Thursday, June 18, 2020

BreyerFest Recap #3

BreyerFest 2020 Recap: So we've gone over quite a few things already and there is still much more to recap. Today, this whole recap is about tickets!

There are technically four different kinds of tickets for BreyerFest 2020: The Adult Three Day Ticket, the Child's Three Day Ticket, The Celebration Ticket, and the Single Day Ticket. There are also different levels of access and extras that go with each ticket type.
The Adult Three Day Ticket is the absolute highest level of access and extras that was available for the event. This ticket comes with the Special Run Ticket, the Celebration Model, access to the virtual event for all three days, $20 worth of free raffle tickets, $10 coupon for BreyerFest swag, ability to purchase the NPOD Grab Bag that we talked about yesterday, access to purchase Store Models, access to purchase Fling! Pop Up Shop models, access to enter into the raffles, access to the auctions, access to the virtual workshops, access to virtual senimars, ability to enter the Breyer Photo Show, access to the virtual Equus Film Festival, access to behind the scenes videos of KHP and other horse farms, access to interviews and performances by guest horses, a special performance by Sylvia Zerbini and the Celebration of Horses performers, and bonus content from other BreyerFest Partners, and perhaps more.
The Child's Three Day Ticket comes with much of the same as above: The Special Run Ticket, the Celebration Model, access to purchase Store Special Models, access to purchase Fling! Pop Up Shop models, access to the raffles, access to the auctions, access to the workshops and virtual seminars, access to the behind the scenes at KHP and the other horse farms, access to interviews and performances with guest horses, access to the virtual Equus Film Festival, access to a special performance by Silvia Zerbini and the Celebration of Horses performers, and bonus content from other BreyerFest partners.
The Single Day Tickets come with ONE Gambler's Choice stablemate model (random choice) from this year's line up of Single Day Models and one day access to the virtual BreyerFest, access to purchase Store Special models, access to purchase Fling! Pop Up Shop models, access to enter into the raffles, access to the auctions, access to the virtual seminars, access to the Equus Film Festival, and perhaps more.
The Single Day Four Pack Tickets offer the same amount of access as the Single Day tickets, except that you get access to all three days of virtual BreyerFest content that the Single Day Ticket holders will get, and you receive all four stablemates as well as a commemorative Celtic Fling magnet.
And last was the newly added Celebration Ticket. Due to Three Ticket sales being cut off a bit early to keep the Special Run Line fair, there were still some Celebration Models available and thus the Celebration Tickets were created. These are three day tickets that allow access to the virtual BreyerFest content, Celebration Horse model, access to purchase the Store Special models, access to purchase the Fling! Pop Up Shop models, and a bit more. This option does not have all of the access that adult three day ticket holders have.

There will be no printed tickets this year and no tickets will be mailed out.

I hope this helps a bit more with the explanation of the tickets that you have purchased and explains a bit of just what you can expect to find on the Breyer Website come BreyerFest weekend. All of this information can be found on the FAQ section of Breyer's website as well as our file section and their BreyerFest Blog.

BreyerFest Recap 2020 (Special Edition): This special edition of our Recap will go over model access during BreyerFest, what each ticket types will be allowed to purchase and what they will receive.

-Ballynoe Castle RM Celebration Horse is available to all three day ticket holders: Adult, Child, and Celebration

-Single Day Stablemates are available to all Single Day Ticket Holders

-Limited Editions such as the Store Specials and the Fling! Pop Up Shop models are available to all ticket holders and the number of daily "trips" through the stores for these models are based on the number and type of ticket, each completed check out is one trip.

-NPOD Grab Bags is available only to Adult Three Day Ticket holders and is limited to ONE per ACCOUNT for the weekend. The amount of tickets does not matter as it is limited per account.

-Special Runs are available to Adult and Child Three Day Ticket holders only. Celebration and Single Day Ticket holders are NOT eligible to purchase Special Run Models at the event.

-BreyerFest Swag is available to all ticket holders.

I hope this all helps to clear things up a bit more!

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