Friday, December 2, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...The Collector Club Tent, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...What The Collector Club Tent is, That Is!

The Collector Club Tent at BreyerFest is always asked about and many hobbyists have no idea what it actually is. Breyer does not talk about it much in their BreyerFest planning other than to share that it is there and that it is for Collector Club members and other hobbyists will tell you that it is nice. But what really is it?

I assure you that it is not a mystical place where all of your wishes come true, although that sure sounds like fun! However, it is a great place to escape the sun for a moment, grab a drink in front of a fan, and see some awesome sneak peeks from Breyer.

In order to enter the Collector Club Tent, you do need to be a member of the Collector Club. However, you are allowed to bring your child inside and many times, they will allow you to bring in your BreyerFest partner as well. But, it is up to the sole discretion of the Breyer Employee/Volunteer that is working the tent entrance. When asked, Breyer states that this Tent is for the Collector Club members only. But again, it is up to the people that are working the tent entrance.

When you go to the Tent for the first time, you will need to “register” there. They will check the list to see if you are on it and you will be given a name tag that you are able to write your name on. You will also get six tickets for free water, the small ones. Then you are allowed inside.

Inside the tent, there are tables and chairs to sit at and talk or relax in the giant fans that are blowing somewhat cool air through the tent. There is a section of long tables that will show off the Collector Club models that have been released and that are coming soon, Premiere Club models that have been released, Stablemate Club models that have been released and might be coming soon, and Vintage Club models that have been released and might be coming soon. There has been stickers and pamphlets to pick up there as well, in the past.

There is no longer a Collector Club discount on BreyerFest tickets.

As we look forward to 2023, remember that things can and might change, even the things that have always been. This Tent could vanish or it could become something more grand or it could stay the same. Who is allowed inside with you might change or it might remain the same, although Breyer will never make a parent leave their child outside the tent alone. When more information is released, it will definitely be shared, however this is the information that we have as of right now, based on the previous years.

I hope that this helps! 

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