Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Let's Talk BreyerFest...BreyerFest Model Terms, That Is! Part 2

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...What Those Models are Called, That Is! Part 2

There are more models available at BreyerFest than just the Event Models and they all have their own terms too! This set of terms can be just as confusing as the Event Models since they have added extra models to them and extra words to them over the years. This post will be going over the Limited Edition Models and the Special Run Models!
Limited Edition Models
Limited Edition Models are available to all ticket holders, no matter what ticket that you have purchased or even given to you. If you have a BreyerFest ticket, you are able to purchase a Limited Edition model. These models are available in the BreyerFest Store either at the event or on the Breyer website, depending on how you are accessing BreyerFest. These models are limited and while they have sold out in previous years, they have not sold out in the last two years. Breyer has upped the run numbers to make sure that many, many BreyerFest attendees are able to purchase the models that they want. These models are not limited in the amounts that you can purchase, however they are limited in how you purchase them. Confusing, I know. You can buy as many of each one that you want, but you can only buy them one at a time. So if you want three of Model A then you will need to make three different transactions to purchase Model A. This includes the in person and the virtual event. There are typically three portrait Traditional Sized models (Guest Horse Models), one Freedom (Classic) sized model, one single Stablemate, one set of Stablemates, one Crystal model (about curio/venti sized), and one plushie. Last year, Breyer added one Traditional Sized model that you could only purchase online and one Stablemate Sized model that you could only purchase online. Will they add them this year? We don’t know until they release them. In the past, these were known as the Store models and Tent Models due to them being in different locations and BreyerFest attendees might still call them that (and that is perfectly fine!), but they are all still Limited Editions.
Limited Edition Breakdown:
3 Traditional sized models that are portraits of Guest Horses
1 Freedom/Classic sized model that is typically decorator colored
1 Stablemate
1 Best of BreyerFest Stablemate Set
1 Plushie
1 Crystal (Curio/Venti) sized model
Prices are not listed in this post as they could change, however the previous BreyerFest pricing can be found in the BreyerFest History Guide or on the BreyerFest 2023 Driving Forward Models and More photo album.
Special Runs
Special Runs are available to only certain ticket holders during BreyerFest and they come with their own ways to purchase them. This post will not go into detail about how to purchase them as there will be a post coming soon that goes into the deep details of exactly how to purchase the Special Runs for 2023. This post is to let you know who can buy the Special Runs and what the models could be, and more.
Special Runs are available to VIP Ticket Holders, All Access Ticket Holders, and Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders. The VIP Ticket Holders will be selecting and paying for their Special Runs when they purchase their tickets- so $240 plus the cost of two Special Runs and two Limited Editions (you will still be able to purchase Limited Editions during BreyerFest). The All Access and the Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders will be using the Special Run Preference List to rank the Special Runs and they will be purchasing the Special Runs during BreyerFest. More all about the buying processes coming soon!
The Special Runs are typically a run of nine different models- eight equine models and one other animal model. There is usually one Vintage mold, one or more Premiere Releases from the previous year, and any other mold that Breyer chooses. There is usually one Decorator color, one split run of matte and glossy, and Breyer does love to throw in surprises, so each release could have a mini variation run hidden inside of it. There is also a Surprise Special Run and it seems to create a lot of confusion so that will have its own paragraph a little further down. The colors and molds chosen for the Special Runs do not always have anything to do with the event theme itself, however the names of the models will have something to do with the event. The prices range from $55 to $85, with the Surprise Special Run being the most expensive.
The Surprise Special Run is still a Special Run! Many think that this is a special thing that is set aside from the Special Runs, but it is still a Special Run. The Surprise Special Run will not be revealed until BreyerFest itself when the first one is opened on Friday morning. There are many, many people that love to speculate what it could be and some are right, but no one knows for sure until it is actually revealed. There are around 4 to 5 different colors on the same mold for the Surprise Special Run and could have split runs of matte and glossy in those different colors in there. If you are looking to purchase the Surprise Special Run, remember that it is still a Special Run and does take up on of your Special Run slots on your tickets.
How Many Special Runs Can I Buy?
For the VIP and the All Access Tickets, you can buy two Special Runs per ticket. For the Online Traditional Access Tickets, you can buy one Special Run per ticket. The VIP Ticket is potentially limited to one per account/household (we will know more when the tickets are officially released and therefore this section will be edited to reflect that information.) The All Access and the Online Traditional tickets are not limited at this time, although last year, the tickets were limited to six tickets per order. It takes five tickets to potentially get all nine of the Special Runs, however with the way that they are purchased now, you cannot absolutely guaranteed that you will get all nine. There is a lot of trading and selling that happens during BreyerFest to make the magic happen, if you want all nine of the Special Runs.
Special Run Breakdown:
Nine Special Runs (typically)
8 Equine Models
1 Other Animal Model
1 Surprise Special Run
Able to be purchased by VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Access
I promise that this is all much harder to explain than it is to experience and ask that you try to not feel overwhelmed (don’t worry, I always feel overwhelmed when planning BreyerFest, so you are in good company if you are overwhelmed at any time!)
I hope that this helps! 

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