Thursday, January 26, 2023

Let's Talk BreyerFest..The Special Run Preference List, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...The Special Run Preference List, That Is!

First, I want to address that Breyer has not addressed anything about this List as of yet other than if you purchase an All Access Ticket (or many) or an Online Traditional Access Ticket (or many), you will be using this for your Special Runs.
What is the Special Run Preference List? The Special Run Preference List is a ranking system created by Breyer for you to let them know how you rank the Special Runs and which ones you would like to have.
How does it work? During the time frame that the Special Run Preference List is up, you will be able to rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them (remember that this is totally up to you and how you like the Special Runs). Breyer will only accept the last list submitted. From there, Breyer will select the Special Runs for your account, based on your place in a virtual line. The actual algorithm that Breyer uses for this has not been released or revealed.
Which Tickets will be using this Special Run Preference List? The All Access and the Online Traditional Access Tickets are the only two tickets that will be using the Special Run Preference List.
How many Special Runs do I get per ticket? With the All Access Ticket, you will get two Special Runs per ticket. With the Online Traditional Access Ticket, you will get one Special Run per ticket.
Do the Special Runs sell out? Yes. Last year, Stein sold out and was unavailable during the actual event itself. In the case of this event, you will be given a Wild Card Redemption Ticket (more about that later).
When do I pay for my Special Runs? During the event in July.
When does the Special Run Preference List come out? Late Spring. Breyer will announce when this is going to happen and there will be many notifications, including in this group.
What do I do if I get a Special Run that I do not want? You are absolutely not forced to purchase any models during BreyerFest. However, it is always recommended to buy it and trade or sell it during the event.
How does it really work?As mentioned above, you will be ranking the Special Runs. This is something that only you can do because no one else can tell you how you like the Special Runs. Depending on how many tickets that you have will the ways that you are able to fill out this list. Keep in mind that this is all going to sound a LOT more confusing than it is to experience it.
If you have one All Access/Online Traditional Access Ticket: You will be using the Individual List as it should be the only list to show up on your account. You are welcome to name it, however that is only for your benefit as the List is associated with your account and your account number in Breyer’s software. Rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them, listing your favorite first. Even if you do not like all of the Special Runs, it is highly recommended to still fill out the list completely. However, in the event that you absolutely do not like the other Special Runs provided, you are able to use a selection that reads: No Other Option/Selection. But be aware that it is dangerous to use this selection- You might not receive a Special Run at all! Once you fill out the list, I recommend taking a screenshot of it so that you remember how you fill it out because if you are like me, the moment that you push send, you forget what you just filled out and panic. You will not know which models were selected for you until the Ticket Books are sent out (or you pick them up at Will Call for International Ticket Holders) or during BreyerFest, if you have an Online Traditional Access Ticket. When the Ticket Books go out, you will find a Redemption Card in there with the models that you were selected for. If your selection was not available, you will have a Redemption Card that says Wild Card and this means that you are able to select your Special Runs from the available inventory at BreyerFest during the event in July. For the virtual event, your Special Run will appear in your account (typically by clicking a link provided to you) during the event and that is when you will be able to purchase it.
*You can also use this method if you have more than one ticket to select the rankings for each ticket on your account. This way will offer more duplicates, but it gives you more control over how you rank the models. How fast the models “sell” out during Breyer’s selection process is not something that we can calculate and therefore, we cannot tell you how fast that they will sell out.
If you have more than one All Access/Online Traditional Ticket: You are still able to use the above mentioned method for every ticket on your account. However, there is also the Master List. This is one list that you will be filling out for ALL of the tickets on your account. This means that there will be as many number 1s for however many tickets that you have on your account and that follows suit down to number 9. So if you have two tickets, it will be something like this:
You are allowed to rank the models in any way and order that you want, including mix and matching your number ones and so on. They do not need to be the same, unless that is what you want to do. From there, you will fill out the list the same as in the Individual List by ranking the Special Runs in the order that you like them, listing your favorite first. Even if you do not like all of the Special Runs, it is highly recommended to still fill out the list completely. However, in the event that you absolutely do not like the other Special Runs provided, you are able to use a selection that reads: No Other Option/Selection. But be aware that it is dangerous to use this selection- You might not receive a Special Run at all! Once you fill out the list, I recommend taking a screenshot of it so that you remember how you fill it out because if you are like me, the moment that you push send, you forget what you just filled out and panic. You will not know which models were selected for you until the Ticket Books are sent out (or you pick them up at Will Call for International Ticket Holders) or during BreyerFest, if you have an Online Traditional Access Ticket. When the Ticket Books go out, you will find a Redemption Card in there with the models that you were selected for. If your selection was not available, you will have a Redemption Card that says Wild Card and this means that you are able to select your Special Runs from the available inventory at BreyerFest during the event in July. For the virtual event, your Special Run will appear in your account (typically by clicking a link provided to you) during the event and that is when you will be able to purchase it.
*When the Ticket Books are released, you will receive one (based on last year) that will have all of your wrist bands, your Redemption Tickets, and the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance Tickets in there. If you purchase a Parking Pass, it will be in this Ticket Book as well. There is also a small list of FAQs that will be in the Ticket Book as well as maps. But there will be a LOT more information on the Ticket Books when they are released.
What is a Wild Card Redemption Ticket? This is a Redemption Ticket that you will receive if your selections were not available for you. They will allow you to choose the Special Run that you wish to purchase from the available stock on hand at the event. This does mean that certain models could be sold out or not available at the time.
Do I have to buy the Special Runs that were selected for me? Well, no, you do not. However you cannot trade these Special Runs with other Special Runs through Breyer. You are welcome to purchase these Special Runs and trade them with other hobbyists right outside the tent though!
What if I really do not want the Special Runs that were selected for me? Personally, I would say go ahead and buy them to resell or use as trade to get what you want. But you are not obligated to buy any models at BreyerFest that you have not already paid for.
I want one of the In Person Special Runs, how can I get one? The best answer is to find a Pick Up Person. This is someone who will take your Redemption Ticket, pay for the models at BreyerFest with money that you have sent them, and then ship them to you at cost. They usually charge a fee to do this and you can find many of them over on the sale and trade groups.
Will I be buying the Limited Editions like this? No. Limited Editions are available for sale each and every day until sold out during the event. Yes, they can and do sell out. If they are sold out for that day, there will be a restock the next day at the in person BreyerFest Store. I am not positive if there will be restocks on the website.
What if I want more than two Special Runs with my All Access Ticket? Then it is best to buy more. It takes five All Access Tickets to buy nine Special Runs, which is how many Special Runs that there are released.
What if I want more than one Special Run with my Online Traditional Access Ticket? Then you will need to buy more Tickets.
Am I guaranteed to get the models that are on my list? No, you are not. While you may really want one particular model, it might not be available for you.
How can I pay for my models? At the event, you are able to purchase models with cash or credit/debit. Online, you are able to purchase your models any way that you normally purchase models off of Breyer’s website.
Will my models be shipped to me? If you are attending the in person event, no. You will need to pick up your models or have someone pick up your models using the Redemption Tickets in your Ticket Book. If you are attending the virtual event, your models will be shipped to you.
Do I use this list if I am buy a VIP Ticket? No. You will be selecting exactly which Special Runs that you want and paying for them when you purchase your VIP Ticket. The base cost of $240 rises quickly to over $500, depending on which two Special Runs and which two Limited Editions that you select to purchase.
Is there still an open time to go through the Special Runs on Sunday during the event? Last year, this did not happen in favor of placing all of the remaining product online and letting the in person ticket holders that could access Special Runs and the virtual ticket holders that could access Special Runs to purchase them. We do not know what will happen this year at this time. But as soon as that information is known, it will be posted in the group.
I think that is everything about the Special Run Preference List that we know before Breyer actually releases the information. In the event that any of this information changes, it will be reflected in this post.
I hope that this helps! 

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