Friday, January 27, 2023

Let’s Talk BreyerFest...When Tickets Go On Sale, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...When Tickets Go On Sale, That Is!

Roadies, that important announcement of when tickets go on sale has finally made an appearance and it is exciting! So, this post will be here to inform you about that day and time and what to expect, let you know a bit more about the VIP Ticket ordering system, and then a reminder of what each ticket comes with.
All BreyerFest Tickets go on sale Wednesday, February 1st at 1 PM EST.
In person and virtual tickets go on sale on the same day at the same time. This can made the website bog down and become slower, so do keep that in mind when you head over there, if you choose to do so as soon as they release. We cannot be sure exactly how fast tickets will sell out or how many are exactly for sale, we just go with the flow.
When you head to Breyer’s website to purchase your BreyerFest Tickets, you will need to log into your Breyer account. If you do not have a Breyer account, this is a free account to make that just requires your email address and a password that you make up. Once you confirm that account, you are good as golden to go ahead and order those tickets.
First, I am going to go over the updated information regarding the VIP Tickets. This information is new for this year and has changed from last year, so make sure to read over it before purchasing those VIP Tickets, if those are the tickets that you want.
*This year, VIP Tickets are not limited per account. They are, however, limited to two per transaction.
*If you want two VIP Tickets during the same order, but you want different models reserved, you will need to add each ticket to the cart separately. This means that you will need to make the selections for one ticket, add it to the cart, then go back and make the selections for the second ticket and add it to the cart. That will then allow you to purchase both of the VIP Tickets at the same time.
*If you want two VIP Tickets and you do want the same models, meaning that you want duplicate models, you can increase the quantity to two and add it to the cart.
*You MUSTpurchase two Special Runs and two Limited Editions with your VIP Tickets. I have confirmed with it Breyer that you cannot just select one Special Run and/or one Limited Edition.
*If you are only wanting one Special Run or one Limited Edition and do not want to consider purchasing the other Special Run or Limited Edition for trade or sale, you might want to consider an All Access Ticket. While you will then be using the Special Run Preference List for the Special Runs, this allows you to only purchase one Special Run, if your selection is chosen or other options such as that.
*When purchasing your VIP Ticket, make sure to select your two Special Runs, your two Limited Editions, check the area for which evening for the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, and make sure that all of the checks are marked and all of the selections are made. All Sales are final and Breyer will not modify any orders that have been placed.
*When you purchase your VIP Ticket or Tickets, you will be paying for the two Special Runs and the two Limited Editions at the same time. This means that the base price of $240 will dramatically increase to a high $400 to around $500 or more, depending on your choices.
That was all about the VIP Tickets so this next section will be all about the rest of the ticket types!
*On Monday, January 30th, the Ticket Pages will go somewhat live so that you can plan what you want and see all of the fine print. Please make sure to read that fine print! It is important as they will tell you exactly what is going to happen and things like that. That fine print will be added to the Guides so that you can find it after ticket purchase as well. You will not be able to actually purchase the tickets until February 1st.
*When you are purchasing your in person tickets, you will need to select an evening for the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance. This will be Friday or Saturday night.
*With the All Access or the Online Traditional Access Ticket, you will not be purchasing your Special Runs during this time. You will receive a link for the Special Run Preference List in late Spring and that is when you will rank the Special Runs and then you will be actually paying for the Special Runs during the event in July.
*When tickets go on sale, make sure to purchase your Parking Pass, if you need one. It is highly recommended to get one so that you can come to the Kentucky Horse Park and park and then go at will without needing to pay for parking each time that you enter or leave. According to the Kentucky Horse Park, this price has raised. Until Breyer releases their price, I am hesitant to put the price down at this time.
*All Ticket sales are final. There are no refunds.
*There are no limits on how many BreyerFest Tickets that you can purchase. There might be limits on how many that you can purchase in a single transaction. The exact information will be in the Fine Print on the Ticket Purchase page.
*BreyerFest Tickets are limited, but we do not know the exact amount of each ticket are floating around out there in Breyer land.
*International Tickets will not be shipped. You will need to pick them up at Will Call with your IDs being presented. We do not know Will Call information at this time.
*BreyerFest Tickets ship for free, if they are NOT purchased with any other product on the Breyer website.
*You can mix and match the tickets, if you want. Want an All Access, one VIP, and a couple General Access? Go for it! Want an Online Traditional Access Ticket and an Online Stablemate Access Ticket? Go for it!
*The VIP and the All Access Tickets come with virtual access. If you are getting a General Access Ticket and you want virtual access, please make sure that you purchase it. We still have no idea how exactly what will work, but we will know soon.
*The virtual tickets are not accepted at the in person event. If you find that you can attend the in person event, please purchase the in person tickets.
*If you are purchasing In Person Tickets for your pick up person, please make sure to talk with them exactly how they want you to work it out. You can find many pick up people in the Sale and Trade groups all over FB.
*Still not sure which ticket is right for you? Let’s talk about it in the next Q&A session tomorrow.
I hope that this helps you figure out some more about those BreyerFest Tickets! 

Thursday, January 26, 2023

BreyerFest 2023 Limited Edition


*Limited Edition
*Sitting Plush
*Available to All Ticket Holders
*2500 Pieces Available

Let's Talk BreyerFest..The Special Run Preference List, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...The Special Run Preference List, That Is!

First, I want to address that Breyer has not addressed anything about this List as of yet other than if you purchase an All Access Ticket (or many) or an Online Traditional Access Ticket (or many), you will be using this for your Special Runs.
What is the Special Run Preference List? The Special Run Preference List is a ranking system created by Breyer for you to let them know how you rank the Special Runs and which ones you would like to have.
How does it work? During the time frame that the Special Run Preference List is up, you will be able to rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them (remember that this is totally up to you and how you like the Special Runs). Breyer will only accept the last list submitted. From there, Breyer will select the Special Runs for your account, based on your place in a virtual line. The actual algorithm that Breyer uses for this has not been released or revealed.
Which Tickets will be using this Special Run Preference List? The All Access and the Online Traditional Access Tickets are the only two tickets that will be using the Special Run Preference List.
How many Special Runs do I get per ticket? With the All Access Ticket, you will get two Special Runs per ticket. With the Online Traditional Access Ticket, you will get one Special Run per ticket.
Do the Special Runs sell out? Yes. Last year, Stein sold out and was unavailable during the actual event itself. In the case of this event, you will be given a Wild Card Redemption Ticket (more about that later).
When do I pay for my Special Runs? During the event in July.
When does the Special Run Preference List come out? Late Spring. Breyer will announce when this is going to happen and there will be many notifications, including in this group.
What do I do if I get a Special Run that I do not want? You are absolutely not forced to purchase any models during BreyerFest. However, it is always recommended to buy it and trade or sell it during the event.
How does it really work?As mentioned above, you will be ranking the Special Runs. This is something that only you can do because no one else can tell you how you like the Special Runs. Depending on how many tickets that you have will the ways that you are able to fill out this list. Keep in mind that this is all going to sound a LOT more confusing than it is to experience it.
If you have one All Access/Online Traditional Access Ticket: You will be using the Individual List as it should be the only list to show up on your account. You are welcome to name it, however that is only for your benefit as the List is associated with your account and your account number in Breyer’s software. Rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them, listing your favorite first. Even if you do not like all of the Special Runs, it is highly recommended to still fill out the list completely. However, in the event that you absolutely do not like the other Special Runs provided, you are able to use a selection that reads: No Other Option/Selection. But be aware that it is dangerous to use this selection- You might not receive a Special Run at all! Once you fill out the list, I recommend taking a screenshot of it so that you remember how you fill it out because if you are like me, the moment that you push send, you forget what you just filled out and panic. You will not know which models were selected for you until the Ticket Books are sent out (or you pick them up at Will Call for International Ticket Holders) or during BreyerFest, if you have an Online Traditional Access Ticket. When the Ticket Books go out, you will find a Redemption Card in there with the models that you were selected for. If your selection was not available, you will have a Redemption Card that says Wild Card and this means that you are able to select your Special Runs from the available inventory at BreyerFest during the event in July. For the virtual event, your Special Run will appear in your account (typically by clicking a link provided to you) during the event and that is when you will be able to purchase it.
*You can also use this method if you have more than one ticket to select the rankings for each ticket on your account. This way will offer more duplicates, but it gives you more control over how you rank the models. How fast the models “sell” out during Breyer’s selection process is not something that we can calculate and therefore, we cannot tell you how fast that they will sell out.
If you have more than one All Access/Online Traditional Ticket: You are still able to use the above mentioned method for every ticket on your account. However, there is also the Master List. This is one list that you will be filling out for ALL of the tickets on your account. This means that there will be as many number 1s for however many tickets that you have on your account and that follows suit down to number 9. So if you have two tickets, it will be something like this:
You are allowed to rank the models in any way and order that you want, including mix and matching your number ones and so on. They do not need to be the same, unless that is what you want to do. From there, you will fill out the list the same as in the Individual List by ranking the Special Runs in the order that you like them, listing your favorite first. Even if you do not like all of the Special Runs, it is highly recommended to still fill out the list completely. However, in the event that you absolutely do not like the other Special Runs provided, you are able to use a selection that reads: No Other Option/Selection. But be aware that it is dangerous to use this selection- You might not receive a Special Run at all! Once you fill out the list, I recommend taking a screenshot of it so that you remember how you fill it out because if you are like me, the moment that you push send, you forget what you just filled out and panic. You will not know which models were selected for you until the Ticket Books are sent out (or you pick them up at Will Call for International Ticket Holders) or during BreyerFest, if you have an Online Traditional Access Ticket. When the Ticket Books go out, you will find a Redemption Card in there with the models that you were selected for. If your selection was not available, you will have a Redemption Card that says Wild Card and this means that you are able to select your Special Runs from the available inventory at BreyerFest during the event in July. For the virtual event, your Special Run will appear in your account (typically by clicking a link provided to you) during the event and that is when you will be able to purchase it.
*When the Ticket Books are released, you will receive one (based on last year) that will have all of your wrist bands, your Redemption Tickets, and the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance Tickets in there. If you purchase a Parking Pass, it will be in this Ticket Book as well. There is also a small list of FAQs that will be in the Ticket Book as well as maps. But there will be a LOT more information on the Ticket Books when they are released.
What is a Wild Card Redemption Ticket? This is a Redemption Ticket that you will receive if your selections were not available for you. They will allow you to choose the Special Run that you wish to purchase from the available stock on hand at the event. This does mean that certain models could be sold out or not available at the time.
Do I have to buy the Special Runs that were selected for me? Well, no, you do not. However you cannot trade these Special Runs with other Special Runs through Breyer. You are welcome to purchase these Special Runs and trade them with other hobbyists right outside the tent though!
What if I really do not want the Special Runs that were selected for me? Personally, I would say go ahead and buy them to resell or use as trade to get what you want. But you are not obligated to buy any models at BreyerFest that you have not already paid for.
I want one of the In Person Special Runs, how can I get one? The best answer is to find a Pick Up Person. This is someone who will take your Redemption Ticket, pay for the models at BreyerFest with money that you have sent them, and then ship them to you at cost. They usually charge a fee to do this and you can find many of them over on the sale and trade groups.
Will I be buying the Limited Editions like this? No. Limited Editions are available for sale each and every day until sold out during the event. Yes, they can and do sell out. If they are sold out for that day, there will be a restock the next day at the in person BreyerFest Store. I am not positive if there will be restocks on the website.
What if I want more than two Special Runs with my All Access Ticket? Then it is best to buy more. It takes five All Access Tickets to buy nine Special Runs, which is how many Special Runs that there are released.
What if I want more than one Special Run with my Online Traditional Access Ticket? Then you will need to buy more Tickets.
Am I guaranteed to get the models that are on my list? No, you are not. While you may really want one particular model, it might not be available for you.
How can I pay for my models? At the event, you are able to purchase models with cash or credit/debit. Online, you are able to purchase your models any way that you normally purchase models off of Breyer’s website.
Will my models be shipped to me? If you are attending the in person event, no. You will need to pick up your models or have someone pick up your models using the Redemption Tickets in your Ticket Book. If you are attending the virtual event, your models will be shipped to you.
Do I use this list if I am buy a VIP Ticket? No. You will be selecting exactly which Special Runs that you want and paying for them when you purchase your VIP Ticket. The base cost of $240 rises quickly to over $500, depending on which two Special Runs and which two Limited Editions that you select to purchase.
Is there still an open time to go through the Special Runs on Sunday during the event? Last year, this did not happen in favor of placing all of the remaining product online and letting the in person ticket holders that could access Special Runs and the virtual ticket holders that could access Special Runs to purchase them. We do not know what will happen this year at this time. But as soon as that information is known, it will be posted in the group.
I think that is everything about the Special Run Preference List that we know before Breyer actually releases the information. In the event that any of this information changes, it will be reflected in this post.
I hope that this helps! 

Let’s Talk BreyerFest...How Many Models Can Each Ticket Buy, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...How Many Models Can Each Ticket Buy, That Is!

BreyerFest brings us the opportunity to buy a lot of new models with each ticket purchased, but exactly how many models can each of the ticket types buy and how many tickets can you purchase. This post will not cover which Event Models come with your tickets, it only covers which models that you will be able to purchase. Be warned though: BreyerFest tickets sell out! We do not know how many tickets there are, so we are not sure when they will sell out until Breyer announces that they are sold out.
The VIP Ticket
The VIP Ticket is $240 this year and when you buy this ticket, you will be selecting the two Special Runs that you want to purchase and two of the Limited Editions that you want to purchase as well. So, the final cost of the ticket is well over $400 on the day of ticket purchase. You can buy as many VIP tickets as you want, however you are limited to purchasing a maximum of two per transaction. You are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want during the event itself.
So the breakdown is:
1 VIP Ticket= 2 Special Runs and 2 Limited Editions at the time of ticket purchase. At the event, you are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want. You are guaranteed those two Special Runs and those two Limited Editions that you purchased with your ticket. Limited Editions can sell out during the event in the BreyerFest Store.
The All Access Ticket
The All Access Ticket is $90 this year and when you buy this ticket, you will be using the Special Run Preference List to rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them. There will be a large post detailing the Special Run Preference List coming soon. In order to use the Special Run Preference List, you will need to purchase your tickets before Spring 2023 (the exact date will be announced). With each All Access Ticket, you are able to purchase two Special Runs. If you want more than two Special Runs, you will need to purchase more All Access Tickets. There are no limits on how many tickets that you can purchase. You are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want during the event.
So the breakdown is:
1 All Access Ticket= 2 Special Runs
You will be using the Special Run Preference List to rank the Special Runs and then Breyer will notify you which models were selected for you to purchase in your Ticket Books. If your selection is not available at that time, Breyer will send you a Wild Card ticket so that you are able to select your Special Runs (still two per ticket) from the available selection at the event. This does not indicate that all of the Special Runs will be sold out during the events. You are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want during the event.
The General Access Ticket
The General Access Ticket is $30 and does not come with the ability to purchase Special Runs. You are able to purchase as many Limited Editions during the event as you want. There are no limits on how many General Access Tickets that you can purchase.
So the breakdown is:
1 General Access Ticket- As many Limited Editions as you want during the event
The Online Traditional Access Ticket
The Online Traditional Access Ticket is $65 and comes with the ability to purchase one Special Run per ticket and as many Limited Editions as you want during the event. There are no limits on how many tickets that you are able to purchase of this type and you are able to purchase them all on one account, if you choose. If you want more than one Special Run, then you will need to purchase more than one ticket. You will be using the Special Run Preference List that will be released in Spring of 2023 and you will be notified of which Special Run was selected for your account out of your ranking during BreyerFest (unless otherwise specified when tickets are released for sale).
So the breakdown is:
1 Online Traditional Access Ticket = 1 Special Run and as many Limited Editions during the event as you want to purchase.
The Online Stablemate Access Ticket
The Online Stablemate Access Ticket is $25 and does not come with the ability to purchase any Special Runs. You are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want during the event. There are no limits on how many tickets of this kind that you can purchase.
So the breakdown is:
1 Online Stablemate Access Ticket- As many Limited Editions as you want during the event 

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Reading the Fine Print, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Reading The Fine Print, That Is!

I always preach about reading the find print in this group and that you should always read the description next to the sales or BreyerFest Ticket releases and more. While I do my absolute best to bring you all of the current information and update the group to all of the information on the Breyer website, I could always miss something myself, for whatever reason. So I am saying this in advance as we head into prime BreyerFest information season- Please make sure to read the fine print! I do my best to scan the fine print for anything that could be very important and report back on what I find.
In the fine print for BreyerFest 2023, we already have a few little things. These things can be found on the BreyerFest FAQs on the Breyer website, link will be in the Pinned Post here in the group, but are important in my mind for my Roadies:
*International Ticket Holders who are picking their Ticket Books up at Will Call will need to have IDs checked.
*You need to have a Breyer account to purchase BreyerFest Tickets this year. This account is free and easy to set up.
*You do not need to pay shipping on your BreyerFest Tickets
*The virtual event opens up at 9 AM EDT and everything should go live immediately, barring any internet hiccups.
*No in person ticket holders models will be mailed. You must pick them up in person or be forfeit the models.
*Virtual ticket holders will not be receiving tickets- your account is your ticket.
I am sure that there are more, however these are the more common questions that I am asked that are in the fine print this year. While I have my normal giant FAQs still coming (only half is posted right now), this is a great start to get you prepared for BreyerFest!
I hope that this helps! 

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Some Pick Up Information, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Some Pick Up Information, That Is!

In this post, I hope to start covering the Pick Up Process for BreyerFest so that by the time tickets are released for sale, you will know if you are wanting to have someone do pick ups for you or not. There will be a lot of information that we do not have at this time as we are waiting for more Special Runs to be revealed, tickets to go on sale, and so much more. When the rest of the information is released, there will be a post all about Pick Up Information then as well. View this post as a way to get your started in seeing if Pick Ups are an option for you.
With the BreyerFest Tickets, Pick Ups are still an option to get those models that you might not be able to purchase otherwise, unless the secondary market is an option for you. There are many BreyerFest Veterans and Attendees that offer their services to help those that cannot attend BreyerFest in person get those models that are typically in high demand. Now, each and everyone one of those Pick Up people have their own rules that they follow, they have their own ways to pay them, and more so you definitely have to keep that in mind when you are looking for a pick up person. Here in this group, I do not allow pick up offers or pick up requests, however in our sale and trade group, I have a post already started for people to start advertising that they will be doing pick ups or start the search for the pick up person.
Right now, we are over six months out from BreyerFest, so make sure that you keep that in mind before paying anything via PayPal or other means. However, you will be prepaying your Pick Up Person the required fees that they have so that they are able to purchase your model or models for you. Many Pick Up People will require you to purchase the ticket and fill out the Special Run Preference List and then once the Ticket Books come in, you need to send them to the Pick Up Person (if you live in the Domestic US) or have your Pick Up Person get them from the Will Call during BreyerFest. To pick up Ticket Books at Will Call, you will need to give your Pick Up Person a copy of your receipt that you paid for your ticket book that shows your name, your address, and your account details, or things of that nature. Breyer is checking ID this year, as stated on their BreyerFest FAQs on their website. My advice is to find your pick up person and have them purchase your Ticket with this news.
Once your Pick Up Person has your Ticket Book or Books, then they are able to get your models for you, pay for them with the money that you sent them, and will ship them off from the location of their choosing.
I highly recommend doing your research when selecting your Pick Up Person. Look at the Transaction Boards, find out if they have greens or not, and get to know them. Always pay Goods and Services, unless it is a family member that you are sending out into the wide world of BreyerFest and make sure that you are within the limits of filing a case for PayPal or other payment method types.
Now we wait for the rest of the information, like about Tickets and Ticket Books and the rest of the models!
I hope that this has helped in some way! 

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Volunteering at BreyerFest, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Volunteering at BreyerFest, That Is!

Every year, many people talk about volunteering at BreyerFest and want to learn more and to me, that is completely awesome! However, until the actual information is released about volunteering, there is not much out there to find and many will tell you to just hang in there. I have the information regarding 2022, but the information about 2023 has not been released yet. As soon as that information is released, the group will be updated with it. The main thing to remember is that you need to volunteer eight hours during the weekend, you cannot miss the meeting on Thursday before BreyerFest, and you cannot miss the meeting on Sunday after BreyerFest. I mean, I am sure that there are and have been exceptions, but this is all generalizations. There are several places to volunteer at and each one has a different set of guidelines. At the end of BreyerFest and provided that you have met the requirements (unless you miss a meeting without an exception, you will meet the requirements), you will receive a special Volunteer model for your hard work. At this time, the 2023 volunteer information and application is not available. However, I would expect to see it within a month.
Here is the BreyerFest 2022 information to get started seeing if you might want to volunteer at BreyerFest. When the new information is released, it will be posted.
*Once again, this is 2022 Information*
*You must be 18 years of age or older.
*You must be available during the whole event, including the Thursday before the event and the meeting on Sunday after the event.
*Only one family member may apply, no groups or teams.
*All applicants must apply using the online form. Paper forms will not be accepted this year.
*Applications are only accepted from March 7th 2022 to March 31st 2022. No late or early applications will be accepted.
*You will receive a Thank you and a green check mark if your application was received.
*Applications will be reviewed from April 1st through April 15th with chosen volunteers being notified on or around April 18th.
*Volunteers are assigned 8 or more hours to work during the event. Some places are not air conditioned and are outside. It does get HOT and HUMID during BreyerFest.
*In order to receive the BreyerFest Ambassador Model, you must satisfactorily complete all of your tasks assigned to you.
*You cannot participate in Workshops, Seminars, Shows, etc while on duty as a BreyerFest volunteer. Make sure to list what you plan to attend on the application so that Breyer can plan accordingly, if you are chosen.
*Volunteer models are handed out during a meeting on Sunday after BreyerFest has ended. This is to make it fair to everyone. If you are chosen, it is recommended to adjust your travel plans accordingly.
*If you are chosen, you will be sent one All Access Ticket, a T-shirt, your name badge, and other materials. If you do not have these things present with you, you will forfeit your volunteer position and will not receive the model.
What positions can you Volunteer for?
*Hobby Information Booth-The Hobby Information Booth (HIB) is near the Covered Arena at the Horse Park in the large Hobby Center tent. It is co-located with the Diorama Contest, below. Volunteers will be asked to demonstrate something hobby-related of their choosing using their own supplies. For example: tack making, customizing, air brushing, or etching. You will also be asked to provide a handout relating to your demonstration to be given to visitors at the booth. Volunteers will also be assigned time to meet with the public to answer various questions and promote the model horse hobby. (Hours to be staffed: Thurs 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. for setup, Fri 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Sat 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m., Sun 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., Sun 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. tear down. )
*The Diorama Contest- The Diorama Contest (DC) will be co-located in the tent with the Hobby Information Booth. Volunteers for the Contest will be responsible for checking in and watching over entries while on display in the Hobby Center Tent. Judging will take place on Friday after BreyerFest closes and you will be asked to return to booth on Saturday and Sunday to assist with distributing entries back to owners. (Hours to be staffed: Thursday 12:30-2:30 for setup, Fri 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Sat 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Sun 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.)
*Craft and Activity Centers- Volunteers for the Craft and Activity Centers (CAC)s will work with children and adults in one of the two craft tents at the Horse Park and assist with various craft projects, including Stablemate painting. (Hours to be staffed: Thurs 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. for setup, Fri 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Sat 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Sun 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
*Swap Meet/Artisan’s Gallery- Volunteers for the Swap Meet/Artisan’s Gallery (SMAG) will be positioned in various locations in the Clarion Hotel and will ensure that the people waiting in line to enter the Swap Meet and Artisan’s Gallery are kept in an orderly fashion. Will also be responsible for ensuring that exhibit rooms are not overcrowded and entrance and exit doors are monitored. (Hours to be staffed: Thurs 12:00 p.m.– 11:00 p.m., Fri 3:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m., Sat 5 p.m. – 11 p.m.)
*BreyerFest Ambassadors- Volunteers for BreyerFest Ambassador (BA) positions will be stationed at various areas around the park, as well as on BreyerFest shuttle buses, which operate all day. A portion of these volunteers will stationed at various Help Desks to assist guests with lost and found items, answer general Breyer and BreyerFest questions, provide directions to event locations, and handle or delegate other requests as they occur. Other volunteers will captain the BreyerFest shuttles, ensuring guests are ticketed and getting guests to the correct bus stops. A third segment of volunteers will roam the park as docents, answering guest questions as needed. Applicants must have prior BreyerFest experience, be people-friendly, and have good knowledge about BreyerFest operations such as shows, workshops, and model pick-up. Volunteers with familiarity of the KHP and local attractions in the Lexington and surrounding areas are given extra consideration (Hours to be staffed: Thurs 12:30–2:30 pm for setup, Fri 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Sat 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Sun 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.).
*Workshop/ Seminar Assistant- Volunteers for the Workshop/Seminar (WSA) will be stationed at the Alltech for workshops or at the VIC where seminars are held. Each volunteer will assist the instructor or speaker with various tasks including set-up, break down and clean up, direct participants and instructors to workshop location and perform other duties as asked. (Hours to be staffed: Thurs 12:30-2:30 pm for setup, Fri 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m., Sat 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m., Sun 9:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.)
Times and dates above are specific to 2022 and WILL be different for BreyerFest 2023. Volunteer information for BreyerFest 2023 has NOT been released yet. This post is to help you decide if applying to volunteer at BreyerFest is something that you wish to do.
Hope this helps!