Friday, December 2, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...The Down Time, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...The Down Time, That Is!

Let Talk BreyerFest, The Down Time and What You Can Do, That Is!

We are entering a stretch of time where not a lot of BreyerFest information will be released and that wait can be agonizing! However, there is still a lot that you can do in this time, even before a lot of information is released! From just learning about the model horse hobby to exploring what you might want to do during BreyerFest, I hope to show you what you can do while we are waiting for more BreyerFest information to be released.


We know that Tickets will not go on sale until February 2023 and we do not even know what kind of tickets will be available when they do go on sale. However, we do know that there will be both an in person and a virtual event, so we can start there. If you know which event that you will be attending, then you will need to know which ticket to purchase and while we do not have the actual ticket information, we do know that there is typically one ticket that offers a higher level of things to buy and do and one that offers a lower level of things to buy and do. That is definitely a starting place!

So, let’s go over the in person event first: We know that there will be at least two ticket types based on the previous years. There will be one that will offer a Celebration Horse and allow you to purchase Special Runs and one that will offer an Event Stablemate and will not allow you to purchase Special Runs. Each ticket allows you to purchase Limited Edition models from the BreyerFest Store during BreyerFest, so there is no need to worry about that. I will not be mentioning the VIP Ticket as we do not yet know if this will be an option for 2023. Remember that Ticket Names can change and those changes will always be reflected in the posts here in this group.

The Celebration Horse, which is the Traditional sized model that is a portrait of the horse chosen to headline BreyerFest, only comes with certain tickets during BreyerFest. Last year, this was the All Access Ticket. This ticket also came with the ability to purchase up to two Special Runs per ticket. This ticket also allowed you to participate in the Model Horse Shows for an added fee, Workshops for an added fee, Contests depending on location of ticket holder, and more. This ticket offers the fullest experience that you can have during BreyerFest, meaning that you can enter more activities and buy more models.

However, don’t count out the other ticket yet! The ticket that offers the Event Stablemate, known as the General Admission ticket for 2022, allows you to purchase Limited Edition models, attend free seminars, experience an equine film festival, and so much more. Both tickets allow you to experience all three days of the Kentucky Horse Park, shop the Marketplace at the Horse Park, experience the Artisan’s Gallery and the Swap Meet at the Clarion Hotel, see the Celebration Of Horses Evening Performance, and so much more! Make sure to read about both tickets when they are released to finalize your decision and never fret that we are here to help you, although I am always going to tell you to go big!

Now for the virtual event: The virtual event actually has different tiers of tickets as well! One will offer a Celebration Horse and access to other BreyerFest events that will be listed when the ticket information is released, and the other will offer a randomly selected Event Stablemate and the ability to purchase Limited Editions and access the BreyerFest section of the Breyer website. I know, there is not a lot of information about 2023 right now and we need to wait until Breyer releases that information. Make sure to check out more information about the virtual event over in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide as well as here in the Let’s Talk BreyerFest Guide to learn all what is available for the virtual event!


Now that we have covered Tickets and you have an idea if you are attending the in person or the virtual event, you can actually start planning without needing to know the information about the tickets. This is a great time to check out the Hotel Recommendation post, the Restaurant Recommendation Post, and the Other Places to Visit Recommendation post in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide. Hotels are filling up fast and many will be sold out before Breyer even starts releasing a lot of information. On those posts, I have included links to help get started as well. I have not included Air BnB at this time, however I do have a post coming for that soon. The Kentucky Horse Park Campground is listed and there is a link there with more information and where to register.

The other Guides will have information regarding the things that happen during BreyerFest. I know, so much reading, however I thought that this was a great way to have all of the information in one place. There is so much to do during BreyerFest, especially if it is your first time, that you might feel totally overwhelmed, even planning it and that is alright! We are here to help! After checking out the Recommendation posts, you can start learning about BreyerFest and what happens there. From the Clarion and why you should go to that hotel to just what happens during the Equine Demonstrations, there is so much information to look over.

Make a loose plan of your time in Kentucky, from arrival to departure, and what you might want to do that day. Are you only here for BreyerFest? Awesome, make sure to take in all of the sights of the Kentucky Horse Park, walk through the barns and meet the horses that inspire the Breyer models, shop the Breyer Store and the Marketplace, and definitely do not forget those seminars! Are you here to explore Kentucky as well during your BreyerFest Trip? Great! Make sure to add in those other places that you want to explore, talk with other veterans about what they do during their BreyerFest Adventures, and plan your trip. There are many horse farms in the area to visit and see, however these typically require you to register in advance for tours and they do fill up fast. In the Other Places to Visit Recommendations Guide, I have provided a link that will help you register for these farms. These are all great things to start planning, even before BreyerFest information is released.

Lists of Models to Buy or Sell

Now is a great time to start making that list of the models that you are looking to add to your collection. You can also make a list of the models that you want to sell or trade during BreyerFest. Even if you are not selling at the Clarion, the Marketplace, or the Swap Meet, you are still able to walk around with a wagon at the Kentucky Horse Park and sell your models. That is totally a thing to do! However, if you are looking to just buy models, there are so many places to find them for sale during BreyerFest, even other hotels! You never know where you might find a deal on the model that you have been dreaming about your whole life! BreyerFest is a time to complete those congas, even virtually! RTB Sales and Trades offers a Room Sale feature where you can register for free and be added to a directory on the group and use the albums to list what you have for sale. Sign ups start soon, so make sure to join that group, if you are interested.

So, in conclusion, there is so much to do still before Breyer releases any of the actual BreyerFest information. If you want to wait until information is released, that is awesome as well! BreyerFest and the planning of your BreyerFest adventure is totally up to you, we are here to just guide your way and to let you know of all of the awesome stuff that you can do during BreyerFest and the other times of the year. If you are new to the hobby and you are doing this for your kids or a beloved family member, I highly recommend taking a stroll through our Model Horse Hobby Information Guide to help sort out those crazy terms that we use in the hobby as well as read the other BreyerFest centered Guides. Let’s get excited about BreyerFest, I know that I am!

I hope that this helps as we wait not so patiently for Breyer to release BreyerFest information! 

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