a Tiny Human so they do interrupt my life. I will have the group pulled up on my phone, if I need to leave the computer room, and I will be posting a direct email link to me, if you should need help. This email link is always available, if you just want to talk or even ask a question that you might want to be anonymous. Last year, I went Live on the FB group every morning before the event opened up and then stayed Live for as long as my internet allowed me. I also went Live in the evenings and did a wrap up type of event. This year, I know that not everyone has FB, so I will be linking my personal Discord server. More about the Discord server later. I also run a Blog that shares information as well as a Proboards that are always monitored and checked on, should anyone have friends that do not have FB. Now, what can I do since I am just a fan? I can do my best to walk you through any website glitches or snags that you might have. I can not diagnose the issues, but I can tell you basic ways to attempt to fix it before reaching out to Breyer’s Customer Service. I will also have all of the information on hand to answer a question right away during the event so you do not need to switch between windows often. Let me be the one to switch between windows and be crazy chaotic for you! I am always here to support you, but do note that I will be quite a bad influence! I will tell you to BUY THE PONY!

However, sadly, there are things that I cannot do during the event. Since I do not work for Breyer, I cannot tell you when things will ship other than what is posted on the website. Unless the information is on the website or is following the same pattern as last year, I cannot tell you sadly. Do I wish that I could? Heck yeah! Because how awesome would that be?! I cannot tell you why something was refunded, if it was, or why your cart is not working the way that it should be. I can offer links that might work as ways to get around the bottlenecking and I can offer direct email addresses and Breyer’s phone number, if needed. I can’t explain why things happen other than taking an educated guess. Being just a hardcore fan, there is not much that I can do with a virtual event, especially since this is still new to everyone. I only wish that I could do more!

But I can always be there for you, as a friend, a fellow hobbyist, and someone to tell you to just buy the pony! The group will be there to announce when things have gone on sale and those will then be posted to our Proboards and Discord for those that do not have FB. RTB is a positive place where you can share your purchases or what you created with no worries if you will get hate or harshly critiqued without asking for it. RTB is a place where you can show off your collection with no worries about someone complaining about how much money you spent or did not spend, especially since we have all been there before! While we may not have all of the answers right now, we do have the means to help you find the answers.

I hope that this has help you with knowing what we can and can’t do here in the group, although it was a bit chaotic! Make sure to tell your friends about us, if they are not already here, so they can join in the fun! I am working to have more small giveaways and contests since I do have stickers that were meant to be given out at an in person event. I also do have some merch that I sell for the group that is based on the mascot, but does not have the name of the group so that there can be no issues with it at all, so if you’d like that link just let me know since I never push sales on anyone. I am always here to talk to and will support you in the hobby as much as I can, as I am sure many people in this group will do as well. Now for that email: RoadToBreyerFest@ Gmail . Com, just make sure that there are no spaces. 


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