Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Contests Part 2, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Contests, That Is! Part 2 Costume Contest

This year, the Costume Contest is the only exclusively online contest for this year. It is open to VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders and you must create a costume for the theme: Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Here in the group, we have an amazing selection of Grimm’s Fairy Tales that we have been sharing! You will need to create a costume, take up to four photos of yourself in the costume, and send them to Breyer to submit them in the contest. Here are the rules and how to enter:

How to Enter:

To create your BreyerFest 2022 Grimm’s Fairy Tales Costume Contest (“Contest”) entry, first select a character from any of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales to use as inspiration for your costume. Create your costume using any materials you would like. Your costume must be solely created by you, the entrant, without assistance from anyone. Your costume should not include any trademarks (brand names). Your costume should be family-friendly and in good taste. Once you are done, take pictures of yourself wearing your Grimm’s Fairy Tales costume (i.e., take a selfie or use the timer feature on a digital camera or smartphone). Photos many only include you (the entrant). No one other than entrant may appear in photo(s). You may take your photo against a background or in a scene, however entries will be judged on your costume only. Pick the one to four pictures you like the best.

Email (or have your parent or legal guardian email, if under age 13) no more than four (4) digital photographs of your Grimm’s Fairy Tales costume entry (JPEG or PNG files no more than 2MB each) to Parent or legal guardian must submit entry if entrant is under age 13. All photo entries must be in JPEG or PNG digital form. (All other formats, including but not limited to PDF, PSD, and BMP format will be rejected). Images must be attached to the email and not sent embedded/inline or via a digital link. Digital photographs must be named as follows: [YOUR LAST NAME]_BF22Costume_[NUMBER].[.JPG/.PNG]. (E.g.; Smith_BF22Costume_1.jpg) Mail entries will not be accepted.

Your entry must include the subject line “BF2022 Costume Contest” along with your digital photographs, the name of the Grimm’s Fairy Tale and character from that story that inspired your costume, name, age (at the time of entry), mailing address, telephone number, and email address as well as parent/legal guardian’s email address and statement of parental consent if under age 18 (or under the legal age of majority in the entrant’s state of residence in the U.S. or jurisdiction of residence in Canada – whichever is greater) at time of entry. Parent or legal guardian must submit entry if entrant is under age 13. Entry and/or statement of parental consent must be submitted in English. Entries missing any of the above requirements will be immediately disqualified. Entries inspired by stories other than the works of the Brothers Grimm will be immediately disqualified.

All entries must be original and entirely created by the entrant. Only eligible individuals may compete in the BreyerFest 2022 Grimm’s Fairy TalesCostume Contest. Group entries will be immediately disqualified. Photos may only include entrant. No one other than entrant may appear in photo(s).

One entry per BreyerFest 2022 VIP Access, All-Access, or Online Traditional Access ticket holder where allowed.*. Submissions will only be accepted digitally. Contest entry begins on March 8, 2022 at 3:00pm EST (8:00pm GMT) and ends on June 21, 2022 at 5:00pm EDT (10:00pm BST). All entries must be received via email at by Sponsor no later than 5:00pm EDT (10:00pm BST) on June 21, 2022. No other method of entry will be accepted.


Entries will be judged by a judging panel including qualified members of Sponsor's Marketing Team and at least one similarly qualified independent judge. Each entry will be judged on the following criteria: 40% on creativity and originality, 30% on attention to detail, and 30% on how successfully the entry embodies this year’s Grimm’s Fairy Talestheme as described above. Winners may be announced on during BreyerFest weekend, July 15-17, 2022.


Prize: One (1) Prize Model will be awarded to each of twenty (20) winners (five (5) winners in each of four (4) age groups (12 and under; 13-19; 20-40; and 41 and older)).

Prize Model is one (1) Glossy Nikolas BreyerFest Celebration Horse Model Horse (#711506; Estimated Retail Value (ERV) $500 USD each). Total ERV of all twenty (20) Prizes: $10,000 USD.

Availability of Contest:

Contest is open to all legal residents of the U.S. (excluding AZ, CO, MD, NE, ND and VT), U.K., and Canada (excluding Quebec) where allowed with a BreyerFest 2022 VIP Access, All-Access, or Online Traditional Access ticket and an email account. Parent must submit entry if entrant is under age 13. If selected as a potential winner, parental consent is required if entrant is under age 18 (or under the legal age of majority in the entrant’s state of residence in the U.S. or jurisdiction of residence in Canada – whichever is greater). Void where prohibited or otherwise restricted by law.

Complete Rules and Regulations per the Breyer website:

By submitting an entry, you (and your parent or legal guardian on your behalf, as applicable) agree to be bound by the following BreyerFest 2022 Grimm’s Fairy Tales Contest (“Contest”) rules:

This is a skill‐based contest and chance plays no part in the determination of winning. Many will enter, but only twenty (20) will win (five (5) in each of four (4) age categories, as set-out in Rule 13).

Contest is open to all legal residents of the U.S. (excluding AZ, CO, MD, NE, ND and VT), U.K., and Canada (excluding Quebec) where allowed with a BreyerFest 2022 VIP Access, BreyerFest 2022 All-Access, or BreyerFest 2022 Online Traditional Access ticket and an email account. Parent must submit entry if entrant is under age 13. If selected as a potential winner, parental consent is required if entrant is under age 18 (or under the legal age of majority in the entrant’s state of residence in the U.S. or jurisdiction of residence in Canada – whichever is greater). Void where prohibited or otherwise restricted by law.

Contest entry begins on March 8, 2022 at 3:00pm EST (8:00pm GMT) and ends on June 21, 2022 at 5:00pm EDT (10:00pm BST). All entries must be received via email at by Sponsor no later than 5:00pm EDT (10:00pm BST) on June 21, 2022. No other method of entry will be accepted.

To create your Contest entry, first select a character from any of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales to use as inspiration for your costume. Create your costume using any materials you would like. Costume must be solely created by entrant, without assistance from anyone. Your costume should not include any trademarks (brand names). Costume should be family-friendly and in good taste. Once you are done, take pictures of yourself wearing your Grimm’s Fairy Talescostume (i.e., take a selfie or use the timer feature on a digital camera or smartphone). Photos many only include entrant; no one other than entrant may appear in photo(s). You may take your photo against a background or in a scene, however entries will be judged on your costume only.. Pick the one to four pictures you like the best.

Email (or have your parent or legal guardian email, if under age 13) no more than four (4) digital photographs of your Grimm’s Fairy Tales costume entry (JPEG or PNG files no more than 2MB each) to Parent or legal guardian must submit entry if entrant is under age 13. All photo entries must be in JPEG or PNG digital form. (All other formats, including but not limited to PDF, PSD, and BMP format will be rejected). Images must be attached to the email and not sent embedded/inline or via a digital link. Digital photographs must be named as follows: [YOUR LAST NAME]_BF22Costume_[NUMBER].[.JPG/.PNG]. (E.g.; Smith_BF22Costume_1.jpg) Mail entries will not be accepted. .

Your entry must include the subject line “BF2022 Costume Contest” along with your digital photographs, the name of the Grimm’s Fairy Tale and character from that story that inspired your costume, name, age (at the time of entry), mailing address, telephone number, and email address as well as parent/legal guardian’s email address and statement of parental consent if under age 18 (or under the legal age of majority in the entrant’s state of residence in the U.S. or jurisdiction of residence in Canada – whichever is greater) at time of entry. Parent or legal guardian must submit entry if entrant is under age 13. Entry and/or statement of parental consent must be submitted in English. Entries missing any of the above requirements will be immediately disqualified. Entries inspired by stories other than the works of the Brothers Grimm will be immediately disqualified.

All entries must be original and entirely created by the entrant. Only eligible individuals may compete in the Contest. Group entries will be immediately disqualified. Photos may only include entrant. No one other than entrant may appear in photo(s).

Contact and shipping information collected will be used by Sponsor for the purposes of administering this Contest and awarding the prizes only and will not be used for marketing or other purposes. Contest participant likeness as it appears in the submitted entry will be used for the purposes of administering this contest, awarding the prizes, and in future BreyerFest-related advertising. UK entrants’ personal data will be collected and used in accordance with the Contest privacy notice available here.

Limit one (1) entry per person. Entrant must be a BreyerFest 2022 VIP Access, BreyerFest 2022 All-Access, or BreyerFest 2022 Online Traditional Access ticket holder.

Entries will be judged by a judging panel including qualified members of Sponsor's Marketing Team and at least one similarly qualified independent judge. Each entry will be judged according to the following criteria: 40% on creativity and originality, 30% on attention to detail, and 30% on how successfully the entry embodies this year’s Grimm’s Fairy Talestheme as described above. Five (5) potential winners from each of four (4) age groups (12 and under; 13-19; 20-40; and 41 and older) will be determined by the judges in their sole discretion. The decisions of the judges will be final and binding in all respects.

Five (5) potential winners in the 12 and under age group; five (5) potential winners in the 13-19 age group; five (5) potential winners in the 20-40 age group; and five (5) potential winners in the 41 and older age group will be selected on or about July 1, 2022. We will contact the potential winners (or their parent/legal guardian if under age 18 or under the legal age of majority in the entrant’s state of residence in the U.S. or jurisdiction of residence in Canada – whichever is greater) by email on or about July 5, 2022 to confirm shipping address and provide a Prize Winner Affidavit of Eligibility and Liability/Publicity Release (Declaration and Release for residents of Canada). Selected potential winners must confirm receipt of email and verify valid contact and shipping information to Sponsor, and sign and return the executed Prize Winner Affidavit of Eligibility and Liability/Publicity Release (Declaration and Release for residents of Canada), by email (email address will be provided to potential winner in notification email) within three (3) business days or such potential winner will forfeit the prize and an alternate potential winner will be selected. The winning entries and first name, first letter of last name, and state/province/territory/county and country of the winners from each age group (unless the entrant is from the UK and has objected on lawful grounds) may be posted on the Sponsor website ( and Breyer social media during BreyerFest weekend, July 15-17, 2022. Winners agree not to publicly disclose they are winners until Sponsor announcement of winners.

Prize will be awarded in the name of the parent if the winner is under age 18 (or under the legal age of majority in the entrant’s state in the U.S. or jurisdiction of residence in Canada – whichever is greater).

Prize: One (1) Prize Model will be awarded to each of five (5) winners in each of the four (4) age groups (12 and under; 13-19; 20-40; and 41 and older), for a total of 20 winners. Prize Model is (1) Glossy Nikolas BreyerFest Celebration Horse Model Horse (#711506; Estimated Retail Value (ERV) $500 USD each). Winner is responsible for all taxes on his/her Prize. Total ERV all 20 Prizes: $10,000 USD.

Noncompliance or return of prize notification as undeliverable may result in disqualification and selection of an alternative potential winner.

Sponsor may substitute prizes of equal or greater value.

In the event of insufficient eligible entries in a particular age group (i.e., less than 5), remaining prizes will be awarded to the age group with the most eligible entries.

Prize will ship on or around July 25, 2022 at no charge to winner. Estimated ship time approximately 1-2 weeks depending on destination.

Sponsor and Sponsor’s employees, retailers, and their immediate family members (i.e., spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, and/or stepchild, wherever they may live), and anyone else professionally connected with the Contest, are not eligible to enter.

All entries become the sole property of Sponsor (to the maximum extent permitted by law) and may be used or reproduced in any manner and for any purpose by Sponsor without additional consent or compensation, including without limitation for commercial purposes, and will not be acknowledged or returned. By entering, you (and your parent or legal guardian on your behalf, as applicable): (i) grant to the Sponsor, in perpetuity, a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish, display, reproduce, modify, edit or otherwise use your entry/works submitted, in whole or in part, for advertising or promoting the Contest or for any other reason; and (ii) waives all moral rights in and to your entry in favor of the Sponsor (and anyone authorized by the Sponsor to use the entry).

By participating, Contest entrants (and their parent or legal guardian on their behalf, as applicable): (1) represent that they have complied with these Official Contest Rules; (2) grant Sponsor the right to use entrant’s name (first name and first letter of last name), city, state/province/territory, and country, and likeness (as it appears in their entry) (UK entrants’ personal data will be used in accordance with the Contest privacy notice); (3) to the maximum extent permitted by law, release Sponsor from any and all liability in connection with this Contest, and (4) agree to execute an affidavit of eligibility/prize acceptance form and/or publicity release (declaration and release for residents of Canada) if requested to do so, all without further compensation. Entry into the Contest constitutes complete permission for Sponsor to use, edit, or modify all submissions for all purposes including without limitation advertising and trade in any manner or medium whatsoever (UK entrants’ personal data will be used in accordance with the Contest privacy notice). To the maximum extent permitted by law, entrants over the age of 18 and the parents or legal guardians of entrants under age 18 (or under the legal age of majority in the entrant’s state of residence in the U.S. or jurisdiction of residence in Canada – whichever is greater) agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Sponsor, its officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, wherever situated, against claims, losses, penalties, causes of action, damages, liability, costs, expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees) or claims caused by or resulting indirectly from entrants participation in the Contest, without limitation or exception, including entrant's violation of any third-party's rights, including without limitation, infringement of any copyright, trademark, service mark, trade secret, right of privacy or publicity or any other third party right).

Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late or misdirected entries, or incomplete/incorrect submissions and/or entries, or any internet, hardware, or software computer malfunction.

Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify anyone who attempts to tamper or otherwise interfere with the proper functioning of the promotion and/or its website.

Sponsor reserves the right to modify or cancel the Contest in the event of a malfunction beyond Sponsor’s control.

All entries must be original and entirely created by the entrant, must not violate the trademark, copyright, or privacy/publicity rights of any third party, and must not violate any applicable local, federal, state/provincial/territorial, and/or international laws and regulations. Void in Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Nebraska, North Dakota, Vermont, Quebec and where prohibited or restricted by law.

Sponsor is: Reeves International, Inc., 14 Industrial Rd, Pequannock, NJ 07440. Breyer Animal Creations is a division of Reeves International, Inc.

For a copy of these Official Rules or the Winners List (which shall include the first name, first letter of last name, and city, state/province/territory/county, and country of the winner, unless the winner is from the UK and has objected on lawful grounds), send a stamped, self addressed envelope to Sponsor at the above‐address; Attn: BF2022 Costume Contest. Please specify which item you are requesting. Residents of Vermont, Canada, and the U.K. may omit return postage. You may also obtain a copy of these Official Rules or the Winners List by sending an email (with your email address) to: with the subject line “BF2022 Costume Contest request.” Please specify which item you are requesting. 

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