Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Clearing Up The Confusion, Part 1, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest…Clearing Up Confusion, That Is! Part 1

Hello Roadies! Welcome to this Guide post that should help you clear up some of that crazy BreyerFest confusion! This year is a whole new type of event so there is bound to be lots of confusion. I am hoping to help clear some of that up on this post. This will be a multi part series with the first part talking all about tickets.

First and foremost, let’s talk about tickets. Since BreyerFest starts with tickets, that is definitely the best place to start. This year, there are five different types of tickets to purchase- three in person and two virtual. The three in person tickets are the VIP, the All Access, and the General Access. The two virtual tickets are Online Traditional Access and Online Stablemate Access. With every ticket option, you will have access to the virtual aspect of BreyerFest on the Breyer website. With the VIP and the All Access Tickets, you will have access to purchase Special Runs. With all of the ticket options, you will have access to purchase the Limited Editions. But there is definitely more to it. With each ticket purchase, you NEED to have a Breyer account. The Breyer Account is free and is associated with your email address. There is no limits on how many tickets that you can purchase, however there is a limit of six tickets per order. All BreyerFest tickets give you access to all three days of the event. When purchasing your in person tickets, please make sure to select a night for the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance- Friday or Saturday. There is normally no difference between the two, however since the performers are real horses, things can and do change.

The VIP Tickets will get you the best experience of BreyerFest, even if you are not able to physically attend. However, if you have chosen this route, you will NEED to have someone to pick up your Celebration Horse Model, your Full Set of Event Stablemates, your two pre-paid Limited Editions, and your two pre-paid Special Runs. Those models will NOT be mailed to you. However, any Limited Editions that you purchase off of the website during BreyerFest will be mailed to your location. Shipping is not free this year, however we do not yet know the exact prices currently. You will have access to the Contests, if you are able to attend in person and meet the requirements. You can participate in the Costume contest virtually, if you meet the requirements. You will be able to show in the Live Show in person, for an added fee that has not been announced yet. We do not know yet if there will be a Photo Show that is not the BreyerFest Breakables Live, but you will be able to show in BreyerFest Breakables Live. You will be able to participate in the seminars, both in person and virtually, provided that you purchase them since they are an extra cost. The VIP Ticket allows you to experience everything that BreyerFest has to offer, both in person and virtually. You will have a ticket book sent to you later in Spring, if you live in the Domestic US. If you do not live in the Domestic US, then you will be able to pick up this Ticket Book starting on Thursday, July 14th at the Will Call. This ticket book contains your Parking Pass, your Celebration of Horses Evening Performance Ticket, your admission wrist band, your Celebration Horse Redemption Ticket, your Limited Editions (two pre-paid) Redemption Ticket, your Special Run (two pre-paid) Redemption Ticket, your VIP Swag Box Redemption Ticket, and more in it. This is important to bring so please do not misplace it as it will not be replaced by Breyer. If you are having someone pick up your models for you, you will need to send them this Ticket Book. This ticket option is sold out.

The All Access Tickets will get you the next best experience, but will be nearly the same as the Online Traditional Access that we will talk about soon. Even if you can only attend virtually, you can still purchase this ticket, PROVIDING that you have someone to pick up your Celebration Horse Model and your Special Runs since they will NOT be mailed to you. The VIP and the All Access Tickets are the ONLY tickets that are able to purchase the Special Runs. Limited Editions purchased during the event off of the website will be mailed to you, shipping is extra. You will have access to the Contests, if you are able to attend in person and meet the requirements. You can participate in the Costume contest virtually, if you meet the requirements. You will be able to show in the Live Show in person, for an added fee that has not been announced yet. We do not know yet if there will be a Photo Show that is not the BreyerFest Breakables Live, but you will be able to show in BreyerFest Breakables Live. You will be able to participate in the seminars, both in person and virtually, provided that you purchase them since they are an extra cost. The All Access Ticket provides the classic BreyerFest experience that has been provided during previous years, including the virtual events. With this ticket option, you will be receiving two Ticket Books. One will be sent out in the mail to those that live in the Domestic US and will be able to be picked up at Will Call for all other All Access Ticket Holders. In the first Ticket Book, you will receive a Parking Pass (if you purchased one for $13), one Celebration Horse Model Redemption Ticket, your Celebration of Horses Evening Performance Ticket, and your admission wrist band. Do not forget to bring this with you as it will not be replaced by Breyer. The second Ticket Book will only be picked up at Will Call starting on July 14th. This second Ticket Book contains the Redemption Tickets for your Special Runs that you have purchased using the Special Run Preference List. If you are having someone pick up your models for you at the event, they will need the Redemption Tickets and they will need your Ticket Order Number and Receipt of Ticket Purchase to pick up the Special Run Redemption Tickets. You can find out more how this works in the Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Picks Ups, That Is! Guide Post. This ticket option is on sale until 5 PM EDT on May 2nd or until sold out, whichever comes first.

The Online Traditional Access Ticketwill get you the top tier for the virtual only content. While you will not be attending the in person events at the Kentucky Horse Park with this ticket, you will be able to view all of the Equine Demonstrations, the Guest Horse Interviews, and so much more that you would be able to see during the in person event. With this ticket, you will receive one Celebration Horse Model mailed to you. You will be able to purchase Limited Editions on the Breyer website during the event and these will be mailed to you, shipping is extra. You will be able to participate in some workshops, for an added fee. You will be able to view seminars, the Live Shows, access to Hobby Demonstrations, and more. However, please note: The online info-graphic for the Online Traditional Access Ticket states that there will be Photo Shows, however the newest email that was sent out does not state anything about Photos Shows. This question has been posed to Breyer and asked for clarification so we are still waiting on the definitive answer. You will be able to participate in the Costume contest, providing that you meet the requirements- residents of US, Canada excluding Quebec, and UK only, where allowed. No tickets will be mailed to you, your account is your ticket.

The General Access Ticketis the last in person ticket and is the Single Day Ticket of the BreyerFests of the past. This ticket gives you access to all three days of the event, not just one day. With this ticket, you get one randomly selected Event Stablemate. In the past, you were able to select your stablemates or even get a full set, however the rules have changed with this year and it a random selection only and you are not guaranteed a Full Set. You will be able to purchase Limited Editions, either at the event or off of the Breyer website. You will be able to attend the Seminars and see the Hands On Hobby Demonstrations. You are NOT able to purchase Special Runs. You are Not able to participate at the In Person Workshops, however you can purchase an online webinar. You cannot Live Show with this ticket. You cannot enter the Contests with this ticket. You will receive a Ticket Book, providing that you live in the Domestic US, that contains a Parking Pass (if you purchased one for $13), your Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, your admission wrist band, and your Event Stablemate Redemption Ticket. If you do not live in the Domestic US, you will need to pick up your Ticket Book from Will Call starting on July 14th.

The last ticket is theOnline Stablemate Access Ticket. This ticket comes with one randomly selected Event Stablemate. You have the ability to purchase the Limited Editions with this ticket. You cannot enter the Costume Contest with this ticket. You cannot enter the Photo Shows (provided there are any) with this ticket. You can participate in workshops, provided that you pay the extra fee. You are able to participate in the Seminars and the Hobby Demonstrations. You will get access to Live Equine Demonstrations, Guest Horse Interviews, and more on the Breyer website. You will not receive a Ticket Book as your account is your ticket.

That is all of the tickets and what they can and cannot do. All Ticket Holders can view the virtual BreyerFest content and all Ticket Holders can purchase Limited Editions off of the website during BreyerFest hours. Limited Editions can and do sell out. Only the In Person Ticket Holders will receive physical tickets for the event. Pick Ups can be done rather easily with this set up, provided that you trust the person since you will need to share your ticket order number and information, according to Breyer.

All of the information comes from the Breyer website. I hope that this helps!

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