Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...BreyerFest Review, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...BreyerFest Review, That Is!

BreyerFest is coming up fast! In fact, there are less than one hundred days until the big event. So I am going to go over some of the things that you will need to know for the big event- no matter how you will attend!.


First, you will need tickets to attend BreyerFest- both in person or virtually. Tickets are only available through Breyer’s website and are non- transferable, meaning that you cannot purchase a ticket from someone else and expect to be able to attend BreyerFest. The only way around that would be for attending the in person event, but I will get to that in a moment. In Person Tickets are only on sale until 5 PM EDT on May 2nd or until sold out, whichever comes first. After that date, there will be no more in person tickets offered. There is currently no cut off date for virtual tickets that I know of at this time.

There are several different ticket types and each one offers something different for the ticket holder, however several of them offer the same things. I know, that statement just sounded so confusing so allow me to get into what it means:

The VIP Ticket- This ticket will be offered as a first come/first served type sale and is limited to one per account. This ticket is sold out.

This ticket costs $230 and you MUST pay for two Special Run models and two Limited Edition models at the time of the purchase so your final price will be over $400, Entry to BreyerFest all three days, One BreyerFest Celebration Horse Model (Nikolas), One complete set of BreyerFest: Prost! Event Stablemates models, Pre-select and pre-purchase two different Special Run models, Pre-select and pre-purchase two different Limited Edition models, Ability to purchase more Limited Editions during the event, Complimentary, exclusive VIP Swag box, Access to workshops, including exclusive VIP sessions (additional fee applies), Ability to enter BreyerFest model horse shows (additional fee applies- sold out), Ability to enter BreyerFest contests, Complimentary KHP Parking pass, valid all three days of BreyerFest, Access to BreyerFest virtual content and shopping

and more!

The All Access Ticket- Currently the only thing that is unknown about this ticket is exactly how many that you can purchase. There is not normally a limit, but Breyer does normally say that they reserve the right to refund at their discretion. This ticket will take the longest to sell out so there are usually no worries if you cannot purchase this ticket type right away.

This ticket costs $80 and comes with everything that you will need to make this an amazing event. Entry to BreyerFest all three days, One BreyerFest Celebration Horse Model (Nikolas), Ability to purchase up to two different Special Run models per ticket, Access to purchase Limited Edition models at the event, Ability to enter BreyerFest Model Horse shows (additional fee applies- sold out), Access to workshops (additional fee applies), Ability to enter BreyerFest Contests, Access to BreyerFest virtual content and shopping,Plus more!

You will need to purchase a parking pass with this ticket or you will be paying each day to park at the park.

The General Access Ticket- Currently this ticket does not have a limit on how many that you can purchase. This ticket comes with one randomly selected Event Stablemate, but does not come with the Celebration Horse. We currently do not know if you are able to purchase multiples of this ticket in order to get a full set. This ticket costs $25 and you will need to purchase a parking pass with this ticket, Entry to BreyerFest all three days, One randomly-selected Event Stablemates model included with each ticket, Access to purchase Limited Edition models, Access to BreyerFest virtual content and shopping, Plus more!

You are not able to enter the contests or the model horse shows with this ticket. You are not able to purchase Special Runs with this ticket.

The Virtual Event Tickets

The next type of tickets that are available are for the virtual aspect of the event. Please do not comment on this post about how you do not like what is being offered, how it is not fair, or comments of that nature. This is just an informative post to help in your decision of purchasing tickets. Please take any and all complaints to the appropriate places and be polite in voicing your opinions.

Online Traditional Ticket- This ticket does not come with the ability to purchase any Special Runs. At this time, we do not know exactly what Breyer has planned for those that only purchase the virtual event tickets, but Breyer has been known to hide surprises so hang in there. Currently, we do not know how many that you are able to purchase, but we do know that if you have more than one person that wants to participate, they must have a ticket purchased on their own account. This ticket costs $55- Access to BreyerFest virtual content all three days, One BreyerFest Celebration Horse Model (Nikolas), Access to purchase Limited Edition models during the event, Access to BreyerFest virtual store during the event, Ability to enter select BreyerFest contests (if tickets purchased before registration deadline), Ability to enter select BreyerFest Model Horse Shows (if tickets purchased before registration deadline),Plus more!

You are not able to purchase Special Runs with this ticket

Online Stablemate Ticket- This is the last ticket type that is available for BreyerFest 2022. Currently we do not know how many that you are able to purchase or if you will be able to purchase a full set of the Event Stablemates.

This ticket costs $25- Access to BreyerFest virtual content all three days, One randomly-selected Events Stablemates model, Access to purchase Limited Edition models during the event, Access to BreyerFest virtual store during the event, Plus more!

You are not able to purchase Special Runs with this ticket

That is what comes with each ticket and their prices. Let’s get into what is the same for each ticket. For each ticket, you get access to the virtual activities, no matter if it is an in person ticket or a virtual ticket. Each ticket allows you to shop the BreyerFest Store- for in person tickets this means both in person and virtually according to the Breyer website. Each ticket allows you to purchase the Limited Edition Models, the BreyerFest merchandise, and special warehouse finds. From what Breyer has posted on their website, it appears that there will be warehouse finds for the virtual attendees as well as the in person ticket holders. All Ticket Holders are able to shop the BreyerFest Store. With each ticket, you will be able to see the Equine demonstrations, the guest horses, the vendor marketplace, the Artisan’s Gallery, and the Swap Meet.

But what is different? Well, the VIP Ticket allowed you to get one of each Event Model (one Celebration Horse and one Full Set of the Event Stablemates), two pre-selected Special Runs paid for at time of ticket purchase, two pre-selected Limited Editions paid for at the time of ticket purchase, a complimentary parking pass, a swag box, the ability to enter the contests, the ability to enter the shows for a fee, and more. The All Access Ticket allows you to purchase up to two Special Runs per ticket using the Special Run Preference List (more on that later), the ability to enter the contests, the ability to enter the shows for a fee, and more. That is all that is different really.

Tickets are going to come down to what you can afford and what you are looking to get out of the experience. If you are new to this all and it is overwhelming, first know that I totally have your back and so do the amazing BreyerFest Veterans here in the group and second, make sure to take a deep breath and know that it is really a lot more to explain than it is to experience. If you are able to attend in person and want to get the most for your money, than the All Access Ticket is the best for you. This will allow you to purchase two Special Runs per ticket, as many Limited Editions as you can afford, enter the contests if you want, and more. However, if you have someone coming with you that is just there for moral support or a child that is over the age of six or wants a model, then the General Access Ticket is the best option for them. This ticket comes with one randomly selected Event Stablemate and the ability to purchase Limited Editions and more.

If you are attending virtually, but you cannot let those Special Runs get away from you, then let me tell you that Breyer actually made the pick up process so much easier with these types of tickets. First, make sure that you have someone that can do the pick up because Breyer will not send any models that are meant for an in person ticket (unless they are a Limited Edition that was purchased online during the event). Next, buy that ticket. When ticket sales end, you will be able to rank the Special Runs using the Special Run Preference List and then pay for it before the event. After you do that, you will need to do the following: Send the first Ticket Book to your pick up person. This allows them access to pick up your models. You will also need to give them the Order Numbers for the Ticket and the Special Runs so that they are able to pick up the Special Run Ticket Book at Will Call during the event. Please note: No International Ticket Books will be mailed out. Your pick up person will need to pick up your Celebration Horse Model and your Special Runs, as well as any other Limited Editions models that you want them to purchase for you, like the Full Set of Event Stablemates if they are able to get one. There will be a UPS Kiosk at the event so that they can ship the models to you right there or there is a post office right down the road from the Kentucky Horse Park.

If you are attending in person, do not forget to purchase your Parking Pass when you purchase your tickets. This is $13 and makes life easier if you are leaving the park and returning often or just in general because you do not have to stop and pay the $5 fee each time that you come into the park. You will also need to select the night that you want to attend The Celebration Of Horses Evening Performance and let me tell you, you will not want to miss that. It is normally the same for each night, but keep in mind that all of the performers have a mind of their own and things can change.

Ticket Books will start being mailed out later in the Spring, according to Breyer. If you are in the Domestic US, then you will be receiving at least one Ticket Book before the event, if you are attending the in person event. International attendees will need to pick up their Ticket Books at Will Call. Virtual Attendees will not be getting Ticket Books as your account is your ticket. For VIP Ticket Holders, you will only be getting one Ticket Book. It will contain your Admission Wrist Band, you Parking Pass, your Celebration Horse Redemption Ticket, your Event Stablemates Redemption Ticket, your Special Run Redemption Ticket, your Limited Editions that you purchased already Redemption Ticket, your Swag Box Redemption Ticket, and your Celebration of Horses Evening Performance Ticket. For All Access Ticket Holders, you will receive two Ticket Books in total. The first one will be sent to your location, if you are in the Domestic US. This one will contain your Admission Wrist Band, your Parking Pass if you purchased one, your Celebration Horse Model Redemption Ticket, your Celebration of Horses Evening Performance Ticket. The Second Ticket Book will need to be picked up at Will Call starting on Thursday July 14th. This Second Ticket Book contains your Special Run Redemption Tickets. For General Access Ticket Holders, you will receive one Ticket Book that contains your Admission Wrist Band, your Event Stablemate Redemption Ticket, your Parking Pass if you purchased one, and your Celebration of Horses Evening Performance Ticket.

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