Saturday, February 27, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help Episode 8


RTB Episodes of Help Episode 8

The Episode Where I Address Questions About The Event

Welcome back to another episode of RTB Episodes of Help, Roadies! BreyerFest brings together so many different people, including those that love plastic ponies and those that love real horses. But it also brings forward questions that many people have about the event. Here in RTB, I do my best to go over the basics of BreyerFest in the beginning many times because well, it can be confusing at the best of times!

I see a lot of repeat questions all over all of the groups and many people get a bit crabby sometimes when the same questions are asked repeatedly. This is a huge reason that I have created and maintain the files here in the group. If a question is submitted and I have not seen it before, I will add it to the FAQs here in this group. All that I ask is that you search the group before you submit a question because your question might be answered already. When a question that is submitted that I know has been asked and has an answer in the group, I will politely decline the post, but I will always give feed back with that decline that will tell you either the answer or where you can find the answer. If you feel the need to ask the question again, I ask you to please message me so that I can share either a link to the answer or a screenshot of the answer. RTB is always here to help and we have seen so many questions and answered them so we have devised the files to help answer the majority of the questions that we see.

That being said, there are likely still questions, especially if you are new to the group or new to BreyerFest. So, I will use this spot as a place to answer the burning BreyerFest questions that are on the group. All of these answers are on the group under the BreyerFest Virtual Event Planning Post Topic as well as the Files.

Is BreyerFest virtual again? *BreyerFest 2021 is virtual and takes place on Breyer's website.

What are the dates for BreyerFest and the times? *BreyerFest 2021 is July 16, 17, and 18 from 10 AM EDT Friday morning until 4 PM EDT Sunday afternoon.

What time zone is BreyerFest in? *All times for BreyerFest is in Eastern Daylight Time.

How much do Tickets cost? *Ticket prices are as follows: VIP $230, All Access $75, and General Admission $20

How much do the models cost? *All prices for the models can be found in the Price List file here in the group. This is also where you can find the prices of the previous year's models.

Do I need to pay for the models now? *If you purchase an All Access or a General Admission Ticket, you only need to purchase the ticket before July.

How do I buy the Special Runs? *All Access Special Runs will be chosen via a Preference List. More information about the Preference List will be coming soon in the files.

Can I buy the whole set of Event Stablemates? *The Event Stablemate Set is available to purchase now after you have already purchased an All Access or a General Admission ticket.

What is the All Access Ticket? *All Access ticket is what used to be the Three Day Ticket. There is no child's ticket this year. This ticket comes with the following: One Celebration Horse model, Access to purchase up to two Special Runs via the Preference List, Access to purchase the Limited Edition Models, access to the event for all three days, access to participate in the contests, access to participate in the model horse shows for an added fee, access to participate in the workshops for an added fee.

What is the General Admission Ticket? *General Admission ticket is what used to be the Single Day Ticket. There is no one day access to the event this year. This ticket comes iwth the following: ONE Randomly selected Event Stablemate, Access to purchase the Limited Edition Models, and access to the event for all three days.

Will there be a cart timer to buy models during BreyerFest? *Breyer uses Shopify as a web host and Shopify does not offer a cart timer.

How many tickets can I buy? *You are able to purchase as many tickets as you want on one account, however keep in mind that Breyer did say that they reserve the right to refund ticket purchases at their discretion.

When can I buy the models? *Unless you have a VIP ticket, you do NOT purchase any of the Special Runs or Limited Edition models until July.

How many Limited Edition Models can I buy during the event? *You are able to purchase as many Limited Edition models at the event as you want, however you will need to purchase them one at a time. One transaction per model.

What are the Event Stablemates? *The Event Stablemates were what used to be the Single Day Stablemates. This is a four pack of models that can be purchased as an add on with the General Admission tickets or the All Access Tickets. The whole set comes with the VIP ticket. With each General Admission ticket, you get ONE random Event Stablemate.

Which set of Stablemates are the Limited Edition ones? *The Best of BreyerFest series 2 Stablemates is a limited edition model and can be back ordered during the event. This is a set of five Stablemates that are normal horse colors.

When will my models be shipped? All models that come with the tickets or purchased during the event will be shipped out in July. This includes the VIP ticket holder models.

What is the code for Collector Club members to save on BreyerFest tickets and how much of a discount is it? CCSAVEBF2021 it saves you $2.50

Has the information for the Breyer Model Shows been released? This information will be released in March and it will be a photo show. It does cost extra. You need to have a VIP or an All Access Ticket in order to participate in the shows.

What contests are there from Breyer? There is a Diorama Contest, a Costume Contest, and the Best Customs contest. You absolutely need to read the rules from Breyer,

How much is shipping? Domestic – FREE shipping

    • Canada, Alaska & Hawaii - $10 flat rate shipping

    • All other International - $25 flat rate shipping

  • VIP All-Access tickets will not be charged shipping (domestic or international).

    • Models ordered on VIP tickets will ship in July.

How will my models be shipped? The answer on the Breyer website is the best answer for this:

  • We will use the most efficient and cost-effective shipping methods possible over the course of the event. We want to make sure all your purchases and event models arrive to you safely.

  • International and Canadian customers: A shipping charge will be applied to each order that you check out. However, orders will be consolidated and you will be refunded for shipping overages. You will only be charged shipping on the number of shipments that are actually sent to you, regardless of the number of orders you place during BreyerFest weekend.

  • Models ordered on VIP tickets will ship in July.

  • Event Stablemates 4-packs will ship in July.

  • Backordered Limited Edition models will ship to customers in late December. These models are not guaranteed to arrive in time for the holidays.

I am ending this episode here before it gets way too long, but have no fear! All of your questions are answered in the files so definitely make sure to check that out. Here are the ways to get to the files, no matter what device that you use:

Desktop or Laptop: When you first get to the group, you will see a line of words under the Group picture. Those words include rooms, announcements, about, discussion, things of that nature. If you look all the way to the right, you will see the word file or media. If you see media, you will need to click on that until you see the word file. Once you see the word file, click on it. This will then take you to a screen that lists all of the current files in the group. From there, you can select the file that you wish to read and click on the title. Once you click on the title, you will be taken to a screen that shows the picture of a horse with the title once again and a brief description. Click on the horse and the file will load in! It sounds much more complicated than it is!

Mobile devices: When you first go to the group, you will see a line of words under the group picture. These words are black and highlighted in grey. Scroll over to where you see the word Files. Click on that word and you will be taken to a list that shows all of the files in the group. Click on the file that you want to read. You will then be taken to a screen that shows a picture of a horse and the title of the file. Click on the horse and the file will load up.

The files were created to answer any questions that might come up and are constantly being edited to add more questions and answers to them so definitely make sure to take a look at them today! 


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