Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Clearing Up The Confusion Part 2, That Is!

 Let's Talk BreyerFest... Clearing Up The Confusion, That Is! Part 2

Hello Roadies! I had meant to post other things for part two, however I am going to talk about the Model Horse Shows from Breyer for part two since right now, they are very confusing and do not have all of the information released yet.

First and foremost, not all of the information regarding the BreyerFest Model Horse Shows have been released yet. Absolutely keep that in mind when reading this. When that full information is released, it will be shared here in the group, a direct link will be shared in the group so that you can see where I am getting the information from, and a detailed post about it will be added to the Let's Talk BreyerFest Guide. No one has missed anything yet, other than what has been released. So, hang in there. Let's continue on...

BreyerFest Live (the Open Show) and the Children and Youth Show have always been an in person show. There was a teaser on an information graphic that the Online Traditional Access Ticket would be able to access Photo Shows, but it never mentioned the exact photo shows that it would be able to access.

As of right now, Breakables Live (The china model horse) Show is the ONLY Photo Show that has been announced during BreyerFest. That is it. BreyerFest Live and the Children's and Youth Show have been stated that they would be an In Person Show. Could more information be released? Definitely! Could there be another show coming? Maybe. However, until Breyer states the release of another show, these are the three that have been released for BreyerFest. So here is the breakdown:

BreyerFest Live- Open to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders, taking place at the Altech Arena on Friday. Times TBA.

BreyerFest Youth and Children's Show- open to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders of a certain age, taking place at the Altech Arena on Saturday, Times TBA

BreyerFest Breakables Live- Open to VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders, will be held online (likely on Ponybytes, but that information has NOT been stated yet), Times TBA.

That is the entire schedule that we know for BreyerFest. Right now, we simply do not know if Breyer will add another Photo Show just for participants. However, there is still one more thing to throw in the mix right now: Breyer Boot Camp.

This year, Breyer Boot Camp is targeted to Adult Novices that have a VIP, All Access, or Online Traditional Access BreyerFest Ticket for 2022. This Boot Camp is an ONLINE Photo Show that costs $30 to enter and will take place on PonyBytes. Is this the Photo Show that is hinted at in the cryptic Information graphic? It possibly could be. But until Breyer releases the Registration Packs and the complete information for the BreyerFest shows, we will not know all of the information about the BreyerFest Shows.

I know that it is hard to wait for information and I do my best to bring it to you in a timely manner, however right now, we all need to just hang in there. I hope that this has helped!

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