Saturday, December 10, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...In Depth Special Run Information, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...In Depth Special Run Edition, That Is!

Yesterday, Breyer released a post on the BreyerFest Blog that went over the ins and outs of the Special Runs. That is a great post, however there are some things in that post and some outside of that post that I want to go over here in this edition of Let’s Talk BreyerFest. Just adding to it, I guess that you could say.

What are Special Runs?

Special Runs are a series of eight horse models and one other animal model that are made especially for BreyerFest. These models are only available to certain ticket holders and are purchased a certain way before and during the event. You are still able to do pick ups, however as we saw last year, these can be quite difficult to do now, but that does not mean that it cannot be done! The Special Runs will have very little in common with the actual theme of the event, as seen with previous BreyerFest Special Runs, but their names will reflect the theme. This year, we might see more driving themed models, though, so I will not speculate on that yet. They are limited to a certain amount released, although this number has raised significantly in the last two years. They also have a set price range: $55 to $85 with taxes included in the cost for the in person ticket holders.

Who can buy Special Runs?

This year, there are three tickets that can purchase Special Runs. The VIP Ticket, the All Access Ticket, and the Online Traditional Access Ticket. Each one of these tickets has their own way of purchasing the Special Runs though, so please keep that in mind. Details on how to purchase will be a bit further down. The General Access and the Online Stablemate Ticket are not able to purchase Special Runs.

How many Special Runs can I buy?

Special Runs are limited on how many that you can purchase per ticket. The VIP Ticket Holders can only purchase two Special Runs. The All Access Ticket Holders are able to purchase two Special Runs per ticket that they have- so one ticket will let you buy two Special Runs, two tickets will let you buy four Special Runs, and so on. The Online Traditional Access Ticket will let you buy one Special Run per tickets purchased.

So the Visual Breakdown:

1 VIP Ticket- 2 Special Runs

1 All Access Ticket- 2 Special Runs per ticket purchased

1 Online Traditional Access Ticket- 1 Special Run per ticket purchased

Surprise Special Run?

Out of those nine Special Runs, there is one that is called the Surprise Special Run. That is included in the Special Runs, but you will not know the color or the mold of this run. It will have a colorway of at least four, but typically five, kinds and will all be on the same mold. It will not be revealed until the first one is opened up on the first day of BreyerFest. This is always a very tight lipped surprise, but everyone is always welcome to guess what it might be. This is the Special Run that typically costs $85.

Special Notes for the Special Runs!

This year, the Online Traditional Access Ticket will be using the Special Run Preference List to purchase their one Special Run. However, in the fine print on the latest BreyerFest Blog Post, please be aware that it says that you will only be able to select from the selection that is available to choose from.

How to select and buy Special Runs?

This year, the Special Run Preference List will be used again. This list is a lot more difficult to describe than it is to actually experience, so there will be a lot of posts covering it until the actual List is released. The All Access Ticket Holders and the Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders will be the ones using this list when it is released some time in the Spring. The list works by having you rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them best. Think of this as the order that you would buy them if you were going through the line at BreyerFest. You will have access to two different types of list and each one comes with its own set of pros and cons. The Master List will allow you to rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them for every ticket on your account on the same list. So if you have three tickets, this list will be used for all three tickets. It does lessen how many duplicates that you might receive, but it also does not give you complete control over the list. The Individual List will allow you to rank the Special Runs for each ticket on your account separately so you can pick a different order for each ticket, if you wish to do so. This might result in duplicates, but it does offer a bit more control. However, when using the Special Run Preference List, it is important to remember that this is just a ranking and Breyer will use this as a reference to draw the models for your tickets on your account. Their algorithm has never been released, please keep that in mind. If the models that you have selected are not available when your number comes up or you chose to not receive any other models than what you have selected, you could be getting a Wild Card ticket. Also, if you do not submit your Special Run Preference List or purchased your All Access Ticket after the cut off date, you will get a Wild Card Ticket. This Wild Card ticket will allow you to choose from the remaining Special Runs available at BreyerFest itself. Don’t worry, there will be many more posts all about the Special Run Preference List coming soon because it can be super confusing! No matter how which Special Runs that you get or how you are getting them, you will be buying them during BreyerFest.

When is my Time Slot?

There are no more Time Slots for the Special Runs at BreyerFest. You simply take the Reservation or Wild Card tickets that arrived in your Ticket Book to the Model Handout Tent and go through the line to pick up and pay for your models. A word of caution: There is no time slots so this line is LONG and it is hot. When this was introduced in 2022, the line reached over a half a mile or longer in order to pick up and pay for Special Runs. Breyer will tell you to come back when the line is not that long or to wait until later in the day. From my personal experience: I like to pick up all of my models on Friday so that the rest of the weekend can be spent buying models, watching shows, and talking with friends. I went to the Breyer Store first thing because I am crazy and like to punish myself and then went to the Model Handout Tent. The line was back to nearly the Rolex Arena and stayed that way until they had to shut it down one hour before the park closed due to a malfunction with the credit card machines. I went to the park early on Saturday, got in line for the General Admission, and made my way to the Model Handout Tent so that I could guarantee that I would get them early enough to avoid a line. The line did not slow down until almost closing on Sunday. Things could definitely be different in 2023, so I will always turn my eye towards making things better, however, I did feel the need to warn that this line is LONG and can last for hours.

Buying the Special Run Model Online

For those that have the Online Traditional Access Tickets, this should be a very simple procedure. It should be just clicking add to cart on the model that was chosen for your account and then paying for it in the cart. I did not experience this last year, so if you did, I would be honored if you would tell us your experience in the comments below. Shipping has not been addressed yet this year on the Breyer website for BreyerFest, however as soon as it is, the information will be posted in the group.

A few last things…

If you are attending the in person event, you are welcome to trade tickets and trade models once you have paid for them and picked them up, however you cannot trade them with Breyer. If you received a reservation ticket for a model that you did not want or a wild card ticket, you can trade them with someone else, but you cannot go to Breyer and say that you want something else. Unless you have a VIP Ticket, you do not have to purchase any Special Runs. If you do not like the ones selected for your account and do not feel that you could easily trade or sell them, you are not forced to purchase them. That goes for both the All Access and the Online Traditional Access Tickets. BreyerFest models are non refundable. Breyer does not accept returns or exchanges unless the Special Run is considered fatally flawed by Breyer employees.

I think that is everything for Special Runs before the Special Runs are released! We should be seeing them start being revealed soon since tickets go on sale in February.

I hope that this helps! 

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