Tuesday, February 23, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help 4


Road To BreyerFest Episode 4

The Episode of What Can I Do During A Virtual Event

You might be wondering what you can do during a virtual event and giving your devices the stink eye while thinking about how addicted you will look to your unsuspecting family and friends. Well, there is actually a lot that you can do during a virtual event and I am here to help you!

First, with the virtual event, you are able to view the videos that will be placed on Breyer’s website at any time of the day or night during BreyerFest weekend in July. The website does not technically close at night so no matter what time you log into the website, you will be able to see the videos. This includes the Workshops, the Seminars, and the Equus Film Festival. They are available all weekend long.

Besides buying models, there are a ton of things to do during BreyerFest. But buying models is the best part of the event! Yup, but I will get to that here soon, trust the process. Breyer offers a lot to do during and leading up to the event. There are the model horse shows, which do cost extra. The shows do cost extra and the exact price as well as the rules and regulations will be announced in March, or so Breyer states. There are the contests as well, but make sure to read the rules and regulations as there are certain states and areas that are not allowed to participate as well as certain restrictions of what you can base your diorama, costume, or custom off of for the event. The links to the contests are all over the group by now and I will be making an episode on them as well. Breyer offers workshops for those with a VIP and an All Access Ticket and these are videos of how to make some pretty awesome things by some pretty awesome artists or how to show your plastic ponies by some amazing hobbyists! If you have a ticket that is able, I always recommend taking a look at them. Breyer also offers seminars and hobby demonstrations that are free to all ticket holders. No matter what ticket you have purchased, make sure to take advantage of these free activities during the weekend. Last, but definitely not least from Breyer is my favorite event, the Celebration of Horses Evening Event. If you have not been to a BreyerFest with me, you need to be very thankful! I am the one in the stands that screams every time that she seems something that she enjoys because well, it is an awesome show! This year, it will be released on Friday, July 16th at 6 PM EDT and will be available to all ticket holders. I highly recommend watching it and know that I am making my poor husband and Tiny Human suffer, I mean watch it with me.

But what else will happen? BreyerFest is not the only thing that happens that weekend. No, there are a variety of sales and events that happen during this time frame. Top named artists release the majority of the sales during this weekend and have their own events on their Facebook pages or their websites. Many of the Facebook Groups offered a Clarion Type room sales in their albums so people can browse what others have for sale or offer what they have for sale as well. Our own sale and trade group, Road To BreyerFest Sales and Trades, offer a Clarion Type event as well as a Swap Meet type event and I am currently working on the rule sets for each one. There are normally a ton of Zoom meet ups as well as small internet get togethers, especially here in RTB. There is so much possibility in this weekend, but what else can we do?

For BreyerFest weekend in July, Road To BreyerFest will be here to not only help you with all of your questions regarding BreyerFest information, but I am going to be hosting many Lives on the group, opening up the Rooms in the group for others to hold events, I am posting my personal Discord server so that there can be voice and video chats with many of your friends, and I am going to be offering contests of my own. Will my contests have prizes? I have absolutely no idea right now because frankly, I have not started the planning on them just yet. But know that I will be making this weekend in July one of the best weekends that I can during a virtual event! I am currently not using Zoom or Google Meets because I feel that they can be too restricting at this time, however I am definitely going to be including ways that everyone can meet up, even if it is through talking, in order to share this event with all of your friends!

As BreyerFest weekend grows closer, I will be posting more of these other events this year. Last year, I focused strongly on Breyer and that was awesome, however there is much more that happens during that weekend other than BreyerFest and I want to help everyone experience the fun of it all. So I hope that you will stick with me as we explore all the fun that this type of event offers and know that no matter what, I will be by your side to help you through all of this craziness!

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