Thursday, June 25, 2020

BreyerFest 2020 Recap #9

BreyerFest Recap #9: We have gone over tickets, models, purchasing models, what models are there, is there absolutely anything else to go over?! Of course there is!

Raffle information and Auction information has NOT been released just yet, however we do know that they are happening and the information is being finalized. I have asked Breyer for you and was told that it is still being finalized and that it will be coming soon. I promise it will be soon!

The program will be available both on the website and as a PDF so that it can be printed out, if you'd like. As soon as it is released, we will definitely link it here and update the price file to reflect the new prices. I have asked Breyer and was told that the prices will be near the same so for those that are budgeting, using the price file will be your absolute best bet right now versus waiting until next week.

The app is on the way! Now this app is normally an iPhone app and an internet based app for Android users. It is free to use and is currently in the process of being completed for all of us!

BreyerFest starts on Friday July 10th between 9 am and 10 am EDT. There is no set time as it will be when they can get everything started, but this lines up with the live event. You do not need to sit in front of your computer all weekend long, unless you want to. There will be numerous things to do beside purchase models and they all promise to be amazing! Remember, you can find the ticket information on your account detail page on Breyer's website.

You absolutely NEED to have an active account to participate in BreyerFest 2020. If you purchase your tickets under a guest account or are having any type of account issue, you definitely NEED to contact Breyer Customer Service. The number or email address can be found on Breyer's website and you will need to get ahold of them to help you with this. Remember that while we can help you with many, many things, we are still just a fan based group and do not have access to their inner workings.

Shipping has been gone over before as we talked about cost and how you should check out, but let's quickly get into the actual shipping. Shipping will begin right after BreyerFest, likely the next day or maybe even on that Sunday. Things will be shipped whatever is logistically best for them so your models might not be all in the same box. You could have many boxes showing up at your door or very little, it just depends on how they find it easier to ship. The shipping information can be found in the FAQs on their website along with the In Depth BreyerFest 2020 file here in the group.

I hope this recap answered some of your questions and don't worry, we will be back with more recaps tomorrow! If you would like to suggest a recap, drop a comment below!

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