Thursday, January 26, 2023

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Some Pick Up Information, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Some Pick Up Information, That Is!

In this post, I hope to start covering the Pick Up Process for BreyerFest so that by the time tickets are released for sale, you will know if you are wanting to have someone do pick ups for you or not. There will be a lot of information that we do not have at this time as we are waiting for more Special Runs to be revealed, tickets to go on sale, and so much more. When the rest of the information is released, there will be a post all about Pick Up Information then as well. View this post as a way to get your started in seeing if Pick Ups are an option for you.
With the BreyerFest Tickets, Pick Ups are still an option to get those models that you might not be able to purchase otherwise, unless the secondary market is an option for you. There are many BreyerFest Veterans and Attendees that offer their services to help those that cannot attend BreyerFest in person get those models that are typically in high demand. Now, each and everyone one of those Pick Up people have their own rules that they follow, they have their own ways to pay them, and more so you definitely have to keep that in mind when you are looking for a pick up person. Here in this group, I do not allow pick up offers or pick up requests, however in our sale and trade group, I have a post already started for people to start advertising that they will be doing pick ups or start the search for the pick up person.
Right now, we are over six months out from BreyerFest, so make sure that you keep that in mind before paying anything via PayPal or other means. However, you will be prepaying your Pick Up Person the required fees that they have so that they are able to purchase your model or models for you. Many Pick Up People will require you to purchase the ticket and fill out the Special Run Preference List and then once the Ticket Books come in, you need to send them to the Pick Up Person (if you live in the Domestic US) or have your Pick Up Person get them from the Will Call during BreyerFest. To pick up Ticket Books at Will Call, you will need to give your Pick Up Person a copy of your receipt that you paid for your ticket book that shows your name, your address, and your account details, or things of that nature. Breyer is checking ID this year, as stated on their BreyerFest FAQs on their website. My advice is to find your pick up person and have them purchase your Ticket with this news.
Once your Pick Up Person has your Ticket Book or Books, then they are able to get your models for you, pay for them with the money that you sent them, and will ship them off from the location of their choosing.
I highly recommend doing your research when selecting your Pick Up Person. Look at the Transaction Boards, find out if they have greens or not, and get to know them. Always pay Goods and Services, unless it is a family member that you are sending out into the wide world of BreyerFest and make sure that you are within the limits of filing a case for PayPal or other payment method types.
Now we wait for the rest of the information, like about Tickets and Ticket Books and the rest of the models!
I hope that this has helped in some way! 

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