Saturday, June 20, 2020

BreyerFest 2020 Recap #5

BreyerFest 2020 Recap #5: This recap will explore the Odds and Ends of the tickets and purchasing of models before we move on into what to expect during the Online Event.

First, I do want to mention that RAFFLE TICKETS AND THE AUCTION HAVE NOT been addressed by Breyer yet, but we have been promised that it is coming as soon as the information is finalized. We will NOT be accepting posts on these two subjects as we do not have the information yet. We are all in the same boat this year as we wait for the information to be released, so hang in there, it is coming!

The Preference List for the Special Runs was to be submitted on June 15th. The email went out the week of June 1st and gave 15 days to complete this list. We had given many explanations of how it worked, videos of how to submit the list, and exactly what the list was. It is just a way to let Breyer into your inner thoughts, nothing more than that. There was absolutely no mention of it being for inventory or that you were promised to get the models that were listed exactly on your list. There are absolutely no guarantees other than you will get a model. However, if you did not submit a list, you will still get models, but they will be chosen for you. You absolutely do NOT have to purchase ANY of these models. Make sure to read the In Depth BreyerFest 2020 as well as the last few recaps to further understand this topic.

Next, I am going to address the purchasing of models. We absolutely DO NOT KNOW WHAT TIME BreyerFest will open on Friday as this time has NOT been released yet. But rest assured that as soon as it is released, we will absolutely post it. The Store Special models and the Fling! Pop Up Shop models can and do sell out. We absolutely do recommend purchasing those as soon as they are in your cart as they are not guaranteed to not be sold out. Special Runs are able to be in your cart FOR UP TO 24 HOURS before purchasing them so there is no need to immediately log into your account if you are working or busy at the exact time of your time slot.

If you have shipping questions, it is likely best to email or call Breyer as again, we are not a part of them, only an informative group that helps answer your questions about this amazing event.

Questions are usually answered by the files, the videos, and comments on here. There are some topics that we do not allow posts on, but know that those questions will be answered as well when the information is released. This year is new to everyone, but we are here to help you plan your adventure!

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