Saturday, December 10, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Special Run Preference List Basics, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest… Special Run Preference List Basics, That Is!

First, let me preface this by saying that we do not yet know all of the exact details of how it will all work for 2023. However, this post is to help get the basics of the Special Run Preference List down so that when the exact information comes out and then you go on to fill out the Special Run Preference List, you will hopefully not feel so overwhelmed by all of the information. BreyerFest is crazy overwhelming and while Breyer does answer questions, I am here to help explain the information and the Veteran Roadies are here to offer tons of support and explain what I might miss. Just know that you totally got this and it really is a lot easier to actually do it than it is to explain it. The Special Run Preference List will be for All Access and Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders only.

The Special Run Preference List is just a way to let Breyer know how you like the Special Runs that are offered for this year’s event. Think of it more like a ranking list rather than a preference list. You do not need to purchase the models that end up being selected for you, however they make amazing sale or trade fodder for something that you want instead. This list is not a list for their inventory and this list does not guarantee that you will be getting those models in that order. It is just a ranking list. When the Special Run Preference Run is released, the link will be posted here. There will also be an email that goes out from Breyer and several notifications from all of the Breyer community on FB.

Ok, let’s get into the details of that list! In 2022, they offered the list to be ran two different ways: The Master List and the Individual List. With the Master List, you have more control over not receiving duplicates although the possibility is still there. With the Individual List, you have more control over your selections for each ticket, but could get many duplicates. No matter which one that you chose, you can always trade with other BreyerFest attendees during the event. You cannot trade for another model with Breyer though.

First, know that if you do not fill out the list, you will be given Wild Card tickets.  These are redemption tickets for whatever is leftover during BreyerFest. You do not need to purchase these models. You will be paying for your Special Runs during BreyerFest. You should have around two weeks to fill out this List and I will post daily reminders. Yes, you can have pick ups with this BreyerFest. Your pick up person will need your order number in order to pick up your Ticket Book from Will Call. Your Special Runs will not be sent to you, someone needs to pick them up in person, either you or your pick up person. Ok, onto the specifics.

The Master List

The first type of Special Run Preference List that you can use is the Master List. If you have more than one ticket and you want to limit how many duplicates that you might receive, this is the list for you. You will be filling out one list for all of the tickets that you have listed on your account. The best way to fill out this list is to put the Special Run that you want the most at the top and rank them down to the one that you like least. No one can tell you how to fill out this list, there is no way to make it better, this is all up to you! You got this! The Master List is a way to manage all of your All Access Tickets with one list and is the way to get the least amount of duplicates. There will be multiple number ones (as many as tickets on your account) and so on. Just rank the models how you like them the best. That is all there is to it! You have until the day that it is due to edit it and Breyer will normally take the last one submitted.

The Individual List

The second type of Special Run Preference List is the one that I have used both times that it was offered. It is the Individual List. While this list does have a high rate of duplicates, it allows you to customize your rankings per ticket on your account. So with each ticket, you will be making a new list. If you have just one ticket on your account, this will be the best option for you to use. If you do not mind duplicates or you want to attempt to control Lady Fate, then this list is best for you. Again, no one call tell you how to rank the Special Runs other than yourself. There is no secret to getting what you want as Breyer has never revealed their algorithm of how the Special Runs are selected for your account. With this option, if you have more than one ticket, you will be filling out more than one list. You can set different Special Runs as number one and so on, but just know that you might get duplicates.

Online Traditional Access Tickets

This is where we do not have information just yet. However, we do know that you will be getting one with your ticket so you will be ranking the Special Runs in the order that you like them

So that is all that there is to the Special Run Preference List! Once you submit your list to Breyer, you then just need to wait. And wait. And wait. Breyer will then notify you that your selections are reserved and you will receive Reservation Tickets in your Ticket Book. You will be actually paying for the Special Runs at the event, as far as we know. If any or all of this information changes, it will definitely be updated immediately. When we learn more about all of the processes, I will be posting about how Pick Ups will work for BreyerFest.

I hope that this helps a bit! 

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