Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Year In Review

  2019, what can I say?  This year has been full of ups and downs in the model horse world as well as my own personal life.  This year has also shown me that the model horse hobby is competitive and yet strange at the same time. But, of course, this was all foreshadowed by what happened during Breyerfest. 

Breyerfest 2019 was a crazy year.  It was an anniversary year so that meant more variations than we knew what to do with! It also meant that people went crazy for some reason. Leading up to Breyerfest, I did all of my normal videos and tutorials, but for some reason, the special run line and the model handout seemed to create stress from the very beginning.  I tried my hardest to explain it all.  I got the exact wording from Breyer to help explain it.  I did videos where I showed people how to read their tickets and so on. But once at Breyerfest, the very first Special Run Line showed that something was very wrong. I don't know where I went wrong or where anyone else went wrong.  There was stories of money theft in the line.  There were stories of fake tickets. Stories of models selling out until there was no models left at all.  But in the end, I did get the correct information and I helped as many people as I could.  The models NEVER did sell out, only the ones that people were desperate for and had to have.  The money theft was reported to the police, but no one got to hear the result of what happened.  And as for the fake tickets? Who knows?! But it was indeed one crazy adventure.  And that was only ONE DAY!

I offered to sell lanyards this year at an unbelievable price.  The price was literally $2.50 per person if you picked them up at Breyerfest, but I would NEED to add shipping, if you needed them shipped and shipping would not be discounted.  While many bought them, many did NOT pick them up and I ended up waiting at various places during Breyerfest to hand out these lanyards.  I got heat stroke, I won't lie, and I was very frustrated because many who said that they would be there, never showed up.  While I understand that this weekend is one that will overwhelm even the most hardened veteran, I did my end of the deal and I waited and waited.  But, in the end, some did get picked up and those that got theirs, were very happy them.  Would I like to do this again? Yes, however I will NOT be charging the extremely discounted price and shipping will still be additional.  I hate to even think like that, but sadly I am a stay at home mom and I do not get paid for doing anything for Road To Breyerfest since it is a vision of my own design. But again, I do this because I love helping people to get to Breyerfest.

The models released for Breyerfest and just normally were amazing and I wished that I could have bought every single one of them.  I was not able to complete my own conga and have given up on it, however I did keep another one complete.  Will my collecting goals change for next year? Likely not since I enjoy what I am collecting and looking at daily.  Will my goals for Road To Breyerfest change for 2020? Yes and I have already started making the changes that are coming.  The biggest one is that I am only focusing on Breyerfest this year and not Stone as much.  Going to two events and then not being able to actually document the Stone Dinner was too much this year so I have decided that it was time to go back to my roots of Breyerfest only.  I was approached at Breyerfest and asked if I worked for either company and I am asked that almost daily, however the answer will always remain the same.  No, I do not. I am merely here as a fan site and group in order to provide information that is normally not easy to get. I am just someone who loves the event and someone who does not want people to be as confused as she was during her first three times. 

So with all that craziness being said, I am signing off for the last time in 2019 and will return in 2020 with ticket information since tickets go on sale January 2nd.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Changes Coming To Breyerfest 2020

 Today we will be discussing the new changes to Breyerfest and what it means to you. Our last post focused on just the type of tickets that you are able to purchase for Breyerfest. We will be reviewing that at the end of the new stuff in this video as well. As always, your questions are completely welcome here on the video as well as on the group wall since we are here to help you plan your Breyerfest Adventure.

The first of the changes that I want to go over is the Model Pickup location. The Celebration Model and the Stablemate Models will all be at the same location this year. This will be in the Parking Lot behind the Pop Up Tent near the Covered Arena. It will definitely be marked on the program. The models are available all weekend long, so please remember that you do not have to wait in a long line to get the models. If you have a ticket, you are guaranteed a model. I strongly urge you to read the letter that will come with your Single Day Stablemate tickets however as when the line is long, Breyer reserves the right to use a Gambler’s Choice type pick for those models unless you are wanting a full set.

The Workshops are next on our changes and this is a really nice change. This year, 2020, the Workshops will be in the Annex Ring inside of a large and air conditioned tent. This tent will have flooring as well to help reduce the dust that is there.

There will be plenty more Help Desks around the park this year. Besides the Breyerfest Ambassadors and Road To Breyerfest, the Help Desks are some of the best places to get your information on where things are located or if you just need more information on the hobby. The locations will be The Celebration Park, The Covered Arena, The Special Run Tent, and the Altech Arena.

The Hands On Hobby booth will now include the Diorama Contest and there you will be able to not only check out the amazing entries in the diorama contest, but you will be able to talk to some awesome ladies about different aspects of the model horse hobby, such as customizing and painting.

The Saturday Raffle for 2020 will stay the same, being called at 4:30pm in the Covered Arena. However, the Sunday one will be different for 2020. There has been an addition of one more Special Run ticket time at 2:00pm so the raffle will be pushed back until3:30pm so that everyone has a chance to get to the Covered Arena for the raffle to be called.

The last change for this video will be that there will be no Costume Contest. Breyer has decided that they need to find a better way to showcase the amazing talents of those that wish to participate in the Costume Contest so this year, it is being shelved for now in order to find that better way. However, they glossy models will still be available through a raffle type event as you enter the Celebration Of Horses Evening Event on Friday or Saturday night. You will receive a ticket at the door and from there a few lucky winners will receive a glossy Celebration Horse. This makes it fair for everyone while Breyer is plotting to spotlight the costumes once more!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

2020 Road To Breyerfest Goals!

Hello Roadies! In honor of Breyer’s70th anniversary of making amazing models, we are going back to our own roots! Breyerfest time comes around once a year and new and veteran collectors alike rejoice. Young children drag patient parents to the Kentucky Horse Park to see real and plastic horses. Veteran attendees flock to the park to scour the Covered Arena for deals, to get the latest releases, hope to win or buy a one of a kind model, and find their Holy Grail at Breyerfest After Dark at the Clarion Hotel.

Created in 2013, Road To Breyerfest is your one stop source of information on the ins and outs of Breyerfest. Whether you are a first time attendee with an overly excited child in tow, a hobbyist attending for the first time, or a seasoned veteran, Road To Breyerfest has information to help you plan your adventure and help you get the absolute most out of the event. Our positive community allows you a safe place to ask questions about the event, share your plastic pony collection, and see what will be released all year long.

Road To Breyerfest offers all access to special files written from both personal experience and information released from Breyer. We also offer on site help at Breyerfest for those that need to know where something is located or even just pointed in the right direction to see the horses that inspire the models. But our services do not end there! We have an annual meet and greet before the event so hobbyists can come together and talk about what they love most- Horses! We also provide Live Videos on our Facebook Group for those that are not about to attend Breyerfest in person. Our virtual Breyerfest experience offers views from all aspects of the event.

So whether you are a parent, a hobbyist, horse lover, or just want to learn more about Breyerfest, Road To Breyerfest offers something for everyone.

As we go back to our roots, we are shifting a portion of our focus to the event that draws the most attention- Breyerfest. Over the past few years, we have extended our reach to include several model horse companies and what they have to offer during this amazing weekend in July. Personal events have reared their head and Road To Breyerfest needed to take a step back after Breyerfest 2019 and focus on what we were originally. But never fear, we are in no danger of leaving! Just a nice throwback to the roots of the model horse hobby that is coming at the absolute perfect time.

We are also refocusing what we do at the event itself, We want to provide you with best Breyerfest adventure that we can provide. Last year had some hiccups, but we were able to overcome them quickly and provided information all weekend long. In 2020, we will be placing a text only phone number on the group for members that need immediate assistance and asking those that have general questions to message the Road To Breyerfest Facebook Page and a member of our amazing admin team will answer it when the time allows, usually a very short wait since we try to always be available. In 2020, we are only organizing the annual meet and greet lunch on Thursday before Breyerfest. However, we will help sponsor a meet and greet, if a member wishes to hold one. For more information on having Road To Breyerfest sponsor a meet and greet, please message the Road To Breyerfest page.

This is all only just a few of the awesome things coming to Road To Breyerfest for 2020 and hopefully many more years after that! We also hope that you recommend us to others while planning your adventures! Our mascot, Aria, is looking forward to a small announcement of her own later in the New Year. Road To Breyerfest has had a mascot since 2014, but last year, it was decided that a Breyerfest Single Day Stablemate would be a permanent addition to Road To Breyerfest so look for our little palomino pinto Warmblood as she plans her very first Breyerfest adventure as just a fun little thing to help members plan their own adventure. Her photos will be loaded into a special album on the Road To Breyerfest Group to help keep them all in one place.

Thank you all for being members of Road To Breyerfest and we look forward to seeing your adventure unfold or just have you join our virtual Breyerfest experience and community! 

2020 Breyerfest Ticket Information

Roadies, welcome to Road To Breyerfest! This video is here to help you start your Breyerfest adventure at the beginning and that is tickets! What do you need? What is the best deal for your money? Questions like that must float through your mind once you make the decision to go to Breyerfest. But even those that have been going for years know that this adventure planning is one that needs to be done almost a year in advance, but no worries, you are getting started at the perfect time!

Tickets have not gone on sale yet and will not be on sale until January 2nd, per the Just About Horses magazine that is free for Collector Club members. On that day, Early Bird Three Day Tickets will be available for purchase, but keep in mind that Single Day Tickets will not be released until May, if those are the tickets that you are looking for instead of the three day tickets. Collector Club members will get a small discount when purchasing three day tickets, but you do not need to be a Collector Club member to purchase Early Bird Tickets. Also note that if you purchase Early Bird Tickets, you are entered into the raffle for the Early Bird Model, a special model that usually has only 3 of them made just for this raffle.

Ticket prices are currently based on 2019 and will be regarded as correct until otherwise noted. Collector Club Early Bird Three Day tickets were $85 for adult tickets and $65 for child tickets. I will go into the differences in a moment. For those looking to purchase tickets that are not Collector Club members, the prices are $87.50 for adults and $67.50 for children. The Early Bird pricing is good from January until April 15th, usually. Then the normal pricing takes over and that will be $95 for adult Collector Club tickets and $67 for children Collector Club tickets and $97.50 for adult three day tickets and $72 for children three day tickets.

But what is all included in the three day tickets that you purchase early? There is a lot that you are able to get access to once you have the three day tickets. You will get a Traditional sized model of the Celebration Horse. In 2020, the Celebration Horse is the Irish Sport Horse Ballynoe Castle. You also get one ticket to the Special Run line, ability to purchase a discounted parking pass, entrance to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance on either Friday or Saturday night, access to participate in the Live Auction, the ability to participate in the diorama contest, the ability to enter the costume contest, access to the workshops, access to the Live Shows, and access to the entire Kentucky Horse Park for the weekend. The parking pass is a reduced price, usually around $13 and allows you to leave and enter the park without needing to pay every time. The Special Run ticket allows you to purchase up to two special runs, but we will have more on this in the new year as we grow closer to the main event. The Celebration Of Horses Evening Performance is an event that surely should not be missed! It showcases some of the best talent around and is sure to have something to delight everyone. The three day ticket is a wonderful deal, even if you do not plan on being there all three days.

That brings us to the Single Day Tickets that are released in May. While you have to wait for them, there is no separate price for Collector Club and those that are not in the Club. The price for 2019 was $17 in advance and $20 at the gate. These tickets are perfect if you are just in the area for one day or just need to not be overwhelmed by all that is Breyerfest. With the Single Day Tickets, you will receive a Single Day Stablemate rather than the Celebration Model and this Stablemate is one of usually four different models that will be available all weekend long. There will be more on how to get your Single Day Stablemate later in the new year. The Single Day Tickets allow you access to the Kentucky Horse Park and Breyerfest, however if you want to go to the Celebration of Horses evening performance, you will need to upgrade your ticket at the time of purchase. This upgrade is just a ticket purchase to the performance and not a whole upgrade to a three day ticket. The Single Day ticket holders do still have access to purchase the discounted parking pass, but they do not receive the Special Run ticket or the ability to enter the Costume Contest or the Live Shows.

However you plan your Breyerfest adventure, there is a ticket just for you. Questions about the tickets are always welcome here in the Live Video and of course on the wall of the group at all times. We will have a few more discussions about the tickets before they go on sale so that we can make sure to be able to answer all of your questions before you log into Breyer’s website and push the purchase now button!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Updates and blah, blah, blah

Welcome to Road To Breyerfest! This is not only the best place on the internet to get all of the information about Breyerfest and Stone’s Equilocity, but it is a positive hobby community that allows members to share their love and plastic and real horses alike. The group has been renamed Road To Model Horse Fest as a few members expressed concern that we do not only follow Breyerfest, but share other things as well. But a name is not something that we dwell on much here at RTB. No, we want to bring you the information that you need and a place to share your hobby.

We have linked our page and our group together so that you are more connected than ever! On the group, you will get the same amazing community that you have come to know. You will see shares of Breyer, Stone, and Copperfox, as well as real horse and other model horse type shares. On the page, you will now be able to view what artists offer for sale, real horse events, and much more! There is also a new hashtag to follow in the group for those that follow along with our Mold Discussion topics. This hashtag is #RTBMoldDiscussions.

Starting in November, we have a monthly Live Video that is there to answer your questions. This weekend video will always be on the weekend and we encourage members to watch and participate as these videos can be a wonderful source of information that you might be looking for about the events that go on in July. After March, these videos go from monthly to bi monthly and then after May, they become every weekend until Breyerfest. You are encouraged to tune in and ask your questions or tune in and help answer the questions that might be asked.

Last year, we offered Lanyards for sale and while it was awesome to see such encouragement in the group, we are rethinking this idea on swag to offer during the event. The cost was high and personal expenses were high despite asking for a low cost. If anyone would be willing to donate some swag or money towards swag of some type, we are willing to think over things that we want to offer. We do want to offer swag, but current funds say that we cannot offer anything out of pocket. RTB is funded entirely by our creator at this time and funds are not there to offer things for swag. We have started a Kofi and are willing to start of Patreon with special updates and gifts for income just for the community.

We do cover more than just Breyer events, though we started for just Breyerfest. We picked up Stone Horses’ Equilocity soon after we were created and have attended both events for several years now. While we do not always volunteer for either company, remember that we are usually always online during the event to help members with their own Breyerfest and Equilocity experience. However, after last year, we will not be setting aside time per day to meet with people to help them. There will be the annual Thursday Meet and Greet Lunch and Cracker Barrel in Lexington and if a member of the group wishes to hold a meet and greet, we will sponsor up to two of these and attempt to be there, if possible. In the past, we have offered a cell phone number to call or text for help, however this year, we will not be doing this, mainly to protect our sanity!

Our mascot this coming year and from now on is Aria, the palomino pinto. She will be making some more appearances here soon and we will be looking for tack and props for her for Breyerfest and other events that we attend. This mascot is always available during the events and you could win a mini whinnie if you take a selfie with her and post it to the group with the hashtag #RTBAriaSelfie! This will be a new addition and on a test run for the year 2020. If this goes well, it will be a yearly thing at every model horse event that we attend.

This coming year, we will be looking to offer a sponsorship for certain model horse and real horse events. We will be offering either a small monetary donation or a custom model with our initials and the year painted on the model. If this is something that you want to look into, please message the page and we will get back to you as soon as we are able to.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this crazy update of things and know that this is just some of the changes coming to RTB. We will keep the initials of RTB in order to not confuse everything, but just the group has been renamed so as to make sure that people understand that we are so much more than just one event! I am excited to finally be able to bring about the changes that I have been discussing with my friends and family and I cannot wait to share everything with you! Thank you all for being Roadies and I look forward to personally meeting as many of you as I can during July!

Friday, October 18, 2019

2020 Celebration Horse Has Been Released!

Here is our first look at the 2020 Celebration Horse, Ballynoe Castle RM, also known as Reggie around his barn.  This lovely bay Irish Sport Horse has had numerous wins, including several Rolex wins in Kentucky.  In 2017, he was retired at the Rolex Event in Kentucky and is now retired to farm life and loving it!  There will be more to come about this lovely horse soon!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

In Which We Decide To Make A Change

Since 2013, we have been called Road To Breyerfest and we knew that later down the line that we might have to change that name. In 2014, we made the decision to start following more than just Breyerfest and added in Stone's Equilocity. It was mentioned then that we should become the Road To Model Horse Fest. We sat back and decided to think about it later on down the road.

Later on came faster than we thought. That is perfectly fine, however we will not be doing the change all at once.  Everyone got to know the name of Road To Breyerfest and the initials of RTB. We cannot change that immediately and not expect some confusion.  So if you are a member of the Facebook group, you will have woken up this morning and see that the group has changed its name over the the new name.  The Facebook page, this blog, and the Instagram will still remain Road To Breyerfest for the 2020 year.

It was also brought to our attention last night that we do not share just Breyerfest information.  We had made that change back in 2014 when we started to share Stone posts as well.  We do not work for either company or any other large model horse company and remain as a freelance information supplier.  We created this online community so that people would have a positive place where they feel that they are safe to share what they love in the model horse community and even the real horses that they love.  It has been our mission to share the posts of Breyer, Stone, Hartland, Copperfox, and other companies and let the community know what they are currently offering for sale.  Yes, Stone does make more posts than Breyer and therefore they are shared more often that what Breyer posts. We aim to provide their posts to the community that we offer, nothing more than that. We ask that you respect the decision that we made years ago as we did this in an attempt to bring you even more information. Negative comments in the group on Facebook will now result in a three day mute and a permanent ban for the second offense.  We truly hate to even have to implement this new rule, but feel that we can no longer allow some of the things that have been said to continue to be said.

What do the changes and the ones still coming mean to you? Absolutely nothing other than you have access to information that is not readily available in other places and a safe community to share your love for plastic and real horses.  What is coming? Lots! We have already started exploring each and every mold that has been released through the companies and how they relate in the model horse showing world. We have plans to bring you more videos on our youtube channel, little swag purchases to help fund a new website that we are working on creating, and so much more! We also are welcoming your ideas of what you want to see here in the community!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Breyerfest 2019 Wrap Up!

Roadies, Breyerfest is now over and I literally do not know what to say this year. I would love to say that it was an amazing adventure full of friends and plastic ponies alongside real horses, but this year I am not able to say that. I had to take a vacation from what was supposed to be my vacation from the sheer craziness that happened during Breyerfest.

What happened, you ask? Well, it all has to do with the running of the event and how moody people can be in the heat. It started actually on Friday morning this year while I was in line for the Pop Up Store. While there was another incident before the event actually started, along with a massive car accident that was witnessed by a fellow line friend, the incident on Friday morning set the tone for the whole event to come and I did not believe it yet. I tried to help an older collector learn the different between each pop up tent and their location. I showed them on the map where each one was and described each one down to exactly how you received your items and paid for them. She treated me as if I did not know anything. That was fine, not everyone has Facebook so not everyone knows about Road To Breyerfest. A friend of mind came up and tried to explain the same thing to her. She told her as well that what we were saying was wrong. A Breyer employee came up with the numbers, explained the same exact thing that now myself, a line companion, and a Breyer Volunteer had told her. She said that it made no sense. I gave up at that point and tried to be content, especially since I was fifth in line for the Pop Up Tent. Then all bleep broke loose from behind and in front of me when the lady behind me, who had been rather unique all night long, went to the Breyer employee and got a number for the other Pop Up Store and received number 1. The lady in front of me, along with the other three people, threw a fit and the entire line of numbers had to be collected and rehanded out. While we got into the larger of the two Pop Up Stores, it was a rather dramatic beginning to an event that I normally love.

The line moved quickly into the event and we were greeted by the amazing KHP police and their lovely horses. After release into Breyerfest, the line to get the stablemate models was as long as I had realized and warned people about in several of my posts. From a volunteer, it was insanity. I went to my assigned spot in the Pop Up Tent while my line friend went to his assigned spot in the Breyer Store. We both got what we wanted and quickly realized that Breyer had indeed created yet another Ninja Pit and they continued to do so all weekend long! From there, I got my stablemates since the line was actually down, put my purchases in my truck (Oh that glorious truck…), and then proceeded to the Special Run Line. We had already been informed of what the Surprise Model was by a fellow RTB member and I was rather relived because in the line, I was guaranteed that it was Wyatt, the gaming stock horse.

Once at the Special Run Line, I waited for my time to be called. I had the dreaded 1pm line on Friday afternoon. Why do I say dreaded? Well, that is because of the literally amount of high school drama that erupted in line as well as on RTB. First, let me remind you reader, that RTB is considered a fan group. We do not have anything to do with the planning or running of the event and only provide information about it. That also being said, Stone Horses is the only company that actively follows and uses our group to help their client base (more on that later). I waited in line for the number to be called. I ended up about the middle of the line and I heard many rude words about how things were being run. A few other things happened, but nothing overly dramatic until after the line. I went through the line and got both models that I wanted. They were not one of the 30 variations that Breyer had slipped into each Special Run models, but I was happy since they were the ones that I had been wanting since they were released. I picked up my Celebration Horse there to check out how it ran to report back to the group, paid, and was out of there quickly. I then made my way to the Covered Arena to post what I had just done on RTB and the literal storm was waiting to descend upon me.

I was called out and told that it was my fault that this was horrible. There was a lady who had $300 stolen from her purse (later found out that it was a waist pack) and she posted all over about what to do. There was another lady who was furious that the Surprise model and a few others were sold out and left the line with nothing (Pepper, the Clyde mare was actually still available as well as another one, I was told.). There was a post about how people were using fake tickets or covering their time or number so they could go in then. The main thing was that they were using RTB to complain about the event and when admins and moderators politely told them to please not take their anger out in the group, but rather find a Breyer Employee and tell them right then, they posted nasty comments and sent very threatening personal messages. I was shocked that I was being treated like this and liuterally began to cry. I was being sent messages that a lady was going to sue me and messages that I was not giving them the information they needed. If you have been to the FB group, the information is literally in the files for everyone in the group to read. I go live every weekend leading up to Breyerfest. I spend all of the free time in a job that does not pay me anything. Some lovely ladies do give me presents which I am beyond grateful for, but have never even began to ask for since I do this to help people in their Breyerfest adventure. I went home on Friday night, determined to not go back on Saturday.

I went back, against my own will, and while I had a few positive experiences, including a lovely girl who wanted her picture taken with me, the posts on the group remained the same and were still be posted. I immediately got with my admins and moderators and we stopped accepting any posts that put either Breyer or Stone in a bad light since we are not affiliated with them in any way. We stopped the commenting on the negative posts and shut down any comments that turned negative. I was then messaged by the same lady that threatened lawsuit and was told that I use the word negativity too much (She messaged me after the event and told me that someone else must have messaged me the things that were sent to me since she obviously did not do it. My inner bad person came out and asked if someone stole her phone or hacked her computer since it was her name that sent it to me. She said no and I said well, I was told those things from your account.). I had literally had it with the event. I was supposed to go to the Clarion on Saturday evening, but I went home and cried from the stress some more.

Sunday came around and I decided that I would go in order to just go watch the horses. Well, that did not happen. Back in April, I had offered lanyards to the group at a low price of $2.50 if they were picked up at Breyerfest. Several people took this option and while I had not handed them out on Friday due to my Special Run Time and picking up my models, I had offered them on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. On Sunday, I still had several that were not picked up and I was severely sunburned from sitting in the sun on Saturday and Thursday. I sat by Fluffy for hours and one person picked theirs up. I still have several that I am sorting through and going to have to ask for shipping, despite telling them that pickup was free (I already had one lady tell me that the extra that she had sent could be used for shipping….it was used to purchase these lanyards as they were told when they sent. All shipping would be extra, around $5, and will now be coming out of my pocket for those that did not pick them up and do not wish to pay shipping. Shipping is expensive and while I would love to just hop down to the post office and send them out, I still have to purchase supplies and pay for the shipping itself so I have learned from that experience and the next batch will have an increased price along with a shipping fee.). I waited for hours and missed much of the equine events. A few more were picked up before the end of the event and I left when Breyerfest ended, only to be messaged and asked where I was to pick up their lanyards. I was on the freeway, heading home by then. But I am only saying this because I ended up getting rather ill from the sunburn and was unable to even care for my real horse and my family until I was better, two weeks later. I still have to send out lanyards as I am not a rich person and while I had saved for the event, I do not have enough in the bank some weeks to just send $5 per envelope to the 20 people that did not pick up their lanyards at one go.

So now that Breyerfest is over, I have taken my break, and I am getting back into the swing of my non paying job. My tiny human has gone to her first day of school and as I write this, I await her return. I am still upset over the outcome of this Breyerfest and while I love attending, I am feeling that I might not go if I am not chosen as a volunteer. Not out of anger for not being chosen as a volunteer, but rather because I am saddened about how some people could treat those that truly try to help and how rude people have become over the years that I have attended this event. There were not ad many vendors this year. The Clarion is doing some much needed updates. The lack of transportation really weighed on me, even though I did have a vehicle at the last minute. I truly love attending Breyerfest and Equilocity (which I will write about soon), but the stress of the events that happened at Breyerfest has hurt me to the core and the hobby turned job has turned sour for me. I am even considering getting a real job and just doing this part time since the files are written and will be finished completely by winter.

I just don’t know my future right now in the hobby other than collecting pretty ponies. While they will never not bring me joy, some members of the hobby have become bitter, sour, and accusing. I was even accused of working for Breyer and Stone at one time during the event and before the event, I was discredited as just another groupie that did not know what she was talking about. I have been and will continue to reflect on my feelings of this hobby for now. But I know in the mean time, I will continue to help those that want to start their first or their thirty first Breyerfest adventure!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Corrections and Updates

  This year, there has been some misinformation in the group and I am making this blog post to update and answer those questions and give the correct answers.

This year, as with the last few years, the Special Run Line is always a topic of hot debate.  I have done many videos, posts, and even a blog post about how to go through it, how to read your ticket, and the amount of models that you can purchase.  However, this year, the times have confused people and wrong answers have been given out.  Here are the correct answers:

The gates open at 9 am on Friday and Saturday so the first Special Run Time is 10 am.  This is no different than any other year.

The gates open at 8:30am on Sunday so the first Special Run Time is 9:00am.  

Please make sure to know your day and time when you get to Breyerfest.  

The Costume Contest is in the Altech Arena and is NOT in the Covered Arena. It is now on Friday at 6PM before the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance.

The Bag Check is the same rules that has been in the past.  A Traditional Sized model must not be able to fit into it. You must use the bag check for backpacks that are large and shopping bags if you are going into the Breyer Store, the Special Run Line, or the Pop Up Stores.

The Breyer Shuttles do NOT run from the Park to the Clarion on Thursday. They run from the other hotels to the Clarion on Thursday ONLY. The loop from KHP to the Clarion will be on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the the last shuttle time being 11:30 PM on Friday and Saturday.

The weather will change. I have been keeping a close eye on it, but know that Kentucky weather will be hot and humid.  That is guarantee, but it might rain or storm and it might not. It changes in a heartbeat.

Food is expensive at the park, but you are allowed to bring your own cooler with food in it. Breyer has added a free water station if you have a refillable water bottle, but remember to stay hydrated.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

My Personal RTB Story

Road To Breyerfest means so much to me, more than I can ever express in words. This group, blog, or whatever else you want to call it has grown to be much more than just information about an event that I did not even know about eight years ago. It became a safe haven in the model horse community when I was dealing with some very personal medical issues. It became a place where I could come when I lost my heart horse, even though I am reminded of him almost every moment because of how he actually helped me to get the strength to create this group. This place has helped me to realize that I am bigger than the social anxiety and depression that threaten to take over when the “off season” comes around. But it is so much more than just a place to help me.

Road To Breyerfest came about because I was finally able to go to Breyerfest for the very first time in 2012. I am and have always been a horse crazy person. As a child, I played with toy horses more than I did with dolls. My parents purchased me a Barbie Dream House with tons of accessories along with the dolls, but that lovely Dream House quickly became my Dream Barn and the flower bed outside became this amazing arena with corrals. I asked to go to Breyerfest for years when my grandmother was feeling alright and headed to Kentucky to visit with her sisters. I was raised in California so I never was able to go to Breyerfest. I went to the Kentucky Horse Park a few times when I was able to come back here with my grandmother, but it was never during Breyerfest. So when I moved here back in 2003, I decided that I would work towards going to an event that I had always dreamed about. For the first few years, that never happened. My first husband hated horses, including my real horses, and tried to destroy my model horses. After I straightened out my life from that disaster, I lost track of my models and certainly did not go to Breyerfest. In 2012, I was living with my parents once more, but had a decent paying job, a decent car, and a way to get to the Kentucky Horse Park. But after I purchased my tickets, I was lost. I had no idea what a Special Run was or a Celebration Horse. My friend at the time said that he would go with me so he purchased a ticket and handed me the model tickets. I asked on FB just what was going on and I was told to just go and learn for myself. I was told that I would figure it out when I got there. I have extreme social anxiety and I also have driving anxiety due to a severe car accident that I was in the year that I moved out here. I had NO IDEA what to expect and no one would help me. I did the Ninja Pit and was still confused because only one or two people in line would answer my questions. At Breyerfest, I was so confused and nervous that it was overwhelming for me. I decided that something had to be done, but what?

In 2013, I rode my horse at Breyerfest. How I got to that point, I am still not entirely sure. I had called them and written emails about how I would like to take my horse there to showcase an event that I feel strongly about. I had talked to my horse trainer and riding instructor that I had graduated from and she told me that I was amazing in my field and that if it was meant to be, it would happen. I gave up hope that I would even get there. But one day in January2013, while I was slicing lunch meat at my job, I received a phone call that would change my life more than I ever realized. It was from Breyer and I was officially being asked to come to Breyerfest to ride my horse in an event that they did not even know about. I think that I cried. At this time, my Heart Horse had been retired from competition due to arthritis and he was 20 years old. I said yes! I told my dad that I needed a ride to the Kentucky Horse Park and a dream was coming true! I made all of the necessary arrangements and finally, I made it there with my horse, Someone Trespassed. I was walking on air and my old horse knew exactly what he was there for! In the beginning of the event, he was mistaken for Topsails Reinmaker, but quickly made his own way to be known. We had people that knew us from when we used to show out in California and were at the very top before I moved to Kentucky and lost my dreams. I did not know that a mere four years later I would lose him to an unknown neurological disease. But as I sat at the gate, waiting to go inside, I was asked so many questions about Breyerfest itself. I did not know all the answers then, but I was willing to learn and help people to learn as well. I carried a program with me and talked to the Breyer volunteers to learn everything that I could learn. One time that weekend, as I sat on my horse, I decided to make a group and name it the Road To Breyerfest so people can follow my journey and learn about Breyerfest as well. That was also the day that my then fiancee proposed to me in the covered arena at the end of my performance that day. I said yes. Later in the day as I sat at my horse’s stall, RTB was created. It did not grow very fast, but it grew and I slowly learned everything that there was to learn about Breyerfest. Then I had a child and threw a wrench in my plans for 2014, but my husband surprised me and I was still able to attend and learn more, even with a six week old daughter. Every year, I learned more and the group grew until what it is today.

RTB has undergone a ton of changes, but it is still fundamentally the same. We provide information for those that go to Breyerfest. We now offer a virtual Breyerfest experience, a positive community for model horse lovers and real horse lovers, and a place to learn about Breyerfest and Stone Horses’ Equilocity. From files that offer reading on what to expect to videos explaining everything down to the very last detail to even Live videos where you can come on and ask your questions directly and get answers right away. We offer a place where you can share your newest model with excitement and get a response that is positive and uplifting. It is also a place where you can share your love of the real horse and know that everyone there loves horses in some way. There is so much more to RTB than I can even talk about.

One day, I hope that RTB is the first and foremost place where people go to when they decide that they want to go to Breyerfest or learn more about the model horse hobby. I hope to see it grow into something that everyone can join and know that they are in a wonderful place.

Thank you for reading my thoughts on how I feel about Road To Breyerfest and I hope that you continue my journey with me as I grow this group to more than just that. I hope to get a website one day as well as more than just a blog. I want RTB to be amazing and I hope that it really does happen.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Breyerfest In A Nutshell!

Breyerfest In A Nutshell

Breyerfest is quite an exciting adventure for everyone, whether you like plastic ponies or not. There is literally something for everyone there and I am here to make sure that you at least find your way around a little bit. I must warn you though, you will be overwhelmed. No matter what you think, you will be overwhelmed. Also, you will not be able to do everything in one weekend. This is an absolute promise. However, there is much that you can do while experiencing the Kentucky Horse Park as well as Breyerfest itself.

Breyerfest takes place in the Covered Arena at the Kentucky Horse Park. Well, that is the main hub of the activity and where many people will spend their weekend. There will be much to see and do in that arena so make sure that you are prepared when you walk into it. It will be crowded and air does not move well in there. However, you will be treated to vendors of all kinds, from plastic ponies to resin to specialty foods to even jewelry. In the actual arena, you will be delighted to find that real horses will be performing demonstrations of their chosen disciplines as well as being introduced to rare breeds and horse celebrities. The Breyer Store is located in the Covered Arena and entry is free of charge, no matter if you have a three day ticket or a single day ticket. There will be a line however, so make sure to take that into consideration. There are bathrooms located in the Covered Arena as there is also a water fountain. A snack shack from the Kentucky Horse Park is located there as well. Right outside of the arena, you are able to pick up your Celebration Horse at the window by the ramp.

Directly as you walk into the Rolex Gates, where you will see a huge line, you will see the Covered Arena in front of you. The sidewalk then can go either to the right or to the left. Depending on what you want to experience first is the direction that you are going to take. Heading to the left will take you towards the Kid’s Barn, the International Museum of the Horse, The Visitor’s Center, The Breed’s Barn, the Big Barn, the Hall of Champions, and the Special Run Tent. The Big Barn is where the workshops are located this year so make sure to go there if you are participating in the workshops that you have signed up for and for good measure, you might want to get there early because there are horses there! The Special Run Tent is in the paddocks of the Breeds Barn and between the Breed’s Barn and the Covered Arena. Make sure to read our file all about the Line Information to get a step ahead on the Special Run Line!

If you were to have gone to the right, you will have access to the Help Desk, where you can also pick up your Single Day Stablemates, the Collector Club Tent, the Celebration Park where you will be able to watch the dogs perform and find the petting zoo and food as well, the Pop Up Stores, both of these are located on that side of the arena, and you have access to the barns where the autographs take place, the Stablemate Painting tent, the Hobby Information Booth, and a few other surprises that Breyer likes to throw in!

If you are visiting the Horse Park, make sure to check out the Breed’s Barn to learn about different breeds twice a day. The Hall of Champions is also another place to make sure to visit and this is also the place where the Live Auction will take place on Saturday Evening. The Big Barn houses some amazing draft horses and is open to the public and do not forget to just stroll the grounds and relax. If you are looking to cool down, the Museum offers air conditioning as does the Visitor’s Center. Also don’t forget the Saddlebred Museum, which you will see as you enter the Rolex Gate.

While there have been some changes to things happening at Breyerfest, the Kentucky Horse Park will always remain the same, to a degree, and makes a nice, relaxing change if you need to get away from the crowd of Breyerfest for a moment.

During the evening on Friday and Saturday, you will want to either take a shuttle or drive down Cigar Lane to the Altech Arena. There you will be treated to the Celebration Of Horses Evening event. This show is spectacular and amazing and this year is directed by the amazing Sylvia Zerbini and will feature the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The Altech Arena is also the location of Breyerfest Live on Friday and the Breyerfest Youth and Children’s Show on Saturday. If you are into Live Showing or want to know more, I always recommend to very carefully stop by and take a look, but do not touch anything!

But don’t forget about Breyerfest After Dark! This extra part of Breyerfest takes place at the Clarion Hotel and offers a lovely Artisan’s Gallery, where you can purchase some of the finest pieces of art by the most amazing artists. You will also get a glimpse of the Best Customs Contest winners and see some of the new releases and special runs by Breyer. Do not forget to browse the hotel and shop from the rooms, especially if you are looking for a specific model!

Of course, do not forget Equilocity! If you like Stone horses, this is the event for you! One of a kind models, limited editions, and so much more will be available at the Fairfield Inn as well as the Clarion. Their event offers more than just models for sale and includes an Ice Cream Social on Thursday, a Personal Shopping Experience and Kid’s Auction on Friday, a Live Show on Saturday along with a very exclusive dinner that is currently sold out, and more sales and new releases! Their models can be purchased online with a personal shopper if you are unable to physically attend the event. There is also a very amazing Live Auction as well as Baskets put together by the amazing Elaine Stone! If you have never checked out this event, I encourage you to stop by even just to say hi to the amazing ladies that work for Stone Horses.

This year, I am also including a new feature for the group and providing more videos, more lives, and photos of everything that I can so that even those that cannot attend Breyerfest or Equilocity will be able to virtually attend the events. I may not be able to get everything, but I will do my absolute best to get as much media as I can.

If you are attending the events, please make sure to stop by and say hi to me! Do not forget the Meet and Greet at the Cracker Barrel next to the Fairfield Inn around 1-2 PM and the Meet and Greet on Saturday at the museum at KHP at 1 -2PM. There might be another one slipped in there but you can always find me in the covered arena or by the Special Run Line, dressed as a unicorn this year. Never hesitate to say hi and if you so wish, grab a photo to show people that you found a unicorn!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Breyerfest Anthem!

Sing to the tune of The Battle Hymn of the Republic.
(Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory / Glory, Glory Hallelujah)
by Pamela Puamelia Zurkrow Pramuka

There are horsies in the bedroom; there are horsies in the hall.
There are horsies in the kitchen, and believe me, that’s not all.
There are horsies in the living room and horsies on the wall
In back of the TV.

Well, they’re made of Styrene plastic, cold-cast resin, Acetate.
There’s OF’s and artist sculptures; for the latest we can’t wait.
We keep spending all our money on the things our husbands hate.
It could be something worse

Horsies, horsies we collect ‘em
Horsies, horsies we perfect ‘em.
Don’t you dare to disrespect ‘em.
We’ll quickly set you straight.

There are mares and studs and geldings, anatomically correct,
And the foals have no equipment, but they’re fillies we suspect.
There is worse we could be buying, there is worse we could collect.
Hey, it’s a harmless vice

Little Lipizzans and Arabs, Quarter Horsies, Shires and Cobs,
And some Morgans, Thoroughbreds and Fells. Why else do we have jobs?
Gotta get that latest Clydesdale; it’s a stud with purple bobs,
And put him on display

Horsies, horsies we collect ‘em
Horsies, horsies we perfect ‘em.
Don’t you dare to disrespect ‘em.
We’ll quickly set you straight.

There are Paints and Palominos and some Appaloosas, too.
There are bays and blacks and dapple grays, to mention just a few.
There are Golden Charms and woodgrains and some horsies that are blue
And worth a ton of dough.

Well, there’s tiny little saddles, little bits and bridles, too,
And the costumes and accessories will sure astonish you.
There’s performance scenes and backgrounds and some model riders who
Will win all kinds of shows.

Hey, we customize and paint ‘em, move their heads and manes and tails,
And for really major changes that epoxy never fails.
We put tiny horseshoes on ‘em shipping boots and martingales.
We’re totally obsessed.

Horsies, horsies how we love ‘em.
There’s no other toy above ‘em,
And we’ll never, ever shove ‘em
Unwrapped into a box.

Well, the shelves are overflowing and the windowsills and more.
I’ve already sold the couches, and we’re sitting on the floor.
I could thin out my collection, then get up and bar the door.
Or see what’s on Exchange.

We’re not crazy, well, not really. Oh, well maybe just a touch,
And you other folks will never understand why we’re so much
Into little plastic ponies and their names and tack and such.
We’ll never give them up.

Horsies, horsies we keep buying.
For another one we’re dying,
And tomorrow we’ll be trying
To find that rare SR.

Breyerfest Prep! A Look Into My Trip Planning...

Breyerfest is literally only a month away and I don’t know about you, but I am freaking out. I am one of those people that need to have everything planned down to the last detail or my anxiety takes over completely and I dissolve into panic attacks on the side of the road with music blaring and me calling my dad hysterically over an imaginary sound in the car. However, not all of those sounds are imaginary and is a huge reason why I am freaking out this year. I do not have my car. At all. It has been down for over a year and a half now between Engine Power Reduction and a blown engine, it has not ran for more than a month at a time. But I do have a second car that is my husband’s every day truck. My anxiety over that one? Well it is a single cab! Where am I going to put things? Where am I going to sleep? I tried to ask my husband and he shrugged and said that I should sleep in the line. I asked my dad and he was like a lot of things change in a month. What is that even supposed to mean?! But I am not trying to worry. I just have not been out of the house for over two months and even going down the road might give me anxiety at this point. However, I have been making my plans!

My first plan for Breyerfest week is the NAMHSA dinner on Wednesday evening. I was super excited when a friend bought me a ticket to go to this since it also covers my membership for two years! How exciting! I thought… I decided to see if I could plot out some ideas for the event since I was asked to see what I could do about more than just interest in model horse shows. I asked a hypothetical question and expected a hypothetical answer. Things were going great until I was called attention seeking, a drama seeker, and childish. I am thinking that maybe NAMHSA is not the place for me. I do not show my model horses often, in fact my anxiety makes me crazy when I go and I spend the time hiding at my table and taking my ponies to their tables and back. I would love to see what other things could happen, but apparently that is not something that people want. I will still attend the dinner, but my ideas are not wanted and that is ok.

My second plan for Breyerfest week is on Thursday and well, that is a jam packed day full of fun. Early in the day, I will be going LIVE on the Facebook group at Equilocity and showing off what they have to offer. I hope to find at least a body there for NaMoPaiMo next year. Then it is off to the Road To Breyerfest Meet and Greet at the Cracker Barrel next door. I can’t wait to see all of my friends and spend time with them once more! From there, it is off to the Clarion of course! Shopping and friends, what more could a girl want! Of course, I will be heading to the Ninja Pit after that. I do stand in line, well sit in line, for the Pop Up Stores so that I can be guaranteed to get at least one stablemate.

And of course, Breyerfest weekend. Three days of fun and excitement and also anxiety. Surprise, I have social anxiety and I do actually want to hide when I meet people. However since running RTB, I have found that meeting people is easier and I can stand up beside them, especially when I know that I helped to get them where they are! I also have tons of anxiety about driving home. I live about an hour from the park and get to drive home every night to put my plastic ponies away, shower, take a nap, and get ready to come back. I don’t eat much and I have been forced to eat when I get home several times, but I am getting better about eating at the event.

I say all of this because I feel that people need to know that you can do these events by yourself. Even with generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety, I can attend these events by myself because there is no other way that I can attend them. My family does not support my model horse hobby. My husband is ok with me spending the money, but that is all. My oldest child is not interested and my youngest is only five. So, yes, I go alone and yes, I actually dress up to help myself feel better about it. However, the bright colors that people see me in….yeah, that is not part of my outfit. I always wear bright colors and mismatched patterns. If you see me at any Breyerfest type event, please do not hesitate to come up and say hello! I will always have a smile and an answer to a question that you might have! 


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Paying It Forward In A Big Way!

Last Breyerfest, there was a horrible and a scary incident that rocked the model horse community.  However, the community rallied and using Road To Breyerfest and a few other groups, the model horse community replaced a number of models and other items that were stolen out of a rented vehicle while at a hotel in Lexington, Ky. One of these models was a glossy prize model from the Children's Costume Contest.  The family was devastated, but all of the models were replaced, including the prize model.

Fast forward to later in the year and I received a message from an amazing lady who helped fund the replacement models and who found the majority of the models to replace using the groups on Facebook.  She informed me that she and the family that the group helped would love to pay it forward in 2019.  I said that this would be amazing and I would await their messages before I told the group.

Today, I received the message that the Jones' family would be funding a trip to Breyerfest for a person or family that was down on their luck.  I was to award this fund in whichever way that I found best and that person would receive the funds for hotel and travel to the event. I spent all day trying to find ways to post this in the main group and while talking to my admin team (I can't be everywhere at once so I have some amazing ladies that volunteer their time to help me.), we came up with a way to fairly decide how this was to be done.  It was posted and immediately the stories of how amazing this contest was and how it was much needed to a few people came pouring into my comment feed and my inbox.  I am deeply honored that I was even able to be a part of this. Later, I was contacted by Mares In Black and they asked if they could share the contest.  Not only did they share it, but their write up made me cry. I was in tears of happiness before I even finished reading what those ladies had written. 

Paying It Forward, RTB Style!

I am still in shock and I cannot wait until Saturday when we reveal on the Facebook group who won!

Monday, June 3, 2019

Mid Year Releases

2019 seems to be a power house year for Breyer releases and the Mid Year Releases sure do not fail to please.  Perhaps you will be able to find them at Breyerfest this year, but the released shipping date is July 8th so Breyerfest might be the first place to purchase these models straight from Breyer.  Without hesitation, let's take a look at these new ponies!

Breyerfest and KHP Location Highlights

The locations of things around the park can be hard to find. But rest assured that we will help you find your way around like a pro. When the app is released, there will be maps associated with it or you will be able to find maps in the program when it is released. Using those maps, you can still get lost rather easily so this little guide will help you find your way around, even if you only have a general idea of where you are going.

The first thing that you will be looking for will be the Rolex Gate. The Rolex gate is where you will enter for Breyerfest and this is also the place where you will line up while waiting for the gates to open. In order to get to the Rolex gate, you will need to find the American Saddlebred Museum. To the left of the building, while you are looking at it, you will find a gate that is closed with two windows on either side. Of course, there will also be Breyerfest signage that says Welcome To Breyerfest as well as which lines are which. The left of the gates is normally the NPOD and the Pop Up Store line. To the right of the gates will be the General Admission entrance. Whichever line you choose, you will enter the park in a timely manner and know that the police monitor the entrance quite well.

The next thing that you will be looking for is normally the Covered Arena. The Covered Arena is where the Breyer Store, the vendors, and the Equine Exhibitions will take place. The place is not Air Conditioned, however there are normally fans that move the air along. This is not only a great place to shop, unless you are heading to the Clarion, but a great place to sit down and enjoy a meal while you watch some lovely horses perform. There are food vendors around the park, but in the Covered Arena there are the KHP snack shack, a pretzel vendor, and normally a slushie vendor. The other places to eat are the KHP restaurants as well as the Celebration Park, where the food vendors will be. The Breyer Store is located on the North End of the Covered Arena and the Celebration Pick Up Window is located on the South End of the Covered Arena.

The Celebration Park is located past the Covered Arena. This is the arena between the Rolex Stadium and the Covered Arena and loops back to the Covered Arena. In this area, you will find a petting zoo, horseless horse show, food vendors, one Pop Up Store, and other exciting things to see and do. Make sure to check it out!

As you look around, you will come out to the North of the Covered Arena between the arena and the barns. To the left, there will be a larger Pop Up Store and in front of you is an arena where there usually is some exciting demonstrations. One the back side of the area is the Stablemate Painting area and the Hobby Information Booth (normally). Make sure to check out these locations and look in the program to see what else will be in this area this year.

The Stabling Barns are to the right of the arena in front of you and Barn Seven is the one where the Autographs take place! Make sure to check out the program to find the times of the horses that will offer owner autographs.

Keep taking that road and soon you will see two large tents on the opposite side of the Covered Arena. Those are the Special Run tents and they are located in the paddock of the Breeds Barn.

The Big Barn is where the workshops will take place this year and is located slightly behind and to the side of the Breeds Barn. This large barn is considered one of the largest wooden structures in America today!

Also don’t forget to visit the Visitor’s Center, especially if you are participating in the Diorama contest as well as the International Museum of the Horse! These places are amazing!

Until the program is released, this is the knowledge based on last year and I hope that it has been helpful to you!

The Clarion is a place where shopping is not for the faint of heart, but you can find an amazing deal if you stay the course! Located South of the KHP, this hotel has been the site of room sales and Breyerfest After Dark for many years now. The Breakables Live show on Thursday before Breyerfest is located here as is the Artisan’s Gallery. On Friday, the Swap Meet is located here as well! Almost every room in this crazy maze of a hotel is open for sales and provides everything from the exceptionally rare to the extremely common. It is a must go to event during Breyerfest, however understand that the parking is quite limited and while there are shuttles available, we still do NOT know the schedule of the shuttles.

Room Sales this year (2019) will also be at the Fairfield where Stone’s Equilocity event takes place. Equilocity offers collectors a different view of the model horse hobby by offering them limited edition sales, one of a kind pieces, Ice Cream Socials, Bingo, and other smaller events during Equilocity. Their host hotel is the Fairfield, however there is also a sale room at the Clarion.

While we have talked about locations and lines, let’s talk about safety. KHP is usually quite safe as there is a division of the State Police that is located on the grounds. The area is also well lit and very well patrolled. However, Lexington Ky is NOT a very safe town and there has been robberies in the past. While not at KHP or the Clarion (during busy times, of course), it is recommended that you do NOT keep anything of value in your car. From personal experience, thieves in Lexington will literally go after anything and everything that they think will have any value. I had one go so far as to break the window on an unlocked door to get to a dead car battery that was barely visible under the car seat. Be sure to lock your car and while going places, employ the buddy system or make sure that you are aware of your surroundings. Even if you have heard it a million times, it might save your life one day.