Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Let's Talk...Breyer Boot Camp?!

 Let's Talk BreyerFest...Breyer Boot Camp, That Is!

Hello again, Roadies! This time, I am going to talk about Breyer Boot Camp. This "new-ish" event came about last year as a way to help people get ready to show their models during BreyerFest since last year, BreyerFest had only photo shows. This year, Breyer Boot Camp is returning to help you figure it out all over again!

Can I participate if I showed in it last year? YES! If you are an adult Novice Amateur and still feel that you need to practice before showing at BreyerFest Live or just showing in general, then you are welcome to participate in this event. Adult Novice Amateur means that you are 18 years of age and older and have participated in fewer than five Live Shows.

Breyer Boot Camp is open to VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders for BreyerFest 2022. It costs $30 to register and it is separate event from last year's Breyer Boot Camp, meaning that you need to register if you want to participate this year. Registration ends on April 8th and this Photo Show will take place on A ponybytes account is free and does not cost anything in order to sign up for one. This show is open to Breyer and Collecta horses and animals only. I believe that there will be a division for Customs, however the complete class list will be available once you have registered for the event.

As always, I highly recommend reading the information from Breyer since it usually contains the email addresses of those that are in charge of the event and they will know much, much more than us silly people just talking about it.

Hope that helps!

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