Thursday, June 18, 2020

BreyerFest 2020 Recap #1

BreyerFest 2020 Recap: So as we all know, this year is a virtual event. This has opened up the amazing world of BreyerFest to more people than ever before! That means that there are now more questions than ever before and that is a good thing! Breyer has placed an amazing FAQ up on their website and we have one here in our files as well that goes a bit more in depth. The only answers that we are lacking are answers that have not been released from Breyer just yet. Switching to a virtual event is a massive undertaking and I think that they are doing amazing!
So far, we do not have answers about the raffles and the Auction, however I do know that they are coming soon, so please hang in there.

We are also still waiting on the pricing, but that is a normal thing during BreyerFest prep. Prices are not released until around 2 weeks before the event. We, here in the group, keep price lists from 2017 until 2019 so that there is a visual on where the prices might fall when they are released.

The Special Run Preference List was due last night, but if you missed it, you will still receive models, just a random draw of models.

There are several categories of models that are available during BreyerFest from Special Runs to Store Specials. Each one has their own price point and what they are exactly. These categories are Special Runs that are available only to Three Day Ticket Holders, Store Specials which are available to all ticket holders and are portrait models, Pop Up Shop models which are strictly event themed models that are available to all ticket holders, The Celebration Model which is a portrait model available to all three day ticket holders, the Single Day Stablemate Models which are available to Single Day Ticket holders and are normally available as a random draw. There are a few more, but these are the main type of models available during BreyerFest weekend.

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