Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Finding the Account Details Page, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Finding the Account Details Page, That Is!

While this post is in the BreyerFest section of this group, it really needs to be in the whole group and likely be will be soon. Finding your Account Details Page is definitely information that you will need to know and I hope to provide it for you.
When you first go to the Breyer website, you will be treated to a screen that displays their specials for the time period, the logo at the top, words along the top, and more. To access your Account Details page, you will need to log into your Breyer account.
If you do not have a Breyer account, this is free and easy to do! From that account, you can pay to upgrade it to a Collector/Deluxe Collector Club account and more. Your Breyer Account will also let you access the virtual BreyerFest content, if you are able to get it (this year, it only comes with certain tickets) and more.
Once you log into your account, you will be taken to a page that says Account Details and lists all of the purchases that you have made with that account. If you are like me, you avoid looking at the absolute length of that list and only concentrate on what is up near the top. On this page, you will find out several things: Which clubs that you are enrolled in (Breyer has the Collector Club and the Deluxe Collector Club listed as two different clubs this year, so keep that in mind.), what purchases that you have made, and whether they have been sent or not (this is highly unreliable!).
When you look at the purchases that you have made, you will see an order number, date, payment status, fulfillment status, and total. For BreyerFest purposes, the order number and the date will be the most important things to you. For virtual event ticket holders, that order number is your receipt. If you have a paid order for a BreyerFest virtual event ticket on your account, then you are able to view and participate in the virtual event, nothing else is needed. For the BreyerFest in person event Tickets, this will tell you what ticket that you have paid for and what add ons come with the ticket. If you are buying an in person ticket for someone to pick up your models for you, they will need to have this order number and the receipt of ticket purchase with them, if you are an international member (Don’t worry, I have a post all about pick ups coming soon so as to clear up any and all confusion!)
On the Account Details page, you will also find your address. This is where you can edit your address information and have your models be shipped to other places and people. However, if you are needing to have your address changed so that a model that automatically comes with something- like a BreyerFest Event Model in the case of a virtual ticket or the stablemate model from the Deluxe Collector Club- or your Just About Horses magazine if you are a Collector Club member, you will need to contact Breyer’s Customer Service to have that address changed since you had to sign up with a certain address and that is what is input into those shipping labels.
That is all that there really is to the Account Details page and it really takes a lot more to explain it than it does to see it or show it. I will gladly make a video, if it is needed!
I hope that this helps! 

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