Saturday, December 10, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...The Best Customs Contest, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...The Best Customs Contest, That Is!

Roadies, it is that time of our BreyerFest planning that Breyer releases the information and details for the Best Customs Contest and that is also the time when the most heated comments will come out. I am asking you to please, please, please not comment your disdain on the exclusion of certain states and countries on this post. I will attempt to do my best to explain why they are excluded, however there is nothing that Breyer nor this group can do about it since it is heavily centered in the laws of your state or country. AZ, CO, MD, NE, ND and VT are excluded from entering the contest, Canada is excluded from entering the contest, and all other International locations are excluded from entering the contest. Now the reason: I had spent nearly four months trying to figure out why these places were excluded last year and have emailed many law enforcement facilities and I came to the conclusion that this contest is considered gambling in a way as are the rest of the contests from Breyer. Before Breyer added a virtual aspect and let the whole world attend BreyerFest virtually, anyone from all over the world that could attend BreyerFest was able to enter the contests because you were coming to Kentucky and becoming a temporary citizen for the duration of your time here. Therefore, the laws applied to you and you were able to enter the contests. However, with the addition to make BreyerFest accessible to everyone, those contests are only available to those whose laws do not see it as gambling or other outlawed type of game. I hope that this makes sense, however it can be simplified down into one statement: The states and countries that are excluded have either vague laws against it or their laws are strict and prohibit it altogether. I wish that there could be a simple solution, however with Breyer having a virtual event, these are the exclusions and issues that arise.

Alright, that is out of the way and I am so very sorry that I even have to talk about it because I wish that I did not. Let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this post- the Best Customs Contests

What Is It?

The Best Customs Contest is a contest through Breyer that will showcase the best of the best when it comes to Custom model horses and tack.

Who Can Enter?

If you are a VIP or All Access Ticket Holder that lives in the US- excluding the states mentioned above- then you are able to enter. You must be attending in person. Please keep in mind that this Contest is for the absolute best of the best so there are no amateur or beginner divisions.

What Can I Enter?

There are certain categories that you are able to enter- Excellence in Finish Work, Fantasy, Most Extreme Custom, Performance Excellence (shown with Tack or Tack and Rider), and Theme Class. Each year, the Theme Class changes and this year it is: Dress To Impress- A Showcase of Tack Makers!

Explanation of the categories:

Excellence in Finish Work

Excellence in final paint decoration, including, without limitation, a high level of detail work, smoothness of paint, and a glowing, flawless finish. Judging is on paint work, detail work, and realism. Customizing enhancements or embellishments (e.g., halters, re-sculpting, etc.) are NOT permitted. Only standard prep work is permitted (e.g., cleaning, sanding of seams, etc.). Realistic equines only, no fantasy entries.


Use a Breyer model as your blank canvas, and let your imagination run wild! Judging is on creativity of concept and execution. A crowd favorite! Any scale Breyer model welcome. This is the only Division for non-realistic entries.

Most Extreme Custom

Extensive custom with little evidence of original model or models used underneath. Judging is on the quality of the extent of re-working of conformation, finish work, and realism. Realistic equines only, no fantasy entries.

Performance Excellence (shown with Tack or Tack and Rider)

For the Performance Excellence Division, tack and/or rider figure does not have to be created or customized by entrant. If you choose to use a rider figure, it must be a Breyer figure. Other non-Breyer props and accessories are acceptable as long as Breyer models (and Breyer figures, if applicable) are used in the Performance Excellence Division. Dioramas and accessories are welcome and encouraged, as they make an exciting display, however the judging will be on the model and tack, or model, tack and rider, only. This is a great opportunity for you to introduce kids and those new to model horse collecting to the artistry of Performance showing. You must include a brief description with your entry detailing the discipline and class being performed. Judging is on customization of the model and the tack, or tack and rider, presentation. Realistic equines only, no fantasy entries.

Dress To Impress

Show us your best custom tackon any Original Finish Breyer model of any scale. English, Western, Regalia, Harness – all types of realistic horse tack may enter. The only customizing allowed on the model horse would be sanding down the mane to allow bridle or saddle to fit more easily. Custom dolls, carts, or other props are accepted only if all work is done by the entrant. No dolls mounted on horses, as they may hide saddle details, but riders may also be presented as part of the entry on a separate mannequin horse (of the same mold) or on a doll stand next to the tack. No realistic "scene" bases; this is not a Performance class, it is the judging of miniature tack, as fine art. Mirrored bases, raised bases, or rotating displays are welcome as these may make it easier to view the entry from all angles, but emphasis should be entirely on tack, as the tack will be the sole component judged. Tack will be judged on detail, fit, accuracy, creativity and workmanship.

The Complete Rules and Regulations as well as how to enter:  

Consider joining our FB Group: 

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