Thursday, June 25, 2020

BreyerFest 2020 #10

BreyerFest Recap #10:  Whew, we have been doing recaps over everything! This year we are all technically newbies as this is a whole new event, even for those that have attended BreyerFest since the very beginning. There have been some questions that still are awaiting answers and some that won't be answered until the actual event.  

The RAFFLE AND AUCTION information still has not been released yet. From my information, they are still finalizing details and do not want to release any information about these two events yet without it all being true and accurate. While we all desperately want to know how it will work, Breyer has asked us to hang in there and that is totally what I am recommending. Here at RTB, we cannot make assumptions so we will not be and we will be waiting until Breyer releases that information and we will share it here immediately and make a video for it. 

You ABSOLUTELY must have an active account for BreyerFest.  We are coming down to the wire, so please make sure that your account is active and ready to go. If you need help with this, you absolutely must contact Breyer Customer Service as we are only a fan based group. Make sure that your PayPal is set up and ready to go or that you will have your Credit/debit card ready to go.  There is a known glitch that if the paypal address and the email used to make your Breyer account doesn't match up, your tickets will not show up. Make sure to check your addresses and test them, if need be. Breyer has addressed this and said that they will help, if needed. 

BreyerFest will start sometime between 9 am and 10 am EDT on Friday, July 10th.  The exact time is up to Breyer, but of course, we will immediately scream that it is live and you can go online now.  You absolutely do NOT have to sit in front of the computer all weekend long. I am, but that is because I will be documenting it all for our records, in case this ever happens again. I will have two or three screens running so that I can watch and inform the group of what is happening. You also do not need to purchase your models immediately, if you have a three day ticket.  Yes, models can and do sell out, but they will be restocked daily, that we know of, and according to Breyer, in other time zones as well.  We do not know everything about how that will work as we are all new to this.  

Yes, there will absolutely still be a RTB Meet and Greet on Thursday. It will be later in the day so that others can join in the fun.  It will be done on FB events or Discord (those two are the strongest competitors for being able to handle everyone) and will include trivia. 

RTB will be available all BreyerFest weekend and here to help explain the awesome things that we will see.  Rest assured that we will post on all of our social media when things are released, except for YouTube as that takes FOREVER to upload and I will upload all of the day's information at night. 

I hope this helps a bit!

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