Thursday, April 21, 2022

BreyerFest Frequently Asked Questions


BreyerFest 2022 Frequently Asked Questions

Updated Frequently

Event Information

What are the Dates for BreyerFest: July 15, 16, and 17 2022

What is the theme for BreyerFest? Prost! A German Celebration

Where is BreyerFest located? This year, it is at the Kentucky Horse Park as well as on the Breyer website

What are the hours of BreyerFest? 9 AM EDT to 4 PM EDT

What time does Will Call open? 10 AM EDT on Thursday, July 14th. Then it will be open around 8:30 AM EDT on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

When does the virtual BreyerFest Store open up? Friday Afternoon, no set time currently.

Ticket Information

When do tickets go on sale?: In Person Ticket Sales started at the end of February and Virtual Ticket Sales started mid-March

When do ticket sales end? In person Ticket Sales end on May 2nd at 5 PM EDT. There is no current set cut off date for virtual ticket sales.

How many tickets can I purchase? Right now, the only one that will be limited is the VIP ticket. That ticket was limited to one per household/address last year and this is the first year that it is offered as an in person ticket. The other tickets will very likely have no limits. There is a limit of six per order

Will my tickets be sent to me? If you are in the Domestic US with In Person Tickets, the first part of your Ticket Book will be mailed to you. Virtual Tickets will not be mailed and you will need to refer to your Order Number, which can be found on your Account Details page on Breyer’s website.

What are the Ticket Books? For the VIP Ticket Holder, if you reside in the Domestic US, you will be mailed a ticket book that includes your admission wrist band, your redemption tickets for the ticket models, your Celebration of Horses Evening Performance Ticket, redemption tickets for your Special Runs and Limited Editions that you purchased, parking pass, and more. For the All Access Ticket Holder, if you reside in the Domestic US, you will be mailed a ticket book that includes your admission wrist band, your Celebration of Horses evening performance ticket, your event model redemption ticket, your parking pass if you purchased one, and more. For the General Access Ticket Holder, if you reside in the Domestic US, you will be mailed a ticket book that contains your admission wrist band, your event model redemption ticket, your parking pass if you paid for one, your Celebration of Horses Evening performance ticket, and more. International ticket holders, you will need to pick up your Ticket Books at Will Call starting on July 14th at the Kentucky Horse park. Will Call does run all weekend long. All Access Ticket Holders, Will Call is also where you will pick up your second Ticket Book, which contains the redemption tickets for your Special Run Models.

When will my tickets be mailed to me? If you are in the Domestic US, Breyer has stated that they would be sent in the Late Spring around May. But really, when they start showing up is the best indicator.

What comes with each ticket and how much do they cost?

In Person Event:

VIP- $230 plus the costs of two Special Runs and two Limited Editions 1 Celebration Horse, 1 set of Event Stablemates, 2 Special Runs, 2 Limited Edition prepaid, Limited Editions during the event, parking pass, ability to enter workshops (added fee), ability to enter the Live Show (added fee), ability to enter contests, and more

All Access- $80 1 Celebration horse, access to purchase two different Special Runs during the event, access to purchase Limited Editions during the event, ability to enter the Live Show (added fee), ability to enter workshops (added fee), ability to enter the contests, and more

General Access- $25 1 randomly selected Event Stablemate, ability to purchase Limited Editions, access to the free seminars, and more

Virtual Event:

Online Traditional- $55 1 Celebration Horse, ability to purchase Limited Editions, ability to enter the Photo Show (added fee and provided that the tickets are purchased before the cut off date), ability to enter contests, and more

Online Stablemate- $25 1 randomly selected Event Stablemate, ability to purchase Limited Editions, and more.

When will the information about the Workshops be released? Workshop information is released. There are several workshops for VIP, VIP and All Access, and other Ticket Holders. You will need to register for each workshop that you want to attend. If you are attending the in person workshops, you only need to attend. If you are attending the virtual workshops, you will need to purchase the Supplies needed for these workshops. You do need to register, if you are doing the virtual workshops. Prices for the in person workshops range from $30 to $45 and prices for the virtual workshops are $5.

When will Model Show information be released? Model Horse Show information has been released. There are several in person and online photo shows available for certain ticket holders. The in person shows are the BreyerFest Live Show, the BreyerFest Youth and Children’s Show, and the Resin Renaissance. The online photo shows for BreyerFest are the Breyer Boot Camp (already in progress), Breakables Live, and the Resin Futurity. In Person Shows are for VIP and All Access Ticket Holders only and you need to register in advance. Virtual Shows are for VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Access Tickets and you will need to register in advance and have a Ponybytes account, which is free.

When can I sign up to volunteer? The BreyerFest Volunteer Application was released in mid- March and allowed people to apply until March 31st. No late applications will be accepted. This is an in person only position at this time. Volunteer Applications are currently closed.

When can I sign up to sell at the Swap Meet? Applications were accepted until April 15th. Confirmations of those that will be selling during this event are currently going out.

When can I sign up to sell at the Artisan’s Gallery? Applications were accepted until April 15th. Confirmations of those that will be selling during this event are currently going out.

When can I sign up to sell at the Vendor Marketplace? Applications were accepted until April 15th. Confirmations of those that will be selling during this event are currently going out.

Model Information

Do I need to show ID to pick up my models like BreyerWest does? No. However, if you are picking up models for someone, you will need to know the Ticket Order Number of their ticket. It is highly recommended for them to print out their receipt and send it to you.

Do I have to purchase the Celebration Horse after I buy my ticket? No, your Celebration Horse automatically comes with your ticket. At the in person event, you will need to pick it up. The virtual attendees will have theirs sent to them.

How many tickets can I purchase? The only ticket that is officially limited is the VIP Ticket and that is limited to one per account.

How will we be able to purchase Special Runs? VIP Ticket Holders will be purchasing their models at the time of ticket purchase. All Access Ticket Holders will be utilizing the Special Run Preference List. You will be ranking and paying for your Special Runs ahead of time.

How does the Special Run Preference List work? The Special Run Preference List is just a way to let Breyer know how you like the Special Runs that are offered for this year’s event. Think of it more like a ranking list rather than a preference list. You do not need to purchase the models that end up being selected for you, however they make amazing sale or trade fodder for something that you want instead. This list is not a list for their inventory and this list does not guarantee that you will be getting those models in that order. It is just a ranking list.

Ok, let’s get into the details of that list! In 2021, they offered the list in two different ways. While Breyer did state that they were keeping the same system, I am not going to assume that they will be running it the same until the actually announce that. However, I will be sharing both of the ways that you were able to fill out your preference list.

First, know that if you do not fill out the list, your Special Runs will be selected at random for you. You do not need to purchase these models. You will be paying for your Special Runs before BreyerFest. You should have around two weeks to fill out this List and I will post daily reminders. Yes, you can have pick ups with this BreyerFest. Your pick up person will need your order number in order to pick up your Ticket Book from Will Call. Your Special Runs will not be sent to you, someone needs to pick them up in person, either you or your pick up person. Ok, onto the specifics.

The Master List

The first type of Special Run Preference List that you can use is the Master List. If you have more than one ticket and you want to limit how many duplicates that you might receive, this is the list for you. You will be filling out one list for all of the tickets that you have listed on your account. The best way to fill out this list is to put the Special Run that you want the most at the top and rank them down to the one that you like least. No one can tell you how to fill out this list, there is no way to make it better, this is all up to you! You got this! The Master List is a way to manage all of your All Access Tickets with one list and is the way to get the least amount of duplicates. There will be multiple number ones (as many as tickets on your account) and so on. Just rank the models how you like them the best. That is all there is to it! You have until the day that it is due to edit it and Breyer will normally take the last one submitted (this was last year’s information).

The Individual List

The second type of Special Run Preference List is the one that I have used both times that it was offered. It is the Individual List. While this list does have a high rate of duplicates, it allows you to customize your rankings per ticket on your account. So with each ticket, you will be making a new list. If you have just one ticket on your account, this will be the best option for you to use. If you do not mind duplicates or you want to attempt to control Lady Fate, then this list is best for you. Again, no one call tell you how to rank the Special Runs other than yourself. There is no secret to getting what you want as Breyer has never revealed their algorithm of how the Special Runs are selected for your account. With this option, if you have more than one ticket, you will be filling out more than one list. You can set different Special Runs as number one and so on, but just know that you might get duplicates.

So that is all that there is to the Special Run Preference List! Once you submit your list to Breyer, you then just need to wait. And wait. And wait. Breyer will then notify you that your selections are ready to purchase and you will log into your Breyer account, go to the page that they have set aside for purchasing these models, add them to your cart, buy them, and then you will need to pick up your ticket books from Will Call at BreyerFest starting on July 14thand running all weekend long.

I cannot attend the in person event, however I want the Special Runs. How do Pick ups work? This year, the Pick Ups are so much easier than in previous years. Many pick up people will ask that you purchase either a VIP or All Access Ticket. From there, you have complete control of the models that you want to select and try to get. If you are buying a VIP Ticket, your models are guaranteed. If you are buying an All Access Ticket, you will be using the Special Run Preference List and will be ranking the models and then you will be purchasing the ones that Breyer ultimately selects for you. It is recommended to print out your Ticket receipt and mail it to the person that will be doing your pickups as they will need some of your information to get your models.

I want to purchase a full set of Single Day Stablemates, will I be able to? If you are an in person All Access Ticket Holder or a in person General Access Ticket Holder, then you are able to purchase a full set in the BreyerFest Store on site at BreyerFest. There are limited quantities available.

I am attending the virtual event, why can't I buy Special Runs? First, I am sorry that you are unable to purchase them. Second, this is Breyer's decision and suggestions and complaints will need to be taken to them. But you are welcome to use our sale and trade group, The Guide's Sales And Trades, to find someone who will do a pickup for you.

Do the Special Runs reflect breeds of Germany? No, the actual models will not reflect the breeds. However, their names will represent something about Germany, whether it is a location, a food item, and more. The Limited Editions are more apt to represent the German Horse Breeds.

What are the differences in these crazy terms? There are many model types that will be available for BreyerFest. Some are available to everyone, some are only able to be won from the horse shows or the contests. You can read a lot more about them in our BreyerFest for Beginners Guide. The ones that you will see the most are the following: Event Models, these are the models that come with your tickets. Celebration Horse, this is the model that comes with certain ticket types. Single Day Stablemates, these are the Event Stablemates that come with certain ticket types. Special Runs, these are the models that are able to be purchased by certain ticket types. Limited Editions, these are models that everyone is able to purchase. Limited Editions include Store Specials or portrait models, Tent Models, Pop Up Store models, and more. Those are just some that you will see daily.

Event Information

I am attending the in person event, where can I stay? Make sure to check out our BreyerFest for Beginners Guide as there is a section just for hotels and some phone numbers to call as well.

Will I need a vehicle for the in person event? Yes, it is highly recommended to have some sort of transportation for the event.

Is there cell phone service? Yes, however it depends on your cell phone service provider. Verizon is one that only has spotty service at best and T-Mobile seems to have the best.

Is there more than one Parking Lot at the Kentucky Horse Park? Yes, there are many, many parking lots. However, since the entrance to BreyerFest is the Rolex Gate located near the American Saddlebred Museum, the Visitor’s Center Parking Lot is the most highly used one. However, all of the parking lots are great and there are shuttles running all weekend long to take you from your vehicle to the gate.

Which gate should I use? The Rolex Gate is the one that is most associated with BreyerFest. This is the gate closest to the Covered Arena, where BreyerFest centers around. You are able to use the Main Entrance, however there will be a walk to get to the Covered Arena. The Will Call is also located at the Rolex Gate.

Will there be lines? Yes. However, please note that once you have your Redemption Tickets for your Event Models and your Special Runs (and VIP models, if you have a VIP Ticket, there is no reason to stand in line. You are guaranteed those models. But there will be a line for the BreyerFest Store, the bathrooms, food and drinks, Guest Horse autographs, and more.

What time do I need to get there on Friday Morning? This is a question that only you can truly answer, however here are some things to keep in mind: There will be traffic. Enough traffic that the Kentucky State Police will be out on the main highway to direct traffic. There will be a line to find a parking spot. There will be a line to enter the park at the Rolex Gate. In the past, there were three lines that entered the gate in the morning, however with the changes that are happening, we are not sure exactly how it will work at this time. Personally, I recommend getting there early. Even if you are just looking for a decent place to park, getting there early will help you beat the traffic. I know that many people start showing up around 6 AM EDT to 7 AM EDT.

Will there be traffic? Yes. Traffic will be heavy on Friday morning and even on Saturday morning. The traffic in the evening will be heavy as well as BreyerFest ends for the day. After BreyerFest ends on Friday and Saturday, many people will start heading to the Altech Arena to attend the Celebration Of Horses Evening Performance. After that event, traffic will be heavy again as people start to leave. Definitely keep that in mind.

Where is the Rolex Gate? The Rolex Gate is located to the right of the Main Entrance and to the left of the American Saddlebred Museum. This gate is where Will Call will be located.

Is there handicapped parking? Yes. The majority of the parking lot closest to the Visitor’s Center and the American Saddlebred Museum will be marked off as Handicapped.

Is BreyerFest handicapped accessible? Yes, it is. There are some obstacles and it is hot and humid, however the event is accessible to everyone. Please check out the post in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide about this.

Where does BreyerFest actually take place? BreyerFest centers around the Covered Arena, however you will have access to the whole Kentucky Horse Park and I will always recommend checking that out. The Covered Arena is where the Vendor Marketplace and the Equine Demonstrations will happen. This is also where the BreyerFest Store is located. The warm up arena right behind the Covered Arena is usually taken over by the Stablemate Painting and other areas of interest. The barns are behind that and that is where the Guest Horses will be stabled, along with the autograph area. Behind that and to the side a bit, the Event Model pick ups will be located on the corner of Nina Bonnie Drive and Lee Cholak Drive. The Visitor’s Center will hold the Seminars this year and the Altech Arena, which is a drive down Cigar Lane or about a 15 minute walk from the Covered Arena is where the Workshops, the Model Shows, and the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance will be.

Where are the Model Horse Shows held? The Altech Arena, which is about a fifteen minute walk from the Covered Arena or you can drive there on Cigar Lane. There is ample parking there and a shuttle that runs from there to the Covered Arena and the main parking lot.

Where are the Workshops? They will be held in the Altech Arena.

Where is the Artisan’s Gallery? This will be located at the Clarion Hotel, about a five minute drive from the Kentucky Horse Park. Please note that the Clarion Parking Lot does fill up FAST and it is normally reserved for the patrons of the hotel.

Can I bring a wagon to the event? While this is not prohibited, many BreyerFest veterans will tell you that bringing a wagon is not a good idea. It cannot be taken into the stores and it is hard to move around the Covered Arena with one. The best option is to store your models in your vehicle or hotel room.

What is Will Call and where will it be located? Will Call is where you will be able to pick up your International Ticket Books and your All Access Special Run Ticket Books. On Thursday, July 14th, it will be located at the Kentucky Horse Park at the Rolex Gate from 10 AM EDT to 4 PM EDT and then it will be moved to the Clarion Hotel from 5 PM EDT to 9 PM EDT. It will then head back to the Kentucky Horse Park and will very likely open around 8:30 AM EDT as this time has not been announced yet and close around 4 PM EDT and the same hours should be for Saturday and it will likely close earlier on Sunday. There is absolutely no rush to pick up these tickets, if you cannot make it to the Thursday times. They will be available all weekend long.

Since bags are not allowed in the Breyer Store and the Special Run Tent, will there be a bag check? Likely! In BreyerFest history, there has been up to two of these bag checks, one over by the Breyer Store and one by the Special Run Tent. These bag checks have no limit on how many that you can place there, but you can only keep it there for an hour.

Is there food at the Park? Yes, there will be Food Vendors and the Kentucky Horse Park has a restaurant and a few snack stations as well.

I am going to the in person event, but I want to get the Special Runs. How can I do so? With the VIP ticket, you are able to pre-pay for two Special Runs. With the All Access Ticket, you are able to purchase up to two Special Runs per ticket purchased. So with the VIP Ticket, your Special Runs are guaranteed, but with the All Access, you are going to get a Special Run, but it might not be the one that you wanted.

What tickets do not get Special Runs? General Access, Online Traditional, and Online Stablemate tickets do not get Special Runs

Will there be other crazy people there like me? Well, of course! But we do not think that you are crazy. BreyerFest is for all ages, not just crazy kids. There is plenty of room for crazy adults and crazy grandparents and even a crazy teenager or two! No matter your age, you will not be alone!

What is the Clarion? The Clarion is a hotel that is near the Kentucky Horse Park. This hotel acts as a hub for model horse activity during the event. Many people use their rooms at this hotel to sell or trade model horses. Breyer also uses this hotel as the site for the Artisan's Gallery and the Swap Meet. I believe that the BreyerFest Live! Resin Rennaissance show is held here as well. The Clarion has a small parking lot for this size hotel, so it is recommended to find a ride rather than park here. You can read more about the Clarion in our Let’s Talk BreyerFest Guide

Can I bring my pets to the event? The answer is technically yes, however the majority of the group will tell you no for many, many reasons. This question is not allowed in this group and there is to be no discussion of it because the answer from the group is a resounding no. Comments about this topic will be deleted immediately.

Am I able to bring my own food and a cooler? Yes. As long as you do not bring anything glass into the park, it is typically allowed. Many veterans will tell you to keep your Cooler in the car and make trips out there to get your food. There is not a lot of room in the Covered Arena when the event is going strong, so wagons, coolers on wheels, and such are not recommended.

I am attending the in person event, do I need an account on Breyer's website? Breyer says that yes you do. This is a free account to create so no worries.

I am a Collector Club member, do I get a discount on tickets? No, they are no longer offering discounts on BreyerFest tickets for Collector Club members. However, they do have other things planned. At this time, we are not sure what these other things are.

How many models can I buy? How many do you want to buy? That is the real question! However, it does break down and there are certain limits. At an in person event, you can buy as many Limited Edition models as you want, no matter what ticket type that you have. As for Special Runs, The VIP Tickets will be able to pre-order and pay for two Special Runs. All Access Tickets are able to buy up to two Special Runs per ticket. So if you buy two All Access Tickets, you are able to purchase four Special Runs and so on.

Do Limited Edition Models sell out? YES! At the in person event, they usually sell out very quickly. With this hybrid event, we will need to see how fast they sell out before I can confidently answer this question more in depth.

Will my models be mailed to me? If you have in person event tickets, no. Your models will not be mailed to you. However, if you purchase models online during the event, including the Limited Editions, those will be mailed to you. If you have virtual event tickets, then yes, all of your models will be mailed to you.

Am I guaranteed to get a model other than the Celebration Horse or the Event Stablemates during the event? If you are a VIP Ticket Holder, then yes you are guaranteed to receive those models that you pre-paid for. However, the other tickets are never guaranteed models and it does state this on the Breyer website.

I am attending the virtual event, when will my models be sent to me? Yes, they will be mailed to your location. There will be shipping charges this year.

I purchased tickets for the virtual event, but I can make it to the in person event, will my tickets still count? No, you will need to purchase the in person tickets in order to attend the in person event.

Will there be Store Specials and Pop Up Tent Models? Yes, these models have been lumped together and are now called the Limited Edition Models. They will be available during BreyerFest at the in person BreyerFest Stores or on the Breyer website during BreyerFest. You must have a BreyerFest Ticket in order to purchase them.

Will there be real horses at BreyerFest? Yes! More than you will know about will attend BreyerFest. This will be the time to see some of the best horses around the world and even get their owner’s autograph.

Can I pet a real horse at BreyerFest? Yes. Many horse owners will gladly allow you to pet their horse. However, the rule is to ask first! Some horses can be a bit nippy.

What is there to do besides buy models at BreyerFest? There will be an amazing Equine Demonstration show all weekend long happening in the Covered Arena where you can sit down and watch horses of all breeds do what they do best. You can explore the entire Kentucky Horse Park and all of their museums, and more.

Will it be crowded? Yes, BreyerFest is always crowded. The Kentucky Horse Park will be crowded, the Covered Arena will be crowded, the Clarion will be crowded.

Are there places to escape the sun and sit down? Yes, the Covered Arena is a great place to sit down, maybe grab something to eat, and watch the horses. However, this is not an air conditioned area and it will be crowded. The Visitor’s Center and the Museums are air conditioned to escape the heat.

Can I bring models to sell at the Kentucky Horse Park? In theory, yes. However since wagons and carts are hard to use in the limited space, many people actually wear signs made from paper that state what they have to sell and what they are looking for. It might sound goofy, but it works.

I don’t have a room at the Clarion, can I still sell there? I would say no. If you do not have a room that you are selling out of and are not participating through selling from Breyer, I would not recommend bringing in models to sell. I would say to leave them in your car and maybe let it be known that you have some trade fodder or something of that nature.

What is best, cash or credit? Well, most people will tell you that cash is king. But many people do accept PayPal and many other forms of credit card payments. If you are coming to Kentucky from out of state, please let your bank know that you are traveling so that they do not shut down your card during the weekend.

Are there local farms to tour? Yes, many of them require you to sign up in advance though so definitely keep that in mind. Old Friends is a fan favorite as you will get to see some retired race horses and learn about their stories. They are also many famous Thoroughbred farms nearby that have amazing tours.

What are some local hotels to stay at? There is a list of ten local hotels in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide to help you get started, along with a link that I found to all of these hotels. I, personally, do not stay in a hotel, however that post in the Guide has several amazing recommendations as well as the ten that I listed.

What kind of food is nearby? What do you like to eat? No, but seriously, there are a lot of restaurants and grocery stores near the Horse Park, if you do not mind a short drive. There is a small list already started in the BreyerFest for Beginners section and I have plans to place all of the recommendations in that post, but time keeps getting away from me.

I am planning to attend the in person event, but I need to know what airports are in the area. I got you! Check out the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide in the FB Group. While I cannot recommend one in particular, I am sure that someone can help you on that post to find one that fits your needs.

What else is there to do in Lexington? There is so much stuff that I honestly forget it all whenever I type this out so I know that some awesome Roadies will always remind me what there is to do. There are Bourbon tours, orchards to visit, lots of museums, Keenland, lots of farm tours, and so much more! But don't forget to pace yourself! There is a list in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide that states many fun "other" things to do beside BreyerFest.

What happens if the in person event is canceled due to Covid? We will cross that bridge when we get to it, if we do. We do not allow any talk of the pandemic in this group, but I have seen this topic come up very often in other groups, on other's pages, and more places. Please know that no matter what, Breyer will have a back up plan and I still have my notes from the last two completely virtual events. You will always be kept in the loop and ready for anything.

Am I required to be vaccinated or required to wear a mask during the in person event? Again, we do not discuss the pandemic and the various topics associated with it here in this group, but this is a common question. Here in Ky, large gatherings are still happening and they do ask that you put a mask on while attending the event, no matter what your vaccine status is. Many people do, many people do not. That is as far as I am going to allow on this topic and comments or submitted posts about this topic will be immediately deleted.

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