Friday, June 19, 2020

BreyerFest 2020 Recap 4

BreyerFest Recap #4: So we have gone over what to expect, tickets, and what types of models will be available at BreyerFest. Today, we will be recapping how you will be able to purchase the models. 
  First, let's talk about the Store Special models. These models are portrait models that are available to all ticket holders. They are limited though in how many you will be allowed to purchase each day.  The limit depends on how many tickets that you have and what type of ticket that you have.  A Single Day Ticket is only allowed to purchase ONE of each Store Special on the day that their ticket is for.  A Three Day Ticket can purchase one of each Store Special per day, this includes the Adult Three Day Ticket, the Child's Three Day Ticket, and the Celebration Ticket. For example, if you have two Three Day Tickets, you can purchase up to two of each Store Special on each day. The store will restock at different times of the day to allow for other time zones and will definitely restock each day when they sell out.

The same goes for the Fling! Pop Up Shop models.  These models are also limited to one per ticket per day, depending on your ticket type.  As with above, the Single Day Ticket Holders can purchase one of each of the Fling! Pop Up Shop models on the day of their tickets.  The Three Day Ticket Holders can purchase one per ticket once per day, so this would mean that potentially you could get three Greenmans for example. If you have more than one Three Day Ticket, you can purchase that amount of each model per day. For example, two three day tickets will allow you to purchase two Greenmans per day.

The BreyerFest Warehouse Grab Bag is the only "model" type that is exclusively limited to ONE certain ticket type and is limited to ONE PER ACCOUNT, NOT ONE PER TICKET. Only Adult Three Day Ticket Holders are eligible to purchase this grab bag and there will be several price points available to choose from. This is not a feature that is available to the Celebration Ticket Holders or the Child's Three Day Ticket Holders. 

Next, let's recap the Special Run models.  The Special Run Tickets were only available to Adult Three Day Ticket Holders and Child's Three Day Ticket Holders.  Celebration Ticket Holders and Single Day Ticket Holders were NOT eligible for a Special Run Ticket with their tickets. When you submitted your preferences by June 15th, you gave Breyer an insight on to how you ranked the models in your mind. This does not guarantee that you will get those models per say, but they will do their best to accommodate your ranking with how you ticket stands in line, which is a random draw through order numbers. The line works basically the same way that it does as the main event. Once your time slot has come up during BreyerFest weekend, you will get an email telling you that your choices are available to purchase. You are NOT able to choose other models, however you are also NOT required to purchase them if you do not wish to do so.  You have up to 24 hours to purchase these models only. However, if you missed the time frame to return the Special Run Preference List, models will be assigned to you randomly so you will not miss out on your Special Run Models.

I hope that this cleared up a bit more for you and stay tuned for our next recap tomorrow! Breyerfest is growing closer every day and I know that I am very excited and hope that you are as well.

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