Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Let’s Talk BreyerFest...A Quick FAQ, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Answering Those Early Frequently Asked Questions, That Is!

BreyerFest is just starting to be planned, but some times, it might feel that you are weeks, months, or even years behind. Let me assure you that you are perfectly on time! There might be some questions that you have in the early planning and I hope to answer them here quickly, but also, the answers are always in the Let’s Talk BreyerFest Guide here in the group. All of the information here comes straight from the Breyer website and a little bit of experience from myself and many other BreyerFest Veterans.
*When do tickets go on sale? Breyer will start selling BreyerFest tickets in February 2023.
*Where can I find a list of recommended hotels? In the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide here in the group, there is a list of hotels that are recommended by BreyerFest Veterans here in the group. This Guide also contains a recommended list for restaurants and other places to visit.
*Which ticket is best for me? When it comes to BreyerFest tickets, you need to think about what you want to be able to purchase and what you want to experience. Each ticket comes with one model, depending on the ticket type, and you will be able to purchase the Limited Editions with every ticket type. You can read more about each ticket type in the Let’s Talk BreyerFest Guide under Which Ticket Is Best For Me.
*Do all BreyerFest Tickets come with a model? Yes, but which ticket it is depends on which model that you will get. With a VIP Ticket, you will get one Celebration Horse Model and one Full Set of Event Stablemates. With the All Access Ticket, you will get one Celebration Horse. With the General Access Ticket, you will get one randomly selected Event Stablemate. With the Online Traditional Access Ticket, you will get one Celebration Horse Model shipped to your address on file. With the Online Stablemate Access Ticket, you will get one randomly selected Event Stablemate shipped to your address on file.
*What is a Limited Edition? For BreyerFest, the Limited Editions are models that can be purchased by every ticket holder. Typically, there are three Traditional sized portrait models of Guest Horses at BreyerFest, one Freedom/Classic Sized model, one Plushie, one Stablemate, one Crystal that is between Freedom and Stablemate Scale, one set of Stablemates, and anything else that Breyer wants to add. Last year, they added a Traditional sized model and a Stablemate sized model that were only available to be purchased online. You are able to buy as many of these models as you want during the event, however they are typically limited to one per each kind per trip through the checkout.
*What is a Special Run? For BreyerFest, the Special Run models are models that can only be purchased by certain ticket holders. There are typically nine models in total, eight equine models and one other animal model. There is typically one vintage mold, one decorator colored model, and one Surprise Special Run that will not be revealed until the first one is opened at BreyerFest. The models typically do not have anything to do with the theme of BreyerFest, but their names will. The VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Access ticket holders are allowed to purchase Special Runs.
*How do I buy Special Runs? There will be a much, much more in depth post in the Let’s Talk BreyerFest Guide, but for now, here is the quick rundown- The VIP Ticket Holders will select the two Special Runs that they want and will pay for them at the time that they purchase their tickets. The All Access and the Online Traditional Access Ticket holders will use the Special Run Preference List later in Spring where you will rank the Special Runs in order of how you like them and Breyer will select the ones for your account to purchase based on that list. You will then be buying the Special Runs at BreyerFest. It is much, much more complicated to type out and explain than it is to do it, so you totally got this!
*How much money should I take? That is a question that only you can answer, however my guideline is always to make sure that you have enough for your hotel, gas, food, and plenty of models. I have done BreyerFest with $25 and trading and selling models and with $2000 and no trading or selling. The typical amount that people recommend is around $1500 for spending, unless you want to attempt to buy an Auction model, which are typically $$$$ and higher. All that I ask is that you do not announce exactly how much that you are planning to take so that everyone stays safe.
*Do I have to purchase the Celebration Horse after I buy my ticket? No, your Celebration Horse automatically comes with your ticket. At the in person event, you will need to pick it up. The virtual attendees will have theirs sent to them.
*Is tax included in the prices? For the in person ticket holders, yes. For the virtual ticket holders, last year you had to pay tax and shipping on top of the listed prices. Once that information is revealed for 2023, it will be definitely be posted.
*Do I have to pay for shipping with a virtual event ticket? Last year, you had to pay shipping with each purchase made during BreyerFest. Shipping information has not been released yet for this year, however as soon as it is, it will be shared here.
*Is BreyerFest handicapped accessible? Yes, it is. There are some obstacles and it is hot and humid, however technically the event is accessible to everyone. Please check out the post in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide about this.
*I am a Collector Club member, do I get a discount on tickets? No, they are no longer offering discounts on BreyerFest tickets for Collector Club members. However, they do have other things planned. At this time, we are not sure what these other things are.
*How many models can I buy? How many do you want to buy? That is the real question! However, it does break down and there are certain limits. At an in person event, you can buy as many Limited Edition models as you want, no matter what ticket type that you have.
*What is best, cash or credit? Well, most people will tell you that cash is king. But many people do accept PayPal and many other forms of credit card payments. If you are coming to Kentucky from out of state, please let your bank know that you are traveling so that they do not shut down your card during the weekend.
*Are there local farms to tour? Yes, many of them require you to sign up in advance though so definitely keep that in mind. Old Friends is a fan favorite as you will get to see some retired race horses and learn about their stories. They are also many famous Thoroughbred farms nearby that have amazing tours.
As we wait for the models and more information to be released for BreyerFest, please make sure to read over the Guides here in this group and always feel free to ask questions. I know that there is a lot of information to read and that it can be crazy, but the answers to many questions are in the Guides and if your question is not in there, I definitely want to add it there! I cannot wait to help you plan the best BreyerFest Adventure that you can have and I cannot wait to meet and talk to you during BreyerFest!  

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